Honest opinion on CinemaSins?

Honest opinion on CinemaSins?

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They're way too long. The "sins" are often reaches, where the faggot "sin" guy just disagrees with the creative choices of the director. The faggot also proposes alternative explanations for the "sins" which mean they aren't really sins.

The early ones were fun but the later ones are fucking terrible and autistic. None of them should ever be longer than 5 mins.

Reading. *ding*

fucking garbage and quintessentially american, they couldn't analyse a movie to safe their lives and they have zero passion for the artform, the creators of CinemaSins tried many different clickbait grifts until they found one that stuck and then capitalised of it. its just WatchMojo without a woman's voice

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That's not disgust, it's anger. Someone's flirting with the girls and their male company doesn't like it.

I learned these things, why can't you you fucking autist

worthabuy has a better ding

theyre based, I watch cinemasins edits instead of the actual movie a lot of the time

The most low effort shit ever made and normies just eat it up. I wish I'd thought of it.

good point, ill retroactively use this one instead

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>theyre based, I watch cinemasins edits instead of the actual movie a lot of the time

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Their Last Jedi review was surprisingly good

Fight me

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Their criticisms are often them not understanding basic plot points of the movie, when called out on that they claim it was a joke, but the "joke" isn't funny. So it's useless as criticism and as comedy.

all content creators have long videos nowadays. it's what the alorithm needs and so the weak flesh complies

Mildly entertaining back when they were just pointing out potholes and continuity errors in movies with the occasional joke, now they're fucking obnoxious and they think they're real film critics, inserting their stupid political agenda into everything and sinning dumb shit because they dont understand the movie. This fucker actually sinned the scene in watchmen where dr Manhattan watched the vietnamese lady get shot because he didnt save her when that was the entire point of the fucking scene

>all content creators have long videos nowadays. it's what the alorithm needs and so the weak flesh complies

So? That's no excuse for producing unwatchable crap. They could tack four five minute videos into one twenty minute video if that's true.

Facile garbage

Yas Forums is that way

He's only good for the EWW CinemaSins guy.

That would mean watching more movies which takes longer, and these guys aren't doing it out of passion, they're doing it to make money.

Longer videos = appearing higher in the YouTube recommendation algorithm = more hits = more money.

This. They also have white guilt, saying that them being white is a sin.

based yet cringe

No they don’t, Yas Forums.

It started off as a fun passion project that devolved into a shitty job. A lot of user's have made great points. Honestly I only liked the Harry Potter ones since it broke down the films and I dropped them mid way thru. It's one of those things that should have came and went but is still some how around.

Also wasn't someone on their team one of those male feminist that surprise surprise turned out to a rapist or predator or some shit. I wish these guys would drop the feminism shit and just be honest they want that pussy like the rest of us, but they are beta bitches who sperg out when their master plan of going to women marches for 3 years results in getting rejected.

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a great way to watch a movie while not watching a movie

Not him, but you don't know what you're talking about. Please stop pretending to be smart on the internet.

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for me it's Dead Meat

Nobody should take anything he makes seriously,its just meme videos I refuse to believe that anyone thinks that his videos have any value

CinemaWins is better

guy straight up shilled for dc saying that they had the greatest characters ever and that capt america winter soldier or civil war was going to bomb hard (can't remember which one). he went on to say that batman v superman was going to mop the floor and wipe out marvel for good because marvel didn't have any A list characters other than wolverine and spiderman.
when the movies came out, that video was 'deleted', but later resurfaced on someone else's channel.

i can't believe i bought two of their shirts

They literally do, why do you have to lie? Watch their everything wrong with cinemasins video.

Cinema sins confirmed shit garbage then


They are basically just Yas Forums without the autism and get paid. I like them. People only hate on them because they feel THEY are being mocked for being internet retards that live online rent free.

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you'd be surprised. It's amazing how butthurt people get when talking about CinemaSins and their "criticisms".

They are reddit incarnate and if you honestly can't see this, you are as well.

>woah woah woah.. theres a rape scene in this horror film?
>NOT cool man women are gods!

Absolutely worthless. It's not funny as satire and it's not insightful as criticism.

post what you look like ahahaha

Occasionally it's funny but their taste is reddit-tier, lavishing praise on Baby Driver and Mad Max: Fury Road while hating Casino Royale and Taken.

[at the time i bought them] add 40kg to this guy and you have me

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The worst thing about these fags is that they don't have enough backbone to commit to either satire or "critique" and instead skirt the line and try to be both. They pretend to give actual criticism and let their redditor audience use them as a way to "watch the movie without watching it", but as soon as someone points out how stupid their points are and how little they understand anything it suddenly turns into just satire bro, even though they have the same points in their serious review videos.

Show me one (1) example of this happening.
>inb5 podcasts
who cares

He won't show jeepers creepers because the director is a child molestor, which is a good reason, that's the only thing I can think of that could upset you.

Didn't mean to quote, my bad.

Was that before or after you picked up calistenics?

bobvids played that clip at the end of this video


>inb4 massively triggered cinemasins fans

kek, before

Jack Frost, retard


didn't stop him from making the video, so literally what's your point?
Sane people don't condone rape towards anyone.

>They never did that, prove it!
>[proves it]
>So what?!
You lost m8, move on

You're never going to convince someone who argues in bad faith and has no morals.

interpreting human mimics isn't being smart asshole. and just take a look at the fucking picture, that's not disgust. the guy is angry, left girl is being sassy, right girl responds

Except it's only a half-truth.
James just says it's a shitty scene - in a shitty movie, he's not going QUEENZ.
>inb4 grasping for straws
Should've been more specific then, champ.

Post vid

>quintessentially american
what did you mean by this?


Thanks for proving my point autists.

>Production logos?
>5 sins

Why does he hate logos so much?

Anyone still watching this after their TFA video should be lined up against a wall and shot. Change my mind.

So everyone on the internet?

>white guy tries speaking a language other than English
Blatant racism. *ding!*

Just you in this case, though.