Men, it’s been a long war, it’s been a tough war. You’ve fought bravely, proudly for your country...

>Men, it’s been a long war, it’s been a tough war. You’ve fought bravely, proudly for your country. You’re a special group. You’ve found in one another a bond that exists only in combat, among brothers. You’ve shared foxholes, held each other in dire moments. You’ve seen death and suffered together. I’m proud to have served with each and every one of you. You all deserve long and happy lives in peace.

How would this scene have been looked upon today?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's a long road
When you're on your own
And it hurts when
They tear your dreams apart
And every new town
Just seems to bring you down
Trying to find peace of mind
Can break your heart
It's a real war
Right outside your front door I tell ya
Out where they'll kill ya
You could use a friend
Where the road is
That's the place for me
Where I'm me in my own space
Where I'm free that's the place
I want to be
'Cause the road is long yeah
Each step is only the beginning
No breaks just heartaches…

The same
Oh no wait sorry, he would have been a black disabled tranny apologising for being a nazi
please upvote xD

Sucks we haven't had any challenging, nation-binding efforts like that in the past 70 years.

Oh well, hedonic apathy's better than nothing.

Is that Mike Nelson from MST3K?! WTF?!

Yeah I sure miss millions dying to give lazy incels a sense of purpose

The ones dying weren't women or blacks so you'd be unaffected.

How about engaging in challenging efforts within you and your sphere of influence you apathetic tub of lard?

Get a job

You sound like the kind of people who get inspired by mission statements.

Of course yanks delve into the "clean wermatch" fantasy. They never suffered under common soldiera during ww2. Also the "soldier is just doing his job" is a great fantasy for imperialist countries like nazi germany or USA.

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You sound like a person who gets amped up by Sabaton songs while he drinks alone in his apartment.

This guy is quite obviously a braindead commie with a completely distorted vision of history and reality, but on the very specific point he makes in the first part of his post, he is kinda correct.
Too bad his clarity is short lived and his insanity gets the better of him right at the start of his second sentence.

i do

I haven’t seen a gif of her in years
Thank you

Literally nothing wrong with this

Past Nazi good
Modern Nazi bad

>"every person who ever served in the wehrmacht is accountable for atrocities committed on the eastern front because idk they didn't hijack a truck and stop it i dunno"

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No, but when you start going on unironically about how rejuvenating millions of dead are, its time to dump the booze, go outside and come to terms with your inexistant chin

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is tarantula a nazi?

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A majority of wehrmacht soldiers fought on the eastern front
A majority of wehrmacht soldiers did forcibly take food from the local civilian population using violence and coercion, and forced millions into famine and death
Regardless of sanctioned SS atrocities, a majority of wehrmacht soldiers were involved in war crimes and there is nothing braindead about that
The wehrmacht wasn't clean and not stopping Hitler was the least of its misdeeds

Cringe reddit take

>A majority of wehrmacht soldiers did forcibly take food from the local civilian population using violence and coercion, and forced millions into famine and death
What do you think happens when countries get invaded and you don't have modern supply lines bro

>it's not war crime because they were hungry!!!!!
Ok retard

Fuck off back there

Also germans did have modern supply lines and countless armies throughout history had no problem invading shit without starving half a continent
Hell they did it only 30 years before

The Germans purposefully starved to death about 3 million Soviet POWs, as well as all manner of "not useful eaters" as the food surplus could fuel the war machine and keep people at home happy.

It was absolutely not necessary and resulted in many millions of deaths.

Anyone who tries to defend the Wehrmacht is probably a fucking idiot who has never read about them.

>muh clean Wehrmacht

Wehrmacht troops committed war crimes all over Europe, they even had their own death squads although they referred to them as "Reserve Police". The idea that the average German soldier didn't know about all the naughty things going on is bullshit, they knew and a lot of them participated but only out of social pressure. Most were afraid to refuse to take part in war crimes but none who refused were ever punished in the entire war. If some of the faggots who peddle the clean Wehrmacht myth read some books then they might actually learn something interesting about how social standards change people's behaviour. Most of the men committing war crimes didn't want to do it, large amounts of alcohol were provided to the soldiers along with extra food and other incentives.

Tl;Dr Wehrmacht was dirty, average German didn't want to commit war crimes but did anyway due to social pressure

So they starved some slav subhumans, who the fuck cares

looks like red army supporters are brigading this thread

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For "clean Wehrmacht" fags here's a nice documentary for you:

They collected private videos from German soldiers who had cameras and interviewed them. They discuss witnessing the execution of Russian civilians and one even admits taking part in it.

There is no secret here, your precious "for the fatherland honorable Ayran warrior" was probably raping Russian women and laughing when civilians were executed.


Too bad virtually every reliable historical record says that the nazis were pretty well behaved occupiers in places like France and considered liberators to many of the USSR satellite states. Even in Africa the nazis were comparatively well behaved compared to the legacy of the British, French, Dutch, etc.

There were probably egregious actions on the part of individuals or things overlooked out of necessity, but there are many records of the nazis executing their own soldiers for crimes like rape. The idea that the nazis were brutal invaders who abused the locals is mostly a fiction.

It's just a shame Stalin didn't have all the Germans enslaved and executed, he missed a big opportunity to exterminate the most nigger race.

reddit infected Yas Forums years ago


>every reliable historical record


Is this some shitty attempt to prove Hitler's "the biggest lie is most believed" quote true? You'd have to be an absolute retard who has never read shit to think this.

>They discuss witnessing the execution of Russian civilians and one even admits taking part in it.
You one dense nugget.

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Nazi faggots infected Yas Forums you newfag

Oh right, it's a Jewish conspiracy. Got any spare Brain Force? I'm low

Zero mention of jews, yet you feel a need to mention them? Arent you a little obsessed with them?

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At the start, and those supply lines swiftly broke down. Same thing happened when the Soviets came marching back, because, shock, turns out having hundreds of thousands of soldiers that need food marching and shooting each other across the countryside is bad for agriculture.
>The Germans purposefully starved to death about 3 million Soviet POWs,
And what was the average Wehrmacht soldier supposed to do about that? Were Wehrmacht policies decided by democratic vote?
I mean yeah, if I have to choose between starving to death or stealing some villager's cow I'm going to do it, as would most of the "morally outraged at defending the Wehrmacht" posters here would.

and that's a good thing

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The "big lie" is a criticism of the Jewish tendency to make absurd lies that short circuit typical honest thinking. It's not a Machiavellian insight on how to trick people.

You can look up the historical records and the worst the general german army did was some logistical heavy lifting for some SS units who were a lot more extreme and ideological. The ideological tenets of National Socialism never made it very deep into the general army which is backed up by every account as well as Allied reviews post-war. You're probably just one of those people who thinks that when the nazis killed communist partisans or their supporters that that constituted a war crime - it didn't.

>rs did forcibly take food from the local civilian population using violence and coercion, and forced millions into famine and death
So did the soviets to their own serfs. And as did literally every army ever.

Who said they were honorable aryan warriors? I never did, I just said they did the same shit that all soldiers do when supply lines are non-existent. The Soviets did the same thing, and I suspect that Allied soldiers would have done the same if by some Wehraboo miracle supply lines after D-Day had been cut.

Well, now you are going to have millions dying thanks to another leftist made pandemic, so there's that.

He needed the German Ubermensch so his shitty empire of slav apes could survive. Eastern Germany even after he stole most of its industry was still the most industrious state in the eastern bloc.

Nah man you dont know shit. Germans were fucking retards. They instituted collective punishment and frequently murdered civilians whenever there was any partisan activity, regardless of culpability. This just made the local populations of everywhere, even the most pro-fascist Ukrainian collaborators, despise them. Then they would spiral more and more into killing civilians as their retarded plans failed. Because Germans are actually some of the dumbest people.

The killing of civilians was so bad it would actually harm food production and high command tried to get commanders to stop the killings so they would be able to extract food. They were that fucking dumb.

Nah, the Wehrmacht were not just innocent bystanders, but yes the SS were far worse. Theres no clean line dividing them, not every last Wehrmacht soldier was a mass murdering psychopath but it was 100% endemic in the armed forces and was not at all rare.

You should dump the Finasteride, go inside and come to terms with your inexistant genitals.

No, you simply do not understand. Taking food is one thing. Deliberately executing millions of people so they would ease up the food supply is entirely another. The Germans were hardcore engaged in the latter, the Soviets didnt do that.

>the Soviets didnt do that.
The whole eastern europe is full of "soviets didnt do that". Ukraine being the biggest example.

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I think its fair to say that the German philosophy of brutal practicality concerning warfare and prisoner treatment in eastern europe was out of accord with modern liberal sensibilities. I don't think its practical or moral though to conflate things like partisan killing with war crimes. Commies tend to do that a lot because it suits their purposes. If we adopted a similar standard for the contemporary west's treatment of unmarked afghans/iraqis we'd be forced to conclude the west has been committing a bunch of war crimes. ( The west HAS committed many warcrimes, but they have generally been individual or localized problems not policy )

>Soviets didnt do that.
Kek, survivors of Soviet eastern regime would like a word with you.

Sometimes it's true you teutonic beer brained retard

They werent all partisans. The Germans executed tons of capital C civilians. Theres ample record of this

Easily falsified, Yas Forums were always allies against white nationalism and their iron grip over Hollywood.

It's amazing how you people throw out the same canned arguments but so clearly have no knowledge of the facts.

No, it isn't. Time to put down the hormones and cope.

>Sometimes it's true you teutonic beer brained retard
Nice arguments against historic facts.

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Now I KNOW you're a newfag.

Yas Forums has always had ironic nazism and shit but now its populated by retards like this thread who take it all very seriously

Can't wait for pasty fat westcuck zoomie to give me the facts.
Best thing we ever did was to criminalize the spread of communism, worst thing we did was not to shoot every commie we could get our hands on after the revolution.

You clearly missed the point. While the commander is Nazi, the scene is about the American paratroopers. They use the enemy's commander to show how war creates the strongest bonds of friendship, courage, and sacrifice.

Only a moron will see that as Nazi propaganda

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>t. Kope Bryant.

>if I agitate the other person I win!

Keep on bros, you're really putting up a heroic defense here

yeah they were well behaved apart from all the slaughtering of entire towns of non-combatants, genocide, rape, murder, arson, looting, killing POW's, starting the war in the first place over fucking Danzig of all places instead of just deciding that Austria & Czechoslovakia was enough of a Reich, breaking their treaty with the Russians, unrestricted submarine warfare, shooting sailors who had gone overboard, pilots escaping their planes in parachutes, killing their own people to secure Hitler's power and massacring civilians everywhere they went.

So when exactly did the insidious nazi infection of Yas Forums happen if Yas Forums has always had 'ironic' racism?
It's almost like it's just some arbitrary line you made up as an excuse. Considering you came here in 2016 I don't see how you can possibly claim to speak for the intentions of posters from over 10 years ago.

>Sometimes it's true you teutonic beer brained retard

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