Is this the most kino scene of all time?
Is this the most kino scene of all time?
not even the most kino scene of that trilogy
this is the most kino
Does GoT have any memorable battlegrounds?
Nothing beat this for me. Something so timeless about faceless hooded characters, and they way they all slowly walk up to them. Almost like they're savoring the moment and the terror.
if it didn't have such a disgusting digital desaturated piss filter all over it
>Bro just charge down a vertical slope into a thousand man deep pike formation
It was silly
GoT battles are all several tiers bellow LotR, with the exception of Blackwater
the pikes didn't matter because the orcs were becoming heavily demoralised from Gandalf appearing with an army. that's why they had all tried running away as soon as the horses clashed
Fellowship is the only truly great film out of the three
I figured the wizards 10 mile range flashbomb solved most of the issues they would have had. Otherwise yeah, it would have been a mile high pile up of broken horse legs and screaming men.
they're all great films, fellowship was just the best of the three and one of the best movies ever
>Uruk-hai hate sunlight
>Charge down hill with sunlight behind your back
No, this is
no, the best LOTR scene is the one with niggers in it
that was great. I'm sad they cut the fight with the wet balrog
Is Blackwater the one with the exploding boats? I guess that was an ok effect but the only battle I remember was some gay little stretch of beach and a wall. I suppose you could say Castle Black or some stuff like the zombies lake fight beyond the wall are pretty good.
This one is
>Jackson's LOTR trilogy came out 40 years ago
Make it stop
>Watching the middle hobbit movie (forget the name)
>General dumb, nonsensical extra shit added on
>Inappropriately over-CGI'd
>Shitty dwarf/elf love subplot
>Stupid aspect ratio
>The one thing that stuck out like a sore thumb was the creepy Somalid woman with yellow bug-eyes in the Laketown crowd
She was in the shot for about a second and a half, maybe 2 seconds. She was just so distinctively ugly and out of place that it's the only thing I can remember about that whole mediocre movie. I literally forgot it was the one with Smaug until I was typing this post out.
Blackwater and the charge of the knights of Vale
This is the best movie scene ever.
Wrong scene. I fixed it for you.
it's inspired by the battle of vienna in which hussar lances were longer than standard infantry pikes used at the time but Jackson fucked it up
Does anyone else feel like movies just peaked in the late 90s/early 2000s somehow
As far as blockbuster movies go, yes.
>The Last Samurai
>Lotr trilogy
>spiderman 1-2
>master and commander
>curse of the black pearl
>batman begins
I really hate the last minute save trope. It's last 6
read another book
Battle of the Bastards.
how the fuck are these movies so much better than other fantasy
>batman begins instead of the dark knight
oh wee you're so contrarian therefore an interesting person!
yeah, this poster is based
just kys
Fucking loved that shit.
it had its moments, but it also had issues. that cutfest in the middle portion where you couldn't tell who was where. idiot good guys not giving the giant a weapon for some reason. etc.
peter jackson, his wife and that other woman who did the commentary with him basically made this as a passion project with studio backing and had a firm grasp of everything fron sets and costumes, shooting locations, music, script, effects shota and cgi. they read the source material numerous times and cherry picked as much as they could which is why the extended edition work as complete films. it's a lot of things falling into place with the right people and fucking new zealand being the perfect place for this type of film. they also had the backing of the communities in NZ who helped with everything from making costumes to building sets, being extras. the NZ army/engineers also helped out a ton. from what i recall the final battle at the gates of mordor had aragorn giving a battle speech to actual army guys in costume to get them pumped and it was shot on some sorta live fire range/cleared minefield. everyone was into it at every level.
LOTR was lighting in the bottle, an anomalous quantum event that happen once and cannot be repeated. We should be grateful that they filmed all three movies at once, because The Hobbit proved that was an engine that once stopped, could not work as well anymore.
This one is
She was supposed to be ugly and out of place. It's demoralization propaganda.
Why didn't they up-armor the giant? Just web a bunch of shields together to make scale-mail. Give him a better weapon than a club. and a helmet. The battle was the equivalent of two teams of toddlers playing flag football, but one team has an 8ft tall NFL linebacker.
seconding this, that scene was truly epic, especially that callback later (?) in the movie where you see their fight after gandalf loses his grip.
a massive dark room, soon illuminated by the fire of the balrog? i could watch this scene a hundred times and still be amazed by that shot
Yea this is the moment.
Poor Aragorn had to follow this up at the end. Got out did in his own titular film.
Speaking of, Aragorn doesnt have an amazing shinning moment to me in this film.
The trilogy in general is the most kino shit of all time. Nothing will ever come close to matching it. We are fortunate to have received such a blessing before this shit age of forced progressive bullshit was shoved down everyone's throat in every piece of media we consume today
His part at the gate wasn't terrible by any stretch.
I think Battle of the Bastards was a cool battle but the actual location is pretty boring. It's just the fields/hills outside of Winterfell.
Allow me to refresh your memory with some real fucking Kino
Worst “battle” of the series
I agree that it is damn good, but Theodens speech and the Rohirim charge eclipses it by a mile.
Black gate speech
Coronation song alluding to elendil and numenor
>sister sees me watching lord of the rings again
>what do you like about LoTR user, they just fight wars for most of it
How does one respond to this?
>tfw have seen this scene so many times that I even remember the squeals and grunts of the orcs getting into position
fuck your sister
This is the most kino scene of all time
tell her its like playing D&D but you don't have to talk to anyone
No, this is
man i really like the lil sound the oliphant rider's horn makes
good stuff
actually tolkien's depiction of the pre-hyperborean civilization cycle makes me feel a deep connection to my primal, ancient self, which you, a womanoid, could not possibly comprehend even if you tried,
its kinda cringy that people think thor's arrival in wakanda or portals scene in endgame are better than this