now this is a based Yas Forums station
Now this is a based Yas Forums station
>not watching on a CRT
it probably is. the back is hidden in the wall
I only put that many pillows behind my back when I jack off
god I wish I was getting to do this
I'm still working, and my horrible roommates aren't and are hogging the living room 24/7
Based on what?
work more wagecuck
based on god
This is my personal bedroom and I'm a neet lol
Fireplace would make it uncomfortably warm.
i wouldn't have thought a 4channer was capable of this
>durr I'm so gonna watch movies all day long
It was fun for like a week now it kind of sucks
yeah i'm so bored with not going out consuming like a good goy
I was in the middle of a work placement and was learning a ton. I just want to go back to work now.
I'm on day 22 of self isolation. It got a little weird a couple days ago, but now I'm over it. Back to feeling fine.
This used to be what every user's room was until proven otherwise, until NORP redditors flooded in. I fight with my scat and botulism.
>tfw used to live like this
I have no idea how it got that bad. I live alone now and I'm still kind of messy, but I don't have fucking trash in my house.
what forums do you think the vile slobs of the world browse?
Yas Forums would be my first guess honestly
I am so fucking glad I moved out of my old house with roommates 6 months ago. Now I live alone. If I still had gay and normie roommates during this virus I would go fucking insane.
something like /r/politicalhumour
imagine the smell
He should check his privilege.
>the midgets episode
Is that Votoms? nice
I dont have to.
I used to live like this, it's a depressing existence
some call him a hoarder, I call him a future proofer
>tfw you are a wagecuck working at McDonald's and you are still fucking working
what really sucks is you'd probably be making more money off of the boosted unemployment if you actually got laid off
shit sucks bro, but at least you got quads
I get the spirit of what you're saying. This is probably the most out and out depraved site on the internet. No doubt.
But honestly I bet the people with the truly disgusting cluttered junk filled rooms "browse" sites like porn site comment sections, instagram humor pages, 9gag posts (does that still exist?) and shit like r/politics.
Just the most generic, simplistic, yet highly trafficked sites out there. I'm sure there are other good examples I'm not thinking of
Nice digits though
I totally would because they just cut hours for everyone, I'm basically only working 15 hours a week now. I'd probably be making the equivalent of working full time if they just laid me off.
None of these kids remembers foul bachelor frog
I bet this guys abode is filthy
i made $20 an hour in nyc at basically a wagecuck job and now im making $504+600 a week to sit on my ass it's fucking glorious
Being a McWagie is a suffering existence, I'd make more if they just fired me. I don't think McDonald's is gonna close down unless their meat literally gets infected
We're all Chads here.
What purpose does that armchair in the corner of the room serve but to watch two people having sex on the bed? You can't see the TV from there.
>these are the mentally ill amerisharts that are calling others 3rd world on 4chins
Reminder that's actually a femanon's room. She's actually cute but fucked with all kinds of issues like bulimia and bloody vomits. I know this because there was a thread about it on Yas Forums. I don't have the screencap but one exists
>that's actually a femanon's room
yeah, that'd be right
Based, hope you're able to sort this out one day though. My space is getting pretty bad, I need to work on it. What's the point though?
Man, I wish I could stay home. A crazy first time experience and I gotta wagecuck while everyone is hermiting it up.
Jesus dude... I go fucking crazy when I don't wash my sheets once a week. Or if I leave a coffee cup on my desk.
In a civilised society, mental cases like that would be receiving some form of care from a mental health team. Only in Muttland do these people get left to fend for themselves and make the world around them miserable for everyone else.
I knew you weak little lefties wanted to give everyone free rent, but I didn't know you wanted to give away slave labor to clean your room too.
At least you’re aware of your wagecuckery. What are you gonna do about it?
Can we have one thread where you stop projecting your fragile masculinity.
where did I imply that?
I always see threads about how messy and disgusting women's rooms are. It just feels unnecessary whether it's true or not.
Damn really? McDonald's shut in my country.
>fireplace in your room
Enjoy lung cancer!
>Been working from home
>Get to paid in full without going outside
This is why wageslaving is a mistake past 22
fuck off roastie
>I always see threads about how messy and disgusting women's rooms are. It just feels unnecessary whether it's true or not.
You'd be doing hell on your neck and back.