Unironically the best war movie ever made.
Unironically the best war movie ever made
it's shit
Sucky suck my peen you retarded mongoloid
>ywn sing shanties and sail the seas with twinks
It's boring
spotted the roastie.
only if you're 12
Was I the only one rooting for the French?
The world would have been a better place if Napoleon won
The eternal anglo ruins everything as usual
only if you're a retarded Ouiaboo
ugh this is boring every time my boyfriend puts it on nothing happens apart from the captain and doctor being lowkey gay.
What do you think a "cabin boy" is?
captain please stop whipping my bare buttocks okay thanks
the battle scene with the shaky cam is impossible to follow and paved the way for mainstream movies to have actual dogshit fight choreography and then just use a handheld to cover it up
> Chaos panic attack scene with ship being blasted on top of wavy ocean water...
Really? This is the movie you pick to complain about this on? lmao
>"and get this babe: he says one must choose the lesser of two weevils".
>you wouldnt get it
what a kino ending bros, we had to watch this in 8th grade history class and we all started clapping at the end unironically
>However, in the film version, the action takes place in 1805, during the Napoleonic wars, instead of 1813 during the Anglo-American War of 1812, as the producers wished to avoid offending American audiences. In consequence, the fictional opponent was changed from the USS Norfolk to the French privateer frigate Acheron.
>Claps have such fragile egos they literally cannot stand being the bad guys even once.
Maybe it's because bringing up the impressment of American citizens by the British Navy wouldn't look good either
Yes it would have. Too bad the Russian emperor was an Anglo puppet.
OP here, wrong image
I'm ignorant about the French Revolution. I thought it gave birth to liberalism and was a bad thing.
wouldn't leave room for a sequel if the Americans were there to kick their ass
>want to rule europe
>can't into navy
Woman detected.
The Acheron was really the USS Constitution, which won her battles.
Also, the director talked about making the Frogs the enemies and it annoyed him. Also, annoys me since the only Americans that can't handle a movie with Americans as antagonists are movie producers.
Or responding by invading Canada, massacring innocent civilians, getting their asses soundly kicked by hastily-organized militia and eventually getting washington roasted for their trouble, but hey potayto-potahto.
As an American whose NOT from the South, I wouldn't have given a shit if we were the bad guys.
That's because Northerners are the bad guys
Why do you think the decisions kike producers make are representative of Americans as a whole?
For me it's Waterloo
If you liked Master and Commander, you should definitely check out The Terror season 1, very similar vibes.
Thanks, I'll check it out.
Damn, the Brits know only two things: colonialism and how to breed the finest of twinks.
The revolution was wretched and the most powerful of the revolutionaries in government were retards turning Paris into a weird testing ground for social experiments while slaughtering the rest of the country who generally just wanted to get on with life
Napoleon basically saved the country from anarchy while deftly integrating sensible elements of the revolution's ideals (or at least making concessions that were 'good enough' for most) into his governance
However the European old regimes could not accept that he came from non-noble roots and would not tolerant this government to exist, even though it could have been more agreeable than what came before.
My only gripe with this movies is they just mishmash scenes from the aubrey maturin series. It's a shame because the actual master and commander is goddamn fine novel. I guess they weren't expecting a sequel
Royal Navy? Bloody 'ell Pat, look at all those pooftas! Everyone knows it were Yorkshire that beat Boney!
My mother unironically loves this movie, feels good
The French were close to winning the naval war quite a few times. They definitely knew how to build ships. Hell, the Surprise was French.
>Yes it would have. Too bad the Russian emperor was an Anglo puppet.
Thats a funny way of saying:
>Every single European monarch was related to one another and played war games with each other, until for the first time ever an NON-royal managed to change Europe forever, by creating a national identity and promoting officers based on merit not on title and managed to conquer all of Europe with ideas of freedom and national pride and not just cannon fodder for monarch war games
Was the colonel right bros?
>Lorem superposés valise pourparlers rêver chiots rendez-vous naissance Eiffel myrtille. Grèves Arc de Triomphe encore pourquoi sentiments baguette pédiluve une projet sentiments saperlipopette vachement le.
blow me, frog
Im Austrian.
I have an alternative history headcannon where napoleon decided to say fuck Europe and instead used his grand army to develop their territory in the new world.
unironically sucks
No, that's Letters from Iwo Jima.
so like Peter I of Brazil, with Louisiana?
Oi don't give a shoite, sir. Emp'ror dis, King dat, all de same to me. So long as oi'm gettin' paid.
Less than 20,000 French were killed during the Terror. Over 500,000 French died during Napoleon's invasion of Russia.
>Conveniently ignoring the ~half million civilians killed in reprisal massacres by the revolutionary government during the Vendean uprising and other revolts against the revolutionary government
Ah yes liberal rhetoric
this, we will never see its like again
Was it autism?