Why don't we have good sci-fi anymore, like we did in the late 60s to early 80s...

Why don't we have good sci-fi anymore, like we did in the late 60s to early 80s? Everything from the 90s onward is a hackneyed sequel, reboot, or ripoff. Have all the best stories already been told?

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the people with stories to tell are not in a position to do so. the people who get to write stories are there due to nepotism and other bullshit.
and who knows, maybe there's great sci-fi and you won't give it a chance because it's on a streaming service you "don't like"

Becouse we dont have writers who understand scifi anymore. Look at modern product. People making them dont understand how big space is anymore, laws of physics are out of the window and scifi is just magic that make their shitty plot happen.

There is no big unknown in these people world or worries how would aliens react to us or would they be anything like us. Expance is closest we have these days. But even that is turned go virtual to have strong female characters and other shit nobody cares about.

I have actually found the streaming originals to have the worst sci-fi. They do well with other genres, but not this one. The problem is always that between good acting, high budget, and interesting narrative, they only have one. I like a lot of modern sci-fi. But when I go back to the golden age films? They don't hold a candle.

OP, it's because you can't make large scale slow moving sci-fi anymore driven by ideas.

Can we just come out and say that the worst thing about the new Alien movies is trying to explain the Space Jockey? I watched this shit as a kid and was just blown away by this bizarre unexplained creature. I had so many questions like why the crew seems unfazed by this, why there's only one of them, why it looks like they're part machine. And then you figure it out it's actually somehow just retconned into 7 foot tall androgynes that look absolutely nothing like this behemoth elephant monster that fills your head with all the possible whimsy of a larger world in this schlock

Havent you seen those pictures of the mountains of scripts producers are given that they dont read through? Wanna know how many good scifi stories are in there? Probably thousands
Wanna know whose story gets picked up? The son of the director of some 80s comedy movie, and he's doing a reboot of some 80s scifi movie because its original director is friends with his dad, and it'll have a full roster of all the actors who attended his bar mitzvah.

>Sci-fi in the 90s was bad
Absolutely fucking wrong, what are you talking about

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Space is tapped out. We used to think it was a world of endless possibility and strangeness and it turns out its just a lot of flyover country full of background radiation. There's a decent chance there's literally nothing of interest out there to ever stumble upon except mineral wealth.

>Why don't we have good sci-fi
Ok boomer, time for another star trek rewatch for ya.

Did you miss the new Star Wars?

Yes movies nowadays tend to want to explain the origins of everything

Just wait, user.

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>Everything from the 90s onward is a hackneyed sequel, reboot, or ripoff.
The 90's through early 2000's was the golden age for sci-fi television though. Trek, SG-1, B5, Farscape, The X-Files, etc. And to answer your question it's because producers are no longer willing to take risks, everything must be from a known brand or it is worthless.

>Why don't we have good sci-fi anymore, like we did in the late 60s to early 80s? Everything from the 90s onward is a hackneyed sequel, reboot, or ripoff. Have all the best stories already been told?
Your pic related is just a ripoff of Planet of the Vampires.

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Avatar's deepening story is going to surprise you. Spoiler/Hint:Pandora's environment and the Na'vi aren't the simple result of evolution. They're the second emergent sapience on a post-singularity planet. The first is so far beyond humanity that it will seem like a god to even the humans.

Fuck yes.

It's been Marvelized, shooty shooty bang bang Sci-Fi, It died years ago

Wow, just WOW

>Why don't we have good sci-fi anymore

We have but not made from jews.

There is good scifi nowadays, the issue is that none of it ends up being as iconic. Why? Because the creature designers all rip each other off and use the most generic FACELESS TENTACLED MONSTER designs all the time. Never anything memorable, and even when there is, it's usually stuck in an otherwise bad movie.

Obviously not everything scifi needs creatures, but we can agree that the franchises with creatures tend to be the most memorable.

Do you reckon spice enhances your cooms?

district 9

Are they taking down a rebel faction here?

You're forgetting that the "good sci-fi" you're remembering was spread out over a long time period. There was about one sci-fi movie a year or three that wasn't a B movie or direct to video. You don't feel it because you encountered them in the video store years later.

Being a sci-fi fan in the 80s was physically painful unless you were into horror movies.

yea but it's OC from the creator.

Blade Runner 2049 is better than the first one, but that's a rare exception

It's an addendum to Arthur C. Clark's famous quote:

>Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Any sufficiently advanced technology would be as seamless as nature.

moon was really good. of course that was 12 years ago

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blew upon blew

a good sci fi story is like a jigzaw puzzle where at the end you dont get all the pieces.
The normies hate this, so they ruin the stories to appeal to them with exposition and over explanation

>no good sci fi movies

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>laws of physics are out of the window
If anything it's the opposite with the better sci-fi nowadays
They're trying so much to be realistic that it almost gets dull

anime shit

everything is either big budget or a cheap ass horror movie these days

this this this. not all mysteries are meant to be solved. space jocky is an excellent example. way creeper and more interesting to leave it unexplained

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Lol it is the opposite.

reddit larpers actually believe this

>being this autistic

it's based on a book that got adapted into a manga

>Why don't we have good sci-fi anymore
I strongly disagree

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Everything to be said has been said, everything new has been done. Sci-fi is just flavor text now. It's just a setting for whatever male lead and female costar to experience action and romance.

You can go further with it, but you still don't have to explain it. Imagine watching a species that had essentially merged with its technology operate. Imagine watching, as a human with our clunky, distinct tech, one of the Jocky's species, walk over and assume his "shift" at the controls, "growing" into it in seconds as pieces of his organic side slough off and get "eaten" by the floor of his ship. It looks horrible to us, painful, but this is just his day. No pain involved in it for him because he and the tech dampen pain receptors at will. He neurally/organically integrates himself, does his "shift," then disengages and reconstitutes himself when he's done. The character observing this knows none of this, so to them and the audience, it looks like something straight out of Hellraiser.

It stars Ryan Gosling. It is therefore shit.

t. tranny

No seriously, I am looking forward to this

You kinda answered, it bombed.
2049 bombed.
And so on. I mean everything is adjusted for retards, it happens to TT games as well.
I love UtS btw, great taste.

It's a purification of some xeno-worshipping faggots. Those spheres are supposed to be some kind of alien daemon-machine from the old lore.

t. troon


It's crazy to think that without that one retarded 5 sentence monologue, there would be absolutely nothing for you mongoloid faggots to cling to and claim that there was some fantastically deep narrative to that boring, plodding piece of shit. And for the record, preferring the original Bladerunner (aka being a contrarian faggot just so you feel unique) is the actual reddit opinion.

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Is this Reddit Screw trying reverse psychology? Both are great.
2049 is better written, 1982 better shot

Don't bother with You bait
Both Blade Runner films are extremely good and if you think either one of them is bad you're a certified mental midget. Fact.

>2049 is better written

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The original just oozes with atmosphere in every single shot. It's an experience to watch it. But 2049 is the better movie.

Anyone who thinks 1982 is better shot is the exact kind of brainlet who thinks movies in black and white are inherently better. No, grainy low quality footage does not equate mise-en-scène. Trying learning literally anything about film before ever talking on this subject again.

In that one game yea

>Trying (sic) learning literally anything about film
>calls 2049 better shot than the original
You first lmao.

that music and atmosphere, tho

How does it feel to know that Nolan and Villeneuve are your only hope when it comes to Hollywood sci-fi sci-fifags?

Deckards Log: "As I look back on my use of shot-reverse-shot over and over again with a completely flat backdrop, I realize what a colossally overrated douche I am"

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who gives a fuck about hollywood

The space race really helped, they could make some money from what was currently going on or just happened, now everyone is about capeshit so that's what is made

Looking at this thread sci-fifags.

I saw the cast
It's going to suck

Savescumming: The Movie

The industrial era (first sci-fi age) and the postwar period (second sci-fi age) had exhilarating leaps and bounds of technology. In those times, scientific potential seemed limitless, especially to the layperson. The space craze is behind us now. No more monumental government investments, and fewer vast chasms in theory where unknown things roam.

Computers were interesting for a decade, contributing to an appropriately intense but short lived sci-fi wave. Now they too are played out, reduced to a smaller role in the current milquetoast sci-fi. The current state of the genre, featuring politics, (Children of Men, District 9) hardish sci-fi, (Sunshine, Moon) and AIs, (Her, Ex Machina) suggests a gradually gestating future sci-fi that's waiting to take off. These are tentative attempts to imagine the future. At this point, just one great work or event could set off a cascade of creativity.

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Good stuff appears here and then. The 60s-80s had a ton of godawful sci-fi, worse than you could imagine, but it’s not as remembered as the greats. It’s like music. We remember the hits, forget the shit.