I’m sick and tired of seeing his deluded sectarians apologising this mega turd sociopathic faggot. “Oh, poor babe Ezra got provoked by an ugly stalking thot, she deserved it, bae can’t do no wrong”. Fuck y’all denying the reality. It’s already official that they weren’t horse playing and that moron actually attacked another person and intended to harm her hadn’t there been others who helped throwing him off. Fucking BDSM wannabie femboy living cringe.
I’m sick and tired of seeing his deluded sectarians apologising this mega turd sociopathic faggot. “Oh...
Other urls found in this thread:
He should have been cancelled by now
>it's a homosexual zoomer makes another aidskike thread.
i sick and tired of seeing this faggot on this gayass board
All zoomers, faggots, trannies, queers and their enablers must hang.
glad everyone is on the same page
Anyone got the full video?
Don't care just wanna cum deep in his butt
Ezra is relentlessly handsome.
haha you statistically have AIDS
Enjoy watching this ‘tard.
Kill yourself faggot scum
who isn’t, but this is important
Video kind of too short to tell if his actually playing along with the fans or actually real.
But oh well Ezra is kind of a weirdo anyway.
I know I wanna knock Ezra's neghole up with it :)
>believing this is important
Well there goes his career...
Kill yourself gay cunt
Were it you or me, nobody would care. The clip got viral on Twitter and streamable, almost 7M in one and half day.
Kill yourself faggot scum
If you had the chance with a wand to change something in this world, what would it be?"
"I'd destroy the patriarchy."
Ezra Miller 2016
Ezra Miller 2020: chokes and pushes to the ground a woman
Talk about hypocrisy
Playful pff
It is mostly WB shills. Some of them call it fake or that it was a joke. It was quite pathetic seeing them scramble yesterday
They can say he was kidding but what he did afterwards made it worse for his career
It's just the same discord tranny samefagging
he could spread ‘rona-chan, besides what a pussey-wussey move to spit on sb. straight up disrespectful
Why does he have random string all over his costume?
Bc that’s phagotticc
beat and kill all women, and trannies.
>I’m gonna take the concept and make my own
> I have followers, you don’t
Any more proof he’s a narcissistic, privileged, manipulative, intellectual-property stealing nutter?
I don't see the problem. It's what happens when you let trannies be trannies.
This is good. IT exposes them
Choke one person
Hypocritical faggot
So they were harassing Ezra
I went to see Iron Man in the cinemas and there was a guy sitting behind me who kept on shouting out the "CREDIT CARD? YOU GOT IT" line from Home Alone 2. Like, every thirty seconds or so. Incredibly annoying and irrelevant, it really ruined my enjoyment of the film. As a result, kill yourself
so where's the video??
It's whatever the faggot version of simping. is I swear.
All women are whores and Ezra did nothing wrong.
i sincerely hope you're baiting son, cause lords knows i'm sick and tired of you damn coons chimping around and mooching out my taxes
There's the video
It’s good he finally got exposed. He never seemed sincere in his views. Clung to whatever brought attention to his persona and virtue signalled as crazy bc it was profitable.
> So they were harassing Ezra
Read other screenshots here, he’s rude and insufferable. Picks up fights and goes full diva wherever he is.
>siding with a non binary faggot instead
kys faggot
Fuck y’all.
Projection detected.
So? Pajeets and Changs out earn you whitey fucks and commit less crimes, maybe they should kick you violent fucks out. You pig skins are way worse than us when it comes to using up food stamps anyway. You just mad your women would fuck a dog before they'd fuck you
Cringer than him runnin as the Flash.
her black boyfriend
Based Ezra violently removing the pussy from the pedestal. You faggots need to watch and learn instead of slurping down Yas Forumscel koolaid all day. Women are obsolete. Ezra is showing us exactly that. All they're good for is sucking your dick and Ezra can do that ten times better and not be a picky little shit about it with a chip on his shoulder. I bet he'd suck off every single neckbeard ITT without batting an eyelid just because he's that much of a whore. Now I don't know about you but that's pretty fucking based if you ask me. The best part is that when the clickbait journos, feminazis and assorted SJW start whinging about a man choke slamming a women, he's just going to go full troll mode and say he's actually not a man, but a non-binary individual, so the rules don't and shouldn't apply to him. And you can't deny that isn't based.
Nice false flagging, non binary faggot. We see non important irrelevant threads on daily basis on Yas Forums, but you're only sick of seeing your fellow non binary kike threads referring at how he killed his career and that he's finally being cancelled everywhere after being praised as the next big thing?
Explain this then?
>he's just going to go full troll mode and say he's actually not a man, but a non-binary individual, so the rules don't and shouldn't apply to him. And you can't deny that isn't based.
This actually goes beyond Yas Forums based lvl bc Yas Forums is binary. True savage, unparalleled basedness.