What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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no hype, so it would seem that it didn't matter what level of quality the movie actually was
shitty source material
Shitty cast and female lead.
>another coming of age chick flick
The YA readers of the books had grown too old. HP did it right. Hunger Games did it right. Mortal Engines was doomed to fail. Like the Artemis Fowl movie, that one's gonna bomb like fat guy.
Fucking cities on wheels. If you don't realize how dumb that sounds then you're as stupid as the writer, the fans of that retarded book and whoever the fuck OKd this shitshow of a movie.
Yeah what ever happend to Jennifer Lawrence after the hunger games?
Has anything even gone right? The movie was garbage on all accounts
I like it scarf over her face. It is pretty hot.
She stopped getting harvest'd.
Ronan Rafters is relentlessly handsome.
She showed her asshole on the internet
My nigga.
This can't be real
lol based arab
>Minority led city is hiding behind a wall and travels up in the sky to avoid the evil all white city
ok let's start with the poster
>movie about giant moving cities on treads that consume each others to become bigger
>shows a girl with a scarf
tell me how this is going to attract potential viewers. i'll wait
oh the minority city is also all immigrants
female protag
Is this a new fetish?
It's a based fetish.
No, mask fetishes have been around for a while. It's just that more chicks irl are wearing masks due to the Shanghai Shivers.
>return from bumfuck nowhere to an airport
>see all these girls wearing masks
No. I had it for 10+ years.
>raised by zombie
I face palmed
>I had it for 10+ years.
It is now. But I used to be very anxious about it. As my sexuality literally begin with it.
user, I know I won't change your mind or anything, but neither in the books nor in the movie was it ever presented as a very serious thing. It is oversized and intentionally silly. The people ruling and operating the cities are insane people and their creations are ruining the Earth.
That said, this was a terrible adaptation. I knew it would be bad the moment we saw Tom, and he did the "WhOaoaAAOA I'm SuUUuUUper LatE!" It was so out of character for him.
The books are fun, though. I was looking forward to seeing Nimrod Pennyroyal on screen, but I guess that will never happen.
They also made a lot of changes that ultimately ruin everything going forward, like Anna Fang not dying in Batmunkh Gompa, Valentine's daughter surviving, and the destruction of London happning right outside the wall.
Same here, now I don't care.
>Ronan Rafters
Oh, and I honestly think this should have been an animated movie. Preferably made by ghibli, as they know how to make ridiculous machines seem somewhat realistic.
artemis fowl has already been pulled from release lmao
I came to really appreciate it. Imagine instead being born with some of the degenerate fetishes.
They've been struggling to find a release window for it for ages. The lockdowns just pushed them to release it on digital only.
Don't think Disney have much confidence in it and there's zero hype.
>close-up of some broad's face
Tells me literally nothing about the movie. This poster could be for literally any movie of any genre.
This is very true. It's also a shame that they didn't dare to make her look anything like she does in the book, where half her face has been ruined.
But you make a good point. It's the same reason I've never watched "Ray Donovan."
The only promotion I have ever seen for the show is a picture of Liev Schreiber and the text "Ray Donovan." What am I supposed to take from that? Unless I am one of the seven people on earth who really like Liev Schreiber, why would I want to watch that show?
Still, they are on season 5 now, so I guess their marketing is working, somehow.
the source material is fine, you can call it cringe YA as much as you want. It still would have worked fine as a movie if the script was competently written.
ITT: coomers thinking they're in their own personal subreddit
Gotta go
here's gift gramfind.com
Nothing, it was perfectly as stupid as a movie about giant tank cities eating each other should be.
I read the first novel yesterday and I'm halfway done marathoning the movie now. All of the changes they made to the story so far are dumb as hell. There's literally no mystery or twists at all. Tom is supposed to be the protagonist and viewpoint character not Hester and he's been relegated to a fem bitch supporting role. There's absolutely no sense of adventure in the story or swashbuckling in the action scenes. That said the city and airship designs and special effects are good.
I liked it, it gets better with a couple of rewatches and it was better than the books.
it had cool scenery, the villains were awesome (terminator nigga was both scary and sad at the same time)
it had some iconic shots and the soundtrack grows on you.
the acting could have been a notch better but I blame it on the greenscreened cgi
in less than two years Yas Forums will approve of this flick and say it was better than Alita
Making China a good guy even though China wasn’t in any of the books. The pandering to China always ruins it
Wrong, if you'd read book 2 and the ending of the series you wouldn't think this.
Not really. Had they followed it page-by-page it would've been a bearable movie.
The actress had a great resting bitch face and I want her in more movies
No practical effects and the main girl is supposed to be UGLY like the author constantly describes how UGLY she is
Yes. It was also a vessel for Tom to grow as a character. He starts of by constantly thinking of her as ugly, then he realizes there's more to a person than looks.
The lead guy looked like he had a plastic face. It was really distracting