Kinos about curing depression with a perfect GF?
Kinos about curing depression with a perfect GF?
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its called the “honeymoon phase”
he’ll be back to his old self
Wonder how she feels about her talking about how she was so attracted to Ryan Gosling she let him fill all her holes.
What is wrong with normalfags?
I dont want reliationships
I just want to fuck every hot woman i can
Thats it
For affection, I have my family and my friends
I just want a cute gamer femboi friend who blossoms into a cool guy after he gets over his femboi phase.
t. coombrain. You will never know the pure joy of a cute attractive girl saying she loves you.
the towel photo looking out at the ocean lmao
>Pretending this fuck wasn't always a sloppy mess, broad or no broad.
She will say "i love you" when i pound her pussy
then i dump her and focuses on my greater goals
Based i have got some nice Porsche digits
You guys realize his depression was caused by a bad divorce right>
She's bored and has had a thing for him since Armageddon or Pearl Harbor when she was a kid. Dad bod type girl. He has a limited window of time to put a bun in the oven.
Having a gf is based. Chasing girls is cringe.
That got old after college when girls start getting fat
he sounds so happy and animated in spanish
Plenty movies of old men who are awakened by young girl. They are however cringy.
a perfect gf is asian, not some blacked beaner
yeah haha a gf who spends 4 plus hours online and hates everything is SO worth the effort!! now she's even IRONIC and FUNNY god I have to donate my time and money to make sure she haha what was I talking about?
t. american
I can't imagine myself with a girlfriend. It's like trying to imagine what a lovecraftian elder god or a color that isn't on the rainbow would look like.
invert your anxiety and triple down on your sensory pleasure maybe even more
>I can't imagine myself with a girlfriend. It's like trying to imagine what a lovecraftian elder god or a color that isn't on the rainbow would look like.
Same. I'm so inept with relationships that if I go with a girl my age she'd be weirded out at how incompetent I am at relationships, and if I went for a girl significantly younger than myself, she'd be wondering where is this grown mature adult that she expected?
I gave myself till Nov of this year to find a gf and be in an actual relationship. That's when I turn 35. If I don't, Im literally giving up.
I don’t have friends
Oh christ sorry user. I'm 23 I still have time r-right?
What does any of this mean?
instead of feeling anxious all the time you have someone who you can confide in and trust and instead of relying on cheap dopamine rushes you can have someone who provides your physical needs in a healthy way that feel way better
Don't think that way, it's a big reason why Im where I am. I used to think I had all the time in the world, until I didn't.
I really don't think I'll ever trust anyone enough to ever confide in them anything.
Thanks user. I will use my time wisely and hope that you can get someone before your time is up.
even your frozen heart can be melted you just need to find the right one
I'd have better luck finding El Dorado.
>a color that isn't on the rainbow
That's just extremely lightened up red.
I think what he meant was "not a color in the visible light spectrum", like imagining what the color of radio waves is (protip: they don't have one). Stuff like that. Imagine being Geordie LaForge.
Nope. Pink (more precisely, magenta) is a mix of red and blue light. Thats why it’s not on the rainbow. It’s not a “lightened red”.
you'd have better luck enjoying the weather and the animals all around you. being limited to your own narrative is gonna destroy your brain extremely fast. just try to take the days one at a time
what do you do when you both like eachother but feel fucking worthless cause you still live with your parents at age 27. I'm doing my best to try and move out and have my own life but it makes me feel really insecure and like she'll leave me for being a failure even though she said she doesn't care about all that.
Believe it or not, even fucking 10/10s gets repetitive bro...
Find one you can stand to be around after you coom...form a family together
>this is the way
"Focusing on your goals" is good when your'e young but start your family around 25
You will never experience your true potential as a man without being a husband / father...
You can only get so far spiritually alone.
me on the left :(
>mfw most people clicking this webm will have no idea about her huge natural boobs or the hours upon hours of footage that exist of her taking dick on camera
a perfect gf is not a prolific pornstar btw; if you're going to virtue signal against degeneracy you ought to try harder
Aika Yumeno
Getting a girl doesn’t cure depression or fix your problems. If anything it just adds to your issues. Don’t drag a woman into your mess. Fix your shit, son, then get a girl.
Me on your right ;3
Based but make sure to get a mentally stable woman. Inceldom is much better than a bad relationship and I say this completely seriously.
Honestly this
Can't picture myself with a woman
True Romance is pretty Kino.
jennifer garner is seething somewhere
>be yourself
>put yourself out there
>there is someone out there for everyone
What are some kinos, about dishonest platitudes?
Don't trust this user. Never confide in a woman.
2 girls have said that to me and i only felt guilty because i didnt love them
If you can stand any woman after cooming you might have some kind of brain damage.
Dolarydoos against roubles that he will get fraser'ed
The minute the relationship goes sour, they will use that information to destroy you.
I agree yet I still get mad seeing some fucking loser not even try to get a gf yet he still does by doing nothing. He's just some fucking neet faggot living off of his parents and never cared about having a gf, now he has one and it pisses me off cause he doesn't deserve her.
They didn't love you either. Women just say stuff, they are incapable of love.
After couple of months the mask slips and the constant bitching starts
She'll move on before you do. Then you'll be sad, and you'll regret not acting, because she's fucking someone else.
my friends girl seems like someone who keeps to herself and just closes off from fear of being rejected. It's so fucking obvious she lets so much pass when it comes to him
Its only temporary
thats how I am but remove the friends/family/and casual sex
>this was almost 20 years ago