imagine theeeere's no heaven
Imagine theeeere's no heaven
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I usually love Gal but that was very un-based of her
u may saaaaaayyyyy im a dreeeeammmeeeeeeer
Imagine me dick in ur bum
Jesus put the forehead away before you blind someone
Reminder that Jews don't believe in the afterlife. They believe this life is the only one we get therefore there's no point to being a good person, may as well lie and cheat as much as you want with no consequences and try to squeeze it for everything its worth for your own personal benefit.
>imagine theeeere's no heaven
# No Zion, too.... #
That wasn't very cash-money of you Gal...
This plague really brings the worse in peoples is it? Can't imagine (heh) how bad it's going to be if this shit continue for several months or a year.
Heaven is real. Me and my buddies already planned where to meet when we enter the gates of heaven
God she's so ugly and her body is even worse.
Is she balding?
Her chin could cut glass and I love it.
I want to be her pet goy so bad bros.
>God she's so ugly and her body is even worse.
Well, if you listen any zio kike, they'll tell you that some "3,000-year-old shekel" proves that there never was a Palestine, and that the kikes are the original inhabitants of the deserty shit pit.
>tfw Philistines were there 3,200 years ago
>tfw Philistines are Egyptians
>tfw the jew "slaves" never built the pyramids -- the Egyptians did
>tfw no "Exodus"
>tfw Moses was a Liivite
>tfw "baby Moses on the Nile" was a "borrowed" Babylonian tale about their first king, Sargon (also a fable)
>tfw "Noah's ark" was a Babylonian coracle (circular raft) that all households had, in case of flash-flooding (Babylon/ Iraq was a marshland c.2,500 years ago)
>tfw kikes never "exiled" to Babylon -- rather, integrated; even learning in their ziggurat schools (whence they "borrowed" their sacrificial rituals et al.)
>tfw the "First Temple" was razed (by Nebuchadnezzar) because kikes wouldn't pay taxes (whew!)
>ftw the second tabernacle to the Babylonian sacrificial go, Malek ("Moloch") was razed because the Romans felt the degeneracy ("sin") from the place was polluting Rome
>tfw the Third Temple is now, not only planned, by all but being prepped for, via the agency of the dotard-in-Knesset installed to make it happened
>tfw "one-world gov't" under Zion, replacing the Hague
>tfw "Noihide laws" (Noah's laws) enact (USC "U.S. Public Law" 102-4, 1991 / 150-2, 1993)
>tfw Yas Forums diddlers all decapitated for even speaking ill of a jew
>...much less, one of its prime spec-ops hasbara agents
How fucked up the ass is DCEU now, all of their surviving stars are ruining their public image.
I'm sure WB will use the opportunity to reboot AGAIN
>See the little faggot with the earring and the makeup?
>Yeah buddy, that's his own hair
>That little faggot got his own jet airplane
>That little faggot, he's a millionaire
>Philistines are Egyptians
Phillistines were Sea Peoples you dunce
Hm weird, I believe this life is the only one you get so you shouldn't be an asshole, and uplift your fellow man.
It's the only life that matters, why go around making it worse?
then what excuse do christians have?
kal eeeel nuu
take your meds schizino
there wont be, for her.
Millionaires singing about imagining no heaven and no possessions when people's parents and children are dying in the fucking ICU en masse in the middle of a pandemic lmao. Celebrities are truly disconnected from reality.
I remember when I first actually listened to the lyrics of imagine and realised how horrifying it sounded.
Fuck John Lennon.
My brother and my sister-in-law unironically have Corona.
They're in their 30's so I hope they're well, they probably will be.
Sister in law's mother has it also and is in her 60's though.
Dude it's the wh*tes war against God. They're satanists by nature, true to their moniker "white devil", they see this pandemic as an affront to their wickedness; this western society and all it's debauchery they try to spread all over the world. God, earth, the universe said: Enough.
Revelation 2:9 "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.".
What do you think that's referring to? Israel.. pollacks, krauts and slavs larping as hebrews while evicting the real ones out of their homelands.
Why do you think they're desperately looking for a cure, losing their shit and ramping up their verbal assaults on Christianity? It's because their leash is slipping away from everyones neck, their system is crumbling. All countries most affected are theirs and the insectoids who are just soulless.
The world is inching it's way to a reset, just like the great floods that drowned everyone except nature and the righteous. And like Sodom and Gomorrah, I imagine not everyone living there was a total degenerate, some might've been cool.. but they were sympathizers or guilty by association. Some turned into pillars of salt just for looking back at it. Best thing to do in that situation is pray for your soul because your bodies fate, it's a coin toss. If the virus prevails, good prevails.. if it doesn't, then evil wins the day.
because atheists have no morality, they dont believe that there is a difference between good or evil
"The first reference to Philistines in the Hebrew Bible is in the Table of Nations, where they are said to descend from Casluhim, son of Mizraim (EGPYT).
>cannot use even grade school tier punctuation
I'd use the term "irony"... IF mutts knew what the word meant.
Jews are NOT white you ape.
You dont need morality to have empathy.
lol I didnt even think about that either. People's children and family members are dying and she starts singing about how they wont go to heaven. LOL
>I'd use the term "irony"
The word you're looking for is "paradox", actually, you fucking ape.
empathy without morality is meaningless. Atheists have animalistic empathy, sometimes they have a spontaneous feeling of empathy for a child murderer and campaign for his release and sometimes they have a feeling that stealing is wrong because a person they knew got robbed and the next day their empathy doesnt trigger because the people being robbed are not anyone they know. Such is life as an animal.
I think she's pretty, but she's a jew so I wouldn't go near her.
The funny thing is John Lennon had other songs that would be so appropriate for this time of people being quarantined and feeling hopeless. Songs like "Isolation" or "come together" but the one song they fucking choose is Imagine....there's no heaven....imagine no possessions.....lmao
So, we are animals. I think our empathy is good enough. Right and wrong have more to do with maintaining order than objective truth anyway.
Just like minds or bodies, atheists come in all shapes and sizes.
You've made claims with no proof.
is there a webm of this fucking thing? i don't want to feed their youtube view count
I want to punch her face to pulp.
You literally believe your grandfather is a monkey, why should we take anything you say seriously
you literally just said: "spontaneous feelings are enough [for higher civilization]" This is objectively not true, I mean you'd have to be a total retard not to understand that. The very foundation of every society is a set of laws that is enforced without feeling.
Imagine shitting on atheists when religious cucks around the world are worsening the pandemic by being entitled cunts with zero empathy.
You believe a sky daddy will solve all your problems and that your existance will get better when you're rotting in the ground.
Religion is a coping mechanism for people that can't brave reality.
The Philistines were part of the Sea Peoples who attacked Egypt who were then resettled in Canaan by Ramesses III during the 19th Dynasty. Check your sources before coming around here with your copy pasta.
and you dont understand evolution so why should we take anything you say seriously
No they're not, they're brown, dark haired, dark skinned, dark eyed and middle eastern through and through. They don't come from europe. They're not light skinned.
The fake ones are wh*te like you. Those are the ones you know as "jews". They're the ones who stole that identity. In your mind when you see a so called jew, you see a white guy with a skull cap. You don't see a haji looking sheep herder with a turban.. like in the bible. You fell for the ruse.. the imposters are your people man.
They are.
Still never seen this video because I don't have an instagram
They aren't of my people, they're not european, they're disgusting subhuman mutts of mixed blood.
All I can hear is ooo ooo ah ah
They are europeans dude. Oh boy, I know your eyes work but your mind.. it's denying what you see.
"muHHH copINg!"
Without your sex, internet, food, social contact, [insert comfort], you would kill yourself in 5 seconds. You're basically telling us that believing in a higher absolute truth is stupid because you can cope with food. Food. You're debasing yourself to the level of an animal. If God is cope then it's cope for higher intelligent beings that want to follow the real absolute truth of the creator of the universe while your only cope that you need is food. Like a literal donkey.
take it to Yas Forums ya pinheads
or get a life outside of muh race
The music itself is beautiful though.
b-but Israel!!
Honestly? Based celebrities making people seethe.
t. Slide-posting kike.
people laughed at them
You don't know anything about me, I bet you've never felt real hunger.
The fact you think you'll kill yourself without your religion or these social ills reveals a lot about you.
Yes continue with your sad religion, better than becoming another statistic I suppose.
Why do the jewish ten commandments say the opposite then?
Simple as
Doesn't matter where they come from or what they look like, because a Jew is an ideology, not a bloodline, hence how they can be saved by converting and accepting Jesus Christ.
This is a slideposting Jew. Ignore him.