Does Hollywood create body anxiety issues for men?

does Hollywood create body anxiety issues for men?

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Just stop drinking beer and carb loading, exercise a bit.

That's a pregnant woman.

that picture was posted a billion times

Yes. Women can get as fat as they want and men would still find them attractive because of their hole amd pushing muh body positivity.

Yet no woman would want to date a guy that is fat or doesn'r have muscles and abs.

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yeah, but men don't complain, they act.

Your average soijack poster's body

Men are not intimidated by other men's bodies to the point they put the blame on media or society instead of themselves.

And if they do, they are bitch ass niggas that need to man up and lift.

this unironcally.
i got this way from running, a beer once a week and 2 meals a day.
I grew up husky its not hard to trim down, whats difficult is hypertrophy just from the dedication alone.
stop being lazy do pushups.

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Nah being fat creates body anxiety issues for men. Lose weight and gain muscle to remove your body anxiety issues.