Nearly every board on Yas Forums has declined in quality except this one

How do we do it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

no one praises the mods here

By being complete and utter shit from the beginning.



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>board is infested with Yas Forumsdditors
>not declined

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Great synergy between autistic jannies and autistic shitposters Forums-mass-quote

we delete every thread that paints ezra in negative light


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there never was quality here to begin with.
Just one good meme is all that has come out of this place

That's a flat out lie, it might be the biggest drop in quality

Yas Forums is filled with coomers

Yas Forums is filled with Tifa and Ada Wong fags

/his/ is sympathetic towards Ch*na

Yas Forums is honestly still based

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>he said nigger this ruined my Yas Forums experience
Sensitivity at its heights.

There was never any quality on this board to begin with.

This board is one of the shittest ones. That's why I love it.

>board infested with genuine /leftypol/ reddit newfags who never miss an opportunity to whine about Yas Forums when there is the slightest possibility to do so.
North America rangeban when?

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Stop spamming BBC porn here you cuckold.

Yas Forums is garbage for actual film discussion. Luckily that's what reddit is for. I just come here to shitpost.

by always being shit

there is a good reason why

lmao Yas Forums fucks actually believe this when they have daily BLACKED threads.
I guess a little piss doesn't change anything when you're already swimming in shit

Regular elephant threads

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t. BBC cuck porn spammer

Yas Forums animal threads are second only to disturbing/scary video threads

This someone please do the honor and post the webm that saved Yas Forums

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>he is still filming
the fuck is wrong with these zoomers

This one is based
But i'm asking for the one that the jannies hate

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I miss Yas Forums deep sea threads but trannie jannies delete them whenever they find them.

Yas Forums - ruined
Yas Forums - ruined
Yas Forums - ruined
Yas Forums - still ok
/his/ - still ok
/x/ - still ok
/ck/ - still ok
/gif/ - barely ok
/lit/ - barely ok
Yas Forums - good
/trv/ - good
/tg/ - good
/sci/ - good

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Cast him.

Why would he stop filming? She was bumped a little? Is it wrong he didn't drop the camera to rescue m'lady?

Only guy talking about BBC here is you nigger

blacks ruined /asp/

blacks ruin everything they're around

This. So much this.
And that is a good thing.
Have sex.

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By being a board that focuses on shitposting thus quality discussion happens naturally instead of being forced.

they delete all fun/interesting threads
they deleted a space thread a while ago that was really good I'll never forget that

Kill yourself faggot enabler

>Yas Forums-Racism & Pedophilia any fucking good.


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spotted the discord nigger

>nice thread about nice quality threads
>REEEE Yas Forums BBC
hello Chang

Kill yourself cuck

This board has been destroyed by sneed and soijak cancer and you know it.


Yas Forums is actively destroying good boards like Yas Forums

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Yas Forums was never good, but that spam is pretty cringe.

we post hilarious memes like the dancing cat soijacks and sneed pinnacle of Yas Forums culture

t. reddit tourist from 2019

Kinos where the protagonist is the bad guy?


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peak television and film

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>This board has been destroyed by sneed and soijak cancer and you know it.

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Blaming anything on pole bird or discord or edit is gay

Are there any other board that dab on blackedfags as well as Yas Forums?

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Li Wenliang

This board went to complete shit after the election

>Yas Forums

You don't even function properly as a containment board, weebshit threads are all over the place,

Also, anime is for faggots and pedophiles.

Those are the discord shitters that post here. Nobody is a fan of those memes, but they're used to drag every down into garbage.

funny how elephants are so nice and friendly with cunnys but they absolutely hate roasties

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Yas Forums - based
Yas Forums - ruined
Yas Forums - ruined
Yas Forums - based
/his/ - cringe
/x/ - should be nuked
/ck/ - woman's job
/gif/ - ok if you're a cuckold or a faggot
/lit/ - very based
Yas Forums - cancer but funny
/trv/ - good
/tg/ - gay
/sci/ - good
/sp/ - the best board on the site

>Yas Forums-Politics & Shitposts

>if I just make sure to call people I hate myself I win

i wonder if elephants understand the difference between human children and adults

this is objectively correct.
>2020 Yas Forums
>t. actual boomer

good kinos

Yas Forums is awful. boomers, zoomers and retards. /ck/ is based, /tg/ is based, /sp/ is shit. /lit/ is based

Unironically because of the holy triumvirate of Cunny Posters, Sneed Posters and Soijack Posters who in their continuous effort keep R*dditors away.

Why did they move the OJ thread to Yas Forums? Isn't that the horny virgins board?

>>Sneed Posters and Soijack Posters
>inb4 durr reddit

/sp/ on world cup is the most based board on this site
Also Penaldo And Messoy is kino

/sp/ is my main, but it has got to be the board hit hardest by this pandemic shit.

stop lying 4incel scum

we love sneed and soijack


It's hard to sink lower than the bottom, user. I have faith that Yas Forums can do it.

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What do they do now that sports are cancelled?

reddit nigger tourist

well my subreddit loves that stuff

not my problem your sub has shit taste in kino memes

>Soijack Posters who in their continuous effort keep R*dditors away

Attached: reddits favorite meme.png (1461x862, 877.14K)

cry all you want at the end of day we still come here and funpost and flood your beloved Yas Forums with kino memes

now post how many times bane and cia has gotten upvoted

Looks more like a regular camera.

absolutely gay

The same way Kenny Easterday did it.

you mean how many about the Yas Forums meme based on tdkr?

>good thread about good threads
>ruined by reddit again
And you wonder why all the boards have gone down in quality?

>Sneed Posters who in their continuous effort keep R*dditors away.

Rehash the same semen slurping threads and use generals for chat threads.

watching niggers kick/bounce/hit/throw a ball around a field is gay

it's because 4ch is not even vaguely edgy anymore

>Yas Forums-Infested by Yas Forums & Reddit