Hey all you cool cats and kittens :)
Hey all you cool cats and kittens :)
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Its Carol Baskins who killed her husband and fed him to the tigets on video.
>born into a fundamentalist Christian family
>gang raped at knifepoint at 14
>leaves home at 15, is abused by first husband and leaves in the middle of the night
>"saved by second husband, who's also an abusive womanizer
>gets blamed for husband's death, even though he's shady as hell and probably fled to Costa Rica
>receives death threats on a daily basis from sketchy white trash private zoo owners
>one places a hit on her, almost successful
>publicly ridiculed by the entire internet
>Despite all of this, founds a non-profit animal sanctuary that's received 10 consecutive 4 star ratings from Charity Navigator.
Carole Baskin is a god damn hero to tigers and humans alike.
Who's bigger brained? Her or Doc?
>gang raped at knifepoint at 14
I really don't believe this happened
No proof
Why does her 4 star sanctuary look just like abusive Joe Exotic's private zoo? Isn't a tiger suppose to have 400 sq miles of space? Why'd she never address her history of profiting off of cub breeding and petting?
Doc is the ultrachad and the most legit threat. How can you even compare him to any of the others?
She probably tried saying she raped a gang at knifepoint.
She killed her husband and stole his children’s inheritance.
Fucking cunt
And then blamed it on some Costa Rican car dealership or whatever.
She was raped by blacks obviously. Sad! Many such cases.
Its honestly really fucking impressive how a garbage streaming service like Netflix that offers basically 0 decent content and is full of absolute dogshit is able to stay alive because of their masterful team of online astroturfers who effortlessly manufacture internet “viralness” by spamming every social media with their newest garbage show and then sit back and watch as adhd-ridden zoomer mutts eat it up and start shilling it for free everywhere because they don’t want to miss out on the newest “trendy” thing.
>Why does her 4 star sanctuary look just like abusive Joe Exotic's private zoo?
It's imperfect because the Tiger's situation is. They aren't supposed to be here. It's better than the life on the streets they'd be living otherwise.
>Why'd she never address her history of profiting off of cub breeding and petting?
She did. She said that was her ex's thing and she was slowly getting away from it, even before she died. Regardless, she hadn't done it for 20 years.
Meh. It was entertaining. If I didn't like it after the first episode I would have stopped watching. I don't watch shit else on there and wouldn't even have access if not for my girlfriend.
Tiger King is legitimately one of the greatest shows I've ever seen and I never keep up with what's trendy or in the zeitgeist.
You didn’t wait long enough moron.
The filmmakers clearly had an agenda and portrayed her in the worst possible light. That's evident by the fact that they only showed the small enclosure designed for feeding and not the entire cage, which is about 1200 square feet (check this video out if you don't believe me): youtube.com
Carole's only crime is having zero charisma and looking like Hilary Clinton. Big Cat Rescue is legit and it's laughable to compare it to abomination that is the Greater Wynnewood Animal Park.
Hi Carole
get a grip you pathetic cunt
Doc is self-aware and cunning like Carole, and yet, charismatic like Joe. By far the biggest threat. The boobjob harem and the tiger holocaust is just the tip of the iceberg
Carole's sanctuary has vegetation unlike Joe's that is just puddles of mud
She also stopped tiger breeding long ago. Now she just houses cats until they die
At what point did you realise the producers were being extremely dishonest about Carole?
For me it was when they tried to paint her as being jealous of the number of cats Joe had despite her obviously being able to afford more
Probably the sardine oil part.
>For me it was when they tried to paint her as being jealous of the number of cats Joe had despite her obviously being able to afford more
That literally never happened, Howard.
You are right but also if you enjoy nutflix you are ZOG idiot bey9nd comparison
Sorry bro, what fgt anime should I watch instead?
Girls und Panzer is prety cute. I like how they have tanks and drive them around. Not everyone can do that
why do my clothes smell like sardine oil?
Carole is just mad she's not as famous as Joe
I do. She has crazy eyes. My ex gfs mom was gangraped in a van when she was 14. Totally crazy bitch, schizotypal and hallucinated fairies. Weird speech patterns too baby talking to herself. Probably did some meth also.
She reminds me of Hillary Clinton. Between having a vague resemblance and the air of smugness she gives off whenever she speaks I honestly don't care if she killed her husband or not I just hate her. Also Howard Baskin looks like Prince Charles.
lol faggot
Fuck off nerd.
My wife said the same thing. I didn't see it, but I guess I was picturing his younger days. Either way though, fuck those 'royal' pieces of shit.
I want her to smother me with her big milkers while milking me
I feel like Carole is, but I also don't understand how Antle runs a successful cult in the first place. Within five minutes of listening to him he already seems like the biggest dickhead you'd ever meet in your life and his whole organization looks sketchy on the surface. Carole's organization at least looks like a normal animal rescue organization and I wouldn't think twice about it if I had seen it without seeing the documentary, but Antle's place would have looked off regardless. Also he gets upset and loses his cool a couple of times where Carole maintains her composure all the time.
imagine not thinking she's based
i can’t even imagine that
Imagine thinking killing her douchebag husband, putting his body through a meat grinder, and feeding it to her pet tigers isn't based. Innocent or guilty, she's the real hero of this story.
Carole *had* the public eating from the palm of her hand ao I'd say her between the two.
For me, it's Mario though.
The trick is finding that 0.1% of people who'd fall for his shtick and filtering out the rest. Tigers are an excellent bait for that type of person.
she was so beautiful, kind of had a sharon tate look to her
Let's dispel with this fiction that Carole Baskins doesn't know what she's doing. She knows exactly what she's doing.
By 3 dudes. That IS hard to believe.
that dude is unironically the most creepy guy in the whole doc, and that's saying something.
>here's a baby tiger, now be one of my wives
I don't know how people fall for stuff like this.
god i wish that were me
>people like a thing i dont like must be a marketing ploy
Mostly young girls from broken homes with no place to go that see dollar signs wanting a piece. Having charisma can make one very persuasive too. Plus tiger cubs are irresistible to certain women.
Even the girl who was smart enough to get away admitted she was a D student in high school. You have to be borderline retarded to get grades that bad. So they’re unironically dumb and you throw in low self esteem and boom: Tiger slut.
t. Roastie
>one places a hit on her, almost successful
She was never in any danger. Based Joe was set up.
she looks like if reese witherspoon got clonked in the face with a frying pan & then decided to stuff her cheeks with hamsters
>>"saved by second husband, who's also an abusive womanizer
>second husband picks her up in his truck as she is walking down the street
>they find a place to bang
There's a term for this
I do think there's something in the story that's sketchy because she said she was on bad terms with her family as a result of that but then her dad was there with her later on.
>keeps marrying men who are abusive
Hmmmmm I wonder what the common denominator is there.
based virtue signaling user
exactly, do you really think that Caroline Baskin would be the kind of woman to forgive her family for blaming her for being gang raped? Hell no, she'd carry that grudge to her grave.
But then later she's pally pally with her dad. Doesn't add up at all.
Carol is a murderer but somehow i hated her the least out of the 3. Murder i get. Sure, whatever, kill people.
But Joe's narcissism and disingenuousness with everything he does is so gross to me. Same
Doc banged prime Britney. He did nothing wrong. Well except for sacrificing the occasional tiger cub.
I want to cum inside her withered pusy
Also if she truly was raped at 14 wouldn't there be a police report?
i have no idea about the veracity of her rape claim and am a bit skeptical of it even as a staunch white knight carole but a lot of rapes are never reported
also same i 100% still would present day carole
You sound like a woman