April 6, 2020

>April 6, 2020

wtf bros .....feels like christmas was yesterday

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how many of them are already divorced?

Lmao imagine actually drinking keystone or Busch.

I've just been living one long day kek

It doesn't really feel like time has moved past 2012-13 for me. I'm 24 and think about hs all the time.



>you will never live in a frat again

I can't really remember much of Middle or High School, what I do remember are people and small moments between me and those people I remember.

it feels good.

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I’ll beat the shit out of you if you badmouth Busch Light again

barefoot in that room

It felt like this for me for a long time.
The entirety of my 20s felt like they took place in 2013. Nothing feels quite real after that.

It gets better, though. In the last couple years, I've had to move around a lot, and I've held a lot of different jobs. I think it was just depression and the repetitive monotony of the job I had around that time

Didn't this dude die or something? Maybe I'm mixed up, I feel like he died in that position or something though.

Literally me in college. I miss it so much bros. Smoking weed, eating junk food, playing vidya with your bros all day. I can't go back but I miss it.

If you’re going to go white trash beer there’s only 3 options:
-Rolling rock (for something that actually tastes decent instead of like piss water considering the price)
-PBR for when you want to drink a bunch of piss water at a Frat party (if you’re a faggot zoomer that’s still in college)
-Michelob Ultra for when you want to drink piss water while fishing or cabrewing all day.

stop believing every single post made by teenagers who want to feel like they know something others dont, idiot fuckwad

Literally me after seeing a cunny thread and cooming.

>no steel reserve

How the fuck do people live like this?

And we can't even go outside yet

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each of them dont want to be the one who cleans first or they will be expected to do it everytime.
they are what people call retards

26, everything feels like it did in middleschool. Alone and going with the motion.

Listen to this fuckin guy lol
You had friends over? Fuck off fag

are you a woman or just a basedboy

yeah we'd even such each other's cocks

If I ever have kids, I don’t care if they’re 5, 15, or 25, if their room looks like this I’m beating them to an inch of their life.

literally nothing wrong with it. just you and your own filftth

24. i've been posting on Yas Forums for over 10 years now. what am i doing with my life.

All garbage in the light of God’s Chosen Elixir

implying youd ever get laid

Relax dude, I'm not to blame for you getting molested.

To a certain extent I get that but who the fuck just leaves fucking trash all over the place like that?

Honestly where did the last decade go? I know time “speeds up” the older you get but god. I remember being 10 and thinking a year was insanely long. Summer break felt like a year in itself. Now I close my eyes and weeks pass by

Speak for your self senpai

no one believes you are relaxed

Crippling depression will do that to you

When I was at my lowest I literally had to climb from my chair to my bed because clothes were scattered everywhere and I was stacking beverage cans and pringlescans everywhere

I don't care what you believe. I'm more or less relaxed, my back hurts a little. That's it.

you think the guys in OP have crippling depression"?


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I don't understand how you let a room get like this. It's fucking disgusting

no one cares that you don't care

who here also coomfy?

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>Project M

>shoes inside

Jesus christ, just stop

If I was ever depressed to the point I was going to kill myself I would make sure to put the empty fifth of tequila into the trash can before I blew my brains out.

no woman in their life
women bring order to the lives of men
before that they're like crying, shitting babies

Incels need to feel like they look fashionable 24/7

with all the glass though I'm better off

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>December 6, 2019. Phillip Allen Hodsmith was found deceased in his bedroom after his roommates returned from Thanksgiving vacation to find him sitting in his computer chair in front of his computer. The roommates postponed calling the authorities for five days as they believed he was sleeping. Toxicology reports have not been completed but copious alcohol consumption is assumed to have been involved.

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no source. just greentext. retards will believe you

Fake and gay

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They can clean up that mess in 10 minutes not a big problem

smoking weed really activates my prostate so i try to avoid it

I think it's because I was so bored back then. here me out on this, but it really is a grass is always greener situation. when I was a kid on any average day me and my siblings would basically shitpost irl before that was even a thing. we'd just repeat random phrases and shit to kill time...and perhaps we're spoiled by choice now, maybe we're inundated with too much to do that it doesn't feel worthwhile, or it just feels cheap. like when I'd spend 20 bucks on a CD you'd bet your ass I'd pay attention to every detail, but downloading an album doesn't warrant the same kind of attention. it could if you tried but there's no obligation there forcing you to explore it.

this is what a frat looks like if anyone was wondering


you're just a brainlet at music user, don't know what else to tell you

it took them 5 days to realise he wasn't just sleeping?

found the absolute retard

feel free to point out what was wrong about my post

>t. zoomer who listens to music exclusively on spotify

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cope, you just don't hear good.

that post with the greentext is a lie

feels like coronachan cancelled the year

ITT imagine the smell

I wish i was locked in a den with my bros just jerking eachotehr off and playing crash bandicoot

>the year 2000 is closer to the 70s than it is to today

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I'm wearing a pair of AKG k240's with a headphone amp and have equalizer APO installed with Peace UI interface. I hear more in music than you could even imagine you predicable zoomer. You probably think you're deep for listening to Nirvana or some shit.

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>headphone amp
Just get some speakers you absolute nigger, it made my day that you'd get self-righteous about wasting money on headphone paraphernalia when you don't even run a quality system.

This COVID shit is starting to really drag. I hope the next horseman steps up soon, or at least bring the Iran plotline back to the front.


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now who sounds like a nigger, you only like music when it emphasizes the bass so you can shuck and jive like a monkey

>Yas Forumsdoomer BTFO again
just accept that you're living during the most mundane time in human history and pick up a hobby or something

You'd love to use my system user, I have a vintage quad setup, a set of expensive nearfield monitors, better headphones, a room with a 5.1 setup... You're like a weak baby

Keystone ice is smooth af

I have a theory that the Mesoamerican Long Count Calender predicted a reality shift sometime around 2012 at which point the functionality of time and human consciousness would dramatically change.

It's weird how much time passed. I still remember things from middle school and earlier with crystal clear memory.
It feels kind of sad. I'm getting older.

Im 32 and its the same for me.
Feel like 2013 was a blur and i cant remember 2015 nor 2016.

Wtf, man.

how do incels live like this?

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>turned 28 in January
>still feel like I'm 16


so you calling me a "brainlet" was just a class flex. you're a piece of shit and a disgrace to manhood. go shine your bose boomer faggot.

Not a class flex at all, I'm saying if you can't enjoy and experience albums you don't listen to, that you simply don't listen well enough. It's a problem with your brain not your personality.

miss these days fucking bad. used to have friends in highschool and college. lost most everyone i know trying to "grow up" and "better myself" and pursue a career that went nowhere. never be that young and dumb again.

What's interesting to me is how different my perception of this is to the 2008 GFC. I grew up in a poorer area, knew a lot of people who lost their jobs, it was very noticeable. People in that area have lost their jobs again during this/ been put on one of the new government wage payment programs.
Now I work a professional job and generally associate with professional types, we're all just working away at full pay, albeit at home. Nobody I know now is suffering much financial hardship. Is that upward social mobility in action?

do you know if you are tone def by any chance?

>I will be 23 in a month
>still a khhv
>still thinking about my highschool crush

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