Fuck I love when castmates go at each other

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let them fight

Based Rose. Alyssa is just straight up partisan.

Rose is non-binary

alyssa milano is liked by nobody but neolibs

No she's not. In fact she doesnt care much for the trans cult at all

>caring what females think
>caring what celebrities think
whew lads

Remember when Rose McGowan was caught by the fbi trying to smuggle cocaine from an asian shit hole and enty predicted that she will spill the beans on everyone in Hollywood to get herself out of the situation.

That's what metoo was all about.

Cast that didn't get along?
Jamie and Adam in Mythbusters. They hated each other.

The cast of the original Star Trek. Egos always battled.

Ponch and John from CHIPS. Erik Estrada wanted to be the sole star of the show, and would eventually muscle out the actor who played John.

Imagine being so hateful of Trump that you'd willingly choose someone bad for not being him. Sad.

Based Alyssa. Biden v Trump will be pure kino

Joe Biden is a rapist and will lose to Trump


Oh shit are they gonna do the spells that make their bewbs grow?

I remember seeing her give some good head.

I'm going to jerk off to Rose's fappening videos again.

Who will the left blame after their inevitable big loss? Can they go with Russia again? Or will it be ALL non neutered straight white males this time from the get go?

>Jamie and Adam in Mythbusters. They hated each other.

tell me more

No, you can't just take a persons word for it unless they support a different political party

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is this why you're an incel?

They will blame corona for not allowing them enough time to properly campaign

They don't hate each other, user was being a faggot. They just don't hang out because they have little in common outside of work and they'll sometimes argue about how a build should be done. They don't hate each other. They aren't like Shatner and Takei.

>believe victims

literally calling for mob mentality


Wait, Did Joe Biden molest Alyssa Milano? What am I losing here?

Speaking of Takei, whatever happened to his metoo? Or are gay asians immune to it?

Shame that Rose got in that accident or whatever it was. Now I gotta pick Alyssa because Biden is our best chance of winning, and I'd much MUCH rather fuck someone who's non deformed.

Holy fucking shit the hypocrisy.

>You are a fraud

Didn't Rosie get busted paying $400,00 in hush money to a minor she fucked while also jumping on the #metoo bandwagon? I think her fiance, some famous chef, killed himself later.

>cusses the troon out *after* it get dragged out
what a spine on her

>#BelieveAllWomen !!!!


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that was asia argento

>Rose and Alyssa hate eachother
Nothing new there, it's been that way since Alyssa became executive producer on Charmed

Biden and the DNC. Have you not seen what the left thinks of him?

Oh look more #believewaman bullshit. #metoo had like what, one hit with weinstein and everything else (not gay) has been complete and utter bs and lies.

>we're the same!

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He's gay, old and not as popular as he thinks he is so no one really cares. Spacey couldn't get away with it because he was part of a huge Netflix show. The only thing Sulu is known for in the past 20 years is jerking someone off on Howard Stern.

Ok source on both of these what the fuck

Former staffer said he came up behind her, sniffed her hair, and put a couple of fingers in her.

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Weinstein was just the lamb they led out to slaughter so all the woke cunts could pat themselves on the back while Hollywood sexual abuse and jobs for sex continue

I fucking hate the Democratic Party. Were they just crossing their fingers that Dump's team would completely forget about all his fondling of young women caught on camera?
THIS is the unity candidate? Fucking Christ, Dump's going to win 40 states...

>sniffed her hair
Well... He has even done that in public.
About the rest... We know he prefers them... Different.

Joe is fucking based

Disney pushed Weinstein under the train as a revenge for making The Weinstein Company instead of keep working at Miramax when Disney bought the company.

The only unbelievable part is that she wasn't 11.

Hopefully they all get Corona

god I hope they start scissoring

Like any of this matters, Trump will blow Biden the fuck out in November anyway. Even Bernie cant win against Trump and Bernie can at least string together words to form sentences.

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Despite being an insane whore, Rose has been pretty consistent throughout this whole mess.
>calls out Asia for being a child groomer
>calls out Alyssa for being a partisan retard
It's kind of based.

The winner has to watch me have sex with the loser and after that, they have to have sex with me.

Funny how you literally don't hear ANYTHING about those (probably false anyway) allegations in the media.

hows the third actress/older sister? is she a mentally ill single cunt as well or did she get out before hollywood ruined her mind as well?

Second this. Hopefully naked and covered in oil

>So we lost that last election over border policy and anxiety that people in the mid west have for their jobs and livelihoods
>Let's continue to ignore these 2 issues entirely
The Democrats are actually retarded, it's fucking amazing to watch honestly

Yeah it's starting to grow on me how Rose is one of the few sincere "all men are rapists reee" types while so many other feminists are now openly saying "all men are rapists until the Democratic National Committee vouches for them"

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Why all the hot girls are always the brainwashed crazy ones
She's Hallmark material nowdays so she must be conservative at some degree

Hershlag BTFOing McGowan

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>asniffa milano

i will always pick alyssa because of comman.. er embrace the vampire, well actually double dragon because the way she bends down and crawls into the sewer showing that ass.

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what is happening in the West right now is the best argument against democracy and "freedom" (i.e. manufactured consent). Anyone who accuses a man of misconduct has their reputational slate wiped clean and should be believed 100% for some reason. The fact that no one in the media has the correct framing on all this (deranged vindictive grandstanding cock-sucking slob whore) is a shame.

I'm reading about the 80s-90s sex/moral panics and think to myself - how could people be so stupid back then? And here we are, taking the words of cat roasties for gospel (don't get me wrong, fuck weinkike and biden).

They're still counting on the long con where 10, 20 years from now elections can be won in landslides solely with black and brown votes

I wonder where the National White Flight is going to be directed? Because we've already seen it in microcosm, white people abandoning cities like Baltimore and Philadelphia as nonwhites gain permanent electoral majorities, but I gotta imagine a lot of whites will pack their bags and leave the US once white votes just stop mattering in national elections.

In addition to this, they have both spoken highly of each other's professionalism and ability to get things done despite their differences. They just weren't friends is all. Completely neutral. But there was respect.
Thank fuck Discovery didn't try to force some drama there


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based rosey

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best girl right here

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Rose has also been the most consistent meme fuel stan twitter has had since... I dunno when. Maybe ever?
It really was a cultural reset.

Old people and libs. Literally the worst.

Reminds me of Nina Paley, a jewish cartoonist who got cucked by her husband while he was working in India, and she made a whole movie about it (Sita Sings the Blues, which is actually good). Then became a radical lesbian feminist for women right, but she's against trannies so fags are against her aswell. She's anti copyrights laws too. She's mentally crazy but kinda based too.

sounds like plan.

lmao no country will accept white refugees

Supposedly she was a huge bitch on set, but that just makes her hotter.

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>actresses get roles by sucking dick
>Rose McGowan is literally the only celebrity whose ever been filmed sucking dick that was actually good at it
I don't understand how this happens

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what kind of retard cares about the political beliefs from the girl from "who's the boss" anyway

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She somehow made herself a political institution

The branches of government are now the Executive, the Judicial, the Legislative, and Alyssa Milano

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The based and redpilled kind, user. Being a fucktard is an act of resistance, didn't you know that?

what ethnostate lmao
every country in Europe is exactly as white as the US was in 1970/1980 and every country in Europe is gonna face the same fate, accelerated, in the next few years

>Tara Reade

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>I don't understand how this happens
You'd have to be stupid to ask "how does this happen" and not immediately be able to answer it. I get that it's been the funny haha thing to verbalize confusion for the past few years but nobody has any idea how stupid they sound when they do it.

They ask for a body double. Rose doesn't.

Watch Rose on video in recent interviews, she has the same face ticks and licks as Heath Ledgers joker who copied the mannerisms of people on high does of Lithium

According to Alyssa who has turned out to be a huge egomaniac, so who knows what the truth is.


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How could you completely miss a celeb dude.

Not even the right person man - wtf.

ready not ready
Both were the same star status mindset so they clased and Alyssa and her tits won.

I'm serious about my confusion.

>get roles by sucking dick
>except you're actually as bad at sucking dick as you are at acting
After seeing so many "real" actresses in action, I now believe Sasha Grey deserved a MUCH stronger Hollywood career than she got

You dont know any women do you? Those reasons are enough for them to hate eachothers gut.

That's Asia Argento dummy, Rose critizised her.

>I'm serious about my confusion.
That's even worse.

wtf I love khazars now

I asked a precise question and made an important point and you responded with a fuckin wojak, I am slain.

Time to finish me off by greentexting THIS post with the soi version!

you couldn't post the Godzilla guy saying that? lazy fuck.

Reminder: Piper was best girl

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>being this much out of the loop
do you even come to tv tourist? you need to go back

Stop talking past me, you ESL jerkoff.

I don't know what you think ESL means, but it isn't English as a Second Language. God damn, school's been out for 2 weeks and you're already shitting out your entire education.

Alyssa Milano peaked in Commando

she was very nice too before the whole 'metoo' shit. got her autograph on 'class of 1999' and 'terror planet'.

No dude - embrace of the vampire.

Were there really that many sucking dick videos in the fapping? All I saw were pics

>no one post the breast inflation webm yet
goddamit Yas Forums


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