Any Aryan kino?

any Aryan kino?

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triumph of the will

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Funny thing, I just learned about the Turkish/Aryan influence on Japan and Japanese mythology.

If they make an Aryan kino in the future they will be the bad guys.

>The most violent group of people who ever lived: Horse-riding Yamnaya tribe who used their huge height and muscular build to brutally murder and invade their way across Europe than 4,000 years ago.

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Hitler was E1b1b, he was some Jewish-Albanian-Germano mutt, not an Aryan. We Slavs are the most Aryan peoples on this planet. We are also the only ones not cucked by Semites.

R1a - Aryan master race
R1b - cucked trannies

How much do you bet that its americans who makes these cringy "EVROPA" "Muh blonde wife in wheatfields" crap. Almost parody tier.

Why is there a redhead in this picture?

>We are also the only ones not cucked by Semites
>Bowed down to Bolshevism for 50 years
>Threw off Bolshevism when it became unfashionable then embraced Judeo-Capitalism

Its certainly primarily american although the evropa meme found its resurgence from european identitarians

Hitler was the first Yas Forumstard before Yas Forums was created, huh? There are so many nonwhites on Yas Forums. Most of them are spics, Asians, Hapas and mutts.

>european identitarians
it's funny, from the US, this group must look like an actual movement. they're just the first neo nazi group in ages that somehow knows how to do good PR online, they are actually very small and tend to become even smaller and less significant in the last time.

Normies don't know it yet, but ancient DNA proved that Indo-Europeans closely related to modern North-East Europeans were by far the most important and expansionist group of peoples in human history. The Aryan meme was largely right.

I think they are mostly used as inspiration but you're right people in north america are very easily impressed by europeans generally. If you have a european accent or do something european in character like march with flags in uniform that is vaguely familiar and instantly likable. There isn't a very strong tradition of that kind of stuff over here so any time we see it we are mesmerized by it. Europe is overall decades ahead of us in terms of demos, politics, and circumstances.

>We are also the only ones not cucked by Semites.

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Moonrise Kingdom. Not a single coloured.

I am also R1a.. my ancestors..

t. Afghan who paid to find out

>mutt thinks russians are the only slavs

Hapa reporting in, boys!
everyone sound call!


r1b cattlechads shit on r1a fags every day of the week.

>these are the untermensch that larp as an "aryan chad" and call you a cuck
Mutts baka

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then why aren't you doing anything for that? Why are you spending your days fapping to trans and fapping to hitler on mongolian trout fishing forum?

When I masturbate I like to visualize the indigenous cultures of asia minor, Iran and India. I picture their way of life: peaceful, agrarian, effeminate, matriarchal and egalitarian. Every generation living identically to its predecessor in idyllic pastoral bliss.

And then I think of the INDO-GERMANIC ARYAN BWC BULLS. TALL. BOLD. BRASH. Piercing eyes bluer than the wine-dark sea. Wearing corslets of shining brass and wielding engraved swords forged by their Chieftains, riding their great war-chariots pulled by swift Stallions. They worship different gods, gods who are like them: Warriors.

They butcher the disgusting protomen and burn their villages and holy places, taking their wives and daughters and despoiling them, planting the next generation of warriors in their eager wombs, utterly destroying their languages and replacing them with this new Indo-Germanic Aryan tongue and a new masculine patriarchal order, ultimately leading to complete assimilation. I ejaculate with them, my vital life force gets forcibly excreted from my body and I collapse, spent.

you can literally do all the things in these photos right know though
>you can join the military
>you can marry a lady with blond hair
>you can have two children
>you can take your son to a misty coastal region to pat his head

oh sorry I forgot jews and niggers are somehow preventing you from doing all this sorry


>lol niggers are so stupid they blame whitey for everything

who are you quoting, seriously

every single neo nazi and or Yas Forumstard on this site you idiot, who else

Do you actually live around niggers? I used to back in London in Newham, it was a violent shithole no matter how much money the council would spend on improving things.

You really think that's a good way of arguing and proving them wrong?

Impregnating conquered women is a sly move put on by mother nature to inhibit successful men.

shut the fuck up nigger

that would imply they have valid opinions to begin with that are even worth arguing about, there's a reason people say don't talk to fascists

aryan girls are bland and boring? how do I get a gf like this?

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Have any of you actually watched triumph of the will? It's so fucking bad and boring

one of these pictures is not like the rest
>fight for israel, aryan man

pol isn't white

Send me a link to your discord.

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what makes these zoomer tiktok vids so obnoxious?

pardon me?

So what Jew's didn't control the majority of russian govenment in the 20's and 30's and implemented policies that killed millions of white Christians?

Stalin wasn't Jewish

No that's a Yas Forums, the bolshevik party was mostly run by Christian men, less than 10% of the party were Jewish at that time. Only Lenin and Trotsky were Jews but the holodomor was implemented by Stalin who wasnt Jewish. Trotsky actually opposed his policies in Ukraine.

>fighting in Afghanistan or Iraq is aryan

*/po/ lie

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I hope you're memeing

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Why do mutts think that entire nations of people act all the same? I remember when i went to Brasil people were suprised that i laughed, made jokes, had feelings and enjoyed life instead of being some stoic SS officer constantly judging everything inferior.

This is what happens when you don't read books

As if you wouldn't want to a white nation ruled by actual humans again instead of the bugmen pedophiles that rule them today.

you're so dumb that you think americans make these threads

thx user i love this shit

I would also enforce atheism to weed out christfags and those of low intelligence.


Literal 60 year old fringe neo nazi leaders post threads like these to manipulate retarded zoomers.

Nobody would have a problem with this if the people were brown and the symbol in the middle were different.

but bro they are the light workers starseed children who will bring us out of the darkness.

Perhaps I would. It's about as reliable a guarantee as exists that the new nation would contain zero (0) Yas Forums autists.

I'm have few info about Europe,but which country is still majorly white

>the light workers starseed children who will bring us out of the darkness

you've still got it, user

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They managed to poz Yas Forums into white nationalists and terrorist smpathisers.

Exactly, not americans.

East European Balto-Slavic ones. Poland, Balarus, Lithuania, Latvia and so on.

Triumph Des Willens

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If it's any consolation brah there's no place in that kinda "aryan kino" fantasy milieu for someone like you.

>wish I could get a tradwife and raise my aryan children in a conservative household
>says the NEET who ironically animeposts and has a folder full of femdom porn
yeah ok