>this made people cry and shit there pants in 2002
This made people cry and shit there pants in 2002
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Culkin was relentlessly handsome.
it was a different space
You probably cried and shit your pants on 2002 because you were a BABY you zoomer fucking shit!!!!
he just wanted some cake and party gifts
To be fair, I cry and shit my pants almost every day
Not gonna lie, I was startled by it
The clip on its own does nothing. The whole film leads up to that point and sets up the reveal perfectly so you feel like you're in that closet with Wahkeen all claustrophobic, then WHAM, first full proof of aliens after teasing it for over an hour
The cunny poster when he goes outside
Now post the Scary Movie version
where have they all gone. very suspicious
this, build up is everything
Well at least mention what movie dumb zoomer
>he hasn't seen every M. Night Shamalamadingdong joint
When there is no more room in Yas Forums, the cunny posters shall walk the earth.
The Thing
The Nun and the Donkey
why would they be walking around in a city naked especially in an atmosphere that has bits of water in it (which is poison to them and they didnt know????)
Now this is kino
>go to a planet made mostly of water to fight flesh bags mostly made of water
probably because they're massive fucking retards that would never survive rainy season in florida
cause the curry eater/street shiter director is a moron
>trying to poke holes in all the unanswered questions
Stop that, that's not how you're supposed to digest sci-fi. You're supposed to think about the possibilities that could explain the questions
>when you realise joker is in the movie
You mean when you realize Merrill became The Joker
Dude that shits still scary as fuck what are you talking about
ill pity you with the real answer.
they're not allergic to water they are enlightened beings who are allergic to fluoride
The fuck you talking about? Most adults thought that movie was stupid af. Aliens who die to water invade a planet made up mostly of water try to enslave humans made up of mostly water and are defeated by desert monkeys who throw water on them.
nah it's just water, it mentions them staying away from bodies of water like lakes and shit
Those lil niggers must have been desperate as fuck to try to invade earth with how hostile it's environment is to them
they were demons and it was holy water. The guy is literally a lapsed priest and then regains his faith at the end, how can you miss this stuff
The movie's only illustrating a parallel to demons and holy water to highlight its main plot about regaining faith, not literally saying "these are demons and this random unblessed tap water is holy for some reason"
I never understood the meme of shitting or wetting yourself from fright. When I get spooked I clench.
It's also not saying "these are aliens, weak to water, and they chose to invade a largely water planet"
Yeah for real, I only sometimes accidentally shart when I laugh super hard
I think you have to be truly terrified, like someone has a gun on you and you have reason to believe theyll shoot it.
Holy mother of christ BASED
they literally were demons though
It's an uncontrollable reflex if you reach the point of genuine base terror
Seems pretty kino to me
What if you don’t have to go?
the level of terror you need to lose control of your bowel is that of a life or death situation
Because they were desperate. The little kid even mentioned that possibility when he was doing his aliums research
Animals do it too but you need to be really actually 100% in panic, look at some wildlife videos when some animal is killing the other the prey starts shitting or pissing itself
of course they stay away from lakes where do you think the government gets the fluoride from
Or you can even watch dog grooming videos, half of them freak the fuck out and shit and piss themselves
not understanding that is brainlet tier, taking it to a literal level is retard tier tho
if you think enough you'll realize that m night has always been a hack
they harvest it from toothpaste dummy
The kid also mentions them resorting to melee combat. Aliums.
>¡vamanos macacos!
wtf did he mean by this? Was he calling South Americans monkeys?
Why did the kid start talking english on the middle of the video?
This movie got to me. It feels like it shouldn't have in retrospect but I was incredibly immersed while watching it for the first time.
Near the ending when the father had to calm his kid from choking as the lights went off was probably the thing I remember most. Surviving the attack on high adrenaline and then just waiting out until morning to make it but now instead they have to calm down in pitch black darkness to not have fatalities as the aliens might still be around.
why is this so fucking funny holyshit
>try to trim the dog's nails
>every time I clip she yelps as if I tore her nail out by the roots
>start turning her head so she doesn't see her paws
>can now clip the nails without her reacting at all
Why are dogs such drama queens?
it's because it is grainy, and you suspect it is just a shadow like earlier in the film, when it appears in the foreground instead it is shocking
i miss my dogs
You think aliens would come to earth with no technology to speak of where they can't even turn a fucking doorknob? They're demons. In the closeup of the demons back near the end of the movie it clearly has demonic markings on it.
Reminder they aren’t aliens but demons
Get new ones
huezillas are terrifying dessu
Why would there be a knob on the inside of the pantry?
poor person alert