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Herd immunity baby, rev up those pox parties
Poor Boris. He doesn't deserve this.
does he have any underlying conditions? or is he just your average overweight, alcoholic, fag smoking brit?
If none of the above he is fine.
He's also a massive cokehead. But he is a cunt and cunts live forever.
Two words Chloro Quin
he's 55. look at his face. let that sink in
>If none of the above he is fine
He'll be fine, stop posting this shit. Go pack to Yas Forums with your panic faggotry.
zinc and ibuprofen suicide
If he goes on a ventilator, he probably dies
I went to the doc yesterday and none of the front desk workers were wearing masks or gloves, barely anyone even came in.
They just washed their hands and wore masks with patients so if they sneezed or coofed.
Who says we'd be panicking when he dies?
I hope this fat idiot and every other populist authoritarian fuckwit dies drowning in their own sick
I'm talking to OP, faggot.
>does he have any underlying conditions?
55 years old
former smoker
Sorry about the election bro better luck next time :)
i hope it gets that cunt queen elizabeth next
Has the pandemic made it harder for you to get hormones? Was your bottom surgery canceled because of it? Or did you already have it done? Then maybe you just need to dilate...
Meanwhile Tom Hanks is 63 with type 2 diabetes and he turned out fine.
Considering Boris's status I like his odds.
>calling vomit "sick"
why are brits such children?
>Boris Johnson
lmao he couldn't even impose a lockdown on the country until being told
tom hanks didnt end up in the icu.
>Considering Boris's status I like his odds.
him being in an ICU and all
I don't know who tf that old nigga is bruh lmaooooo
I bet he isn't that bad but they have just taken the precaution because he's the PM. He will be fine.
I didn't even know who this guy was till I looked him up
Would Brits be better off if this guy died?
It doesn't matter. Brits are fucked either way for the next 25 years.
I hope Boris has a very short illness.
Not until Charles goes. The only hope for countries like Canada, Australia and New Zealand not to leave the common wealth is for William to take the throne. Nobody likes Charles.
He'd just be replaced by another person of his ilk
They're playing it safe. England prioritizes their heads of state.
How about we end the monarchy and brits save probably 10,000 pounds each from taxes during their lifetimes.
Television & Film?
>B-but muh c-collective immunity
he is perfectly fine. he is being liquefied and reconstituted as we speak
But he is fit for work like all those other non-PMs who died
>he's 55. look at his face. let that sink in
ehhhh not that bad for 55, he’s just fat. still, being fat, male, and 55 is not good for CoVID.
Those taxes would just be reallocated to something else
my favourite song from 2005 back in the day
Where were you when crumpet trump was kill?
you can insult boris johnson all you want, but hes a man of ingrity. few politicians are willing to die for their beleifs. and here he is, risking his own life, likely dying, to support his beleif in herd immunity. say what you will about the conservative party, but i dont see corbyn and his likes putting their skin on the line for anything. no, they're just more urbanite penthouse liberals. if boris lives, id love to get a pint with him and talk the whole ordeal over. i think quite frankly the jokes on this board on disgusting.
So how fucked are the brits now anyway? The uncertainty leading up to brexit screwed their economy. Then they actually brexit after 4 years of instability which means their economy turns completely shit and they have to sort out all kinds of shit deals to stay afloat and keep the country running. And now there's a pandemic which hurts the world economy severely.
What the fuck are they going to do?
is this a copypasta?
if he dies from his lack of action on coronavirus that will be fucking hilarious. First time a politician feels actual pain and justice for being a fuck up.
Isn't he a roach?
He's 230lbs at 5'9
He's morbidly obese
ask daddy EU if they will take them back
China also dealt with a bunch of bs before the "epidemic".
all these countries did was use people and lie to people.
The leader who thought that it was a better idea to just give up and let everyone catch a deadly virus instead of making a cure for it will be remembered very poorly indeed.
He put yours and your grandpappies lives on the line too with those beliefs
This. China proves once again why communism will win in the end.
>overweight, alcoholic
So, he's british...?
China caused this bullshit to begin with.
Fuck them.
>invasive ventillator
>h-hes fine..
they're literally not doing anything for him anymore and just seeing if he pulls through
No they freaking didn't, you chud. It was a mutation that could have happened just as easily in any white country. In fact there is very strong evidence to suggest that COVID-19 originated in the United States.
I'm not a "WE HAVEN'T TRIED REAL COMMUNISM" fag, but China is about at capitalistic as it gets nowadays. That's why it's so successful. Authoritarian Capitalism. They rule through obedience and authority. Something us westerners will never understand because it is literal fucking hell. They will lose because there will be uprising from inside china like hong kong or we lose painfully to chinks.
post it then nigger
Is that where they are basically draining fluids from your lungs with a tube?
And the chapofag exposes himself
Idris Elba
that's the problem with the corona virus, there is nothing else you can do
it breathes for you
Man, just shut up before you embarrass yourself further.
it was either them or the economy. as i see it, boris johnso n made the right call actually looking out for working regular people. besides, everyone's going to get it anyways. its like chicken pox parties. i hd one when i was younger.
Lijian Zhao already proved it.
I'm an intern at St Thomas Hospital, London. the dude is literally unconscious on a ventilator and life support. I don't even care about politics but I feel bad for him :(
No. The ventilator essentially enables you to breathe because it does the breathing for you. I'm not a doctor so I don't know the specifics but it's kind of like blowing up your lungs with air. This unfortunately also causes permanent damage if this is done for a prolonged period of time.
Regardless of the ventilator, the lungs still fill up with fluids so a separate procedure is needed to drain them regularly.