Start watching Joe Goes

>start watching Joe Goes
>notice he hasnt uploaded in a while
>"I wonder what he's doing?"
>see this
what the fuck actually happened?

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damn daftlimmy looks like THAT

So is it just a big joke, or has Joe goes trans for real?

it fucking looks like it, funny how its always dorks and nerd

Handled too many receipts.

This was confirmed fake.

For me, it's the swedish girl in the red dress giving Joe a massage

She's cute


Could still be a joke. Joe is that type of guy

he turned into Michael Cera?

Must be a joke. He's probably planning a comeback and needs some traction. It's working. Threads like these are created every day.

Man I loved watching this guys stuff. Really underrated channel.

He should've as big as kassem g

I really liked his content, I hope it's an advertising trick but these videos tells me it's not : (worst offender so far)

Dude still looks better than daphne. Lol

I tolf him and his husbamd they were dorks and i stand by it too.


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welcome user, this ride doesn't stop

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I dont get it. Part of his shtick was pointing out the absurdity of things. Then he does this? When i first started watching i thought his raps were a bit cringe but grew to enjoy it quockly. He clearly loves battle rapping. How the fuck is he gonna do it as a tranny?

And to everyone saying this is a straight male dresses as a woman for years then goes "surprise! just kidding". Especially not in this faggot day and age. This bino is GAY

Joe has always been a weirdo though

Joe Goes is yesteryear. "All Gas No Brakes" is the new interviewkino.

Joe thought he looked sexy as fuck you could tell he wanted to fuck himself

beautiful and brave

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Its almost as is no one taught them how to be a man and then society tells them that they are shit at being men because they are a woman inside a man body, kikes removing the nuclear family and masculinity will do that.

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Why is Sheev wearing a dress and wig.

Anyone have the YouTube doc on this? It’s basically the episode of king of the hill we’re bill starts dressing up like his ex wife bc he’s so heart broken his brain snaps

joe is more than likely memeing but bolshevikipedia rewrites his entire article as if he's legit.

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This fucker has always creept me out. He looks like he skinned some poor girl for that suit.

Oh that's unfortunate

What creeps me the most is that he wrote his resume in the third person.

>Joe Goes Woman was actually a documentary

This site is fucking obsessed with shemales

Why not woman-on-the-street videos?

His videos are nice because its finally new content showcasing weirdos in interesting places, but he could easily be upstaged by someone with an actual personality.


What happened to the word transvestite? it used to be what people used and it meant a man that got horny off wearing womens clothes. That's what this shit is (in extreme form) but people don't call it that anymore

It still exists. Though most people use crossdresser now I think. It's less informative (excludes the specific gender element), but it's probably less 'abrasive' as well. So, basically what happened with shemale and transgender

I hate wikipedia so much

Burn her/him/whatever

I like how his life got retconned

No it wasn’t. Don’t make shit up you retard

Except we watch for the weirdos, not the man on the street. Joe or Eric Andre were interviewing the people he interviews, they would try to upstage them. Joe used to do the self-deprecating joke all the fucking time for a clap during interviews all the time.

Doubt it. Joe isn’t that low brow and he knows the shit he would get if he joked about being trans in today’s climate

You think Joe is stupid enough to joke about being trans when he knows he would get a ton of backlash for it? Even his Linkdin has his name changed to Lily


>He needs help and true compassion.

You give your bullets names?

wasn't he fucking tanya tate?

if i watched for the weirdos i'd just open up your channel

Yeah because shemales are hot as fuck. Especially if they have a big dick

Joe totally seems like the beta that wants to be a girl. His videos were fun though

What happened to poor Joe

I prefer it with this reply.

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Shit, this was meant for

hey josh... how's that transition?

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This can't be real bros... Not Joe, his videos were so kino.

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That escalated quickly. Is that the power of frog posting?

welcome to the realms of current year

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