>turn on netflix original series
>man of colour romancing a blonde white girl
Turn on netflix original series
every white male with a white wife and white kids would shame you for paying for netflix in the first place
blonde hair + blue eyes is a shit tier combo anyway and deserves to be bred out of existence
>caring what consenting adults do with their lives
>caring about who falls in love with who
>thinking that race is anything besides skin pigmentation
it’s amazing how hard it’s shilled and yet, without exception, every girl I’ve dated or been friends with have emphatically said they would not date a black guy when it came up.
and the one girl I’ve been associated with who has married/dated a black guy was admitted to a mental hospital multiple times when we were growing up kek
>>turn on netflix
that was your mistake.
Sounds like kino to me wyteboi
You cant breed it out of existence its too attractive
>intelligence doesn’t exist and it surely doesn’t affect behavior
nice try, kike
please PLEASE make a soijack post about me now please it’ll make me so hard
>it's a 90s born queer is a cuck episode.
britbongs fuck off
>making up a fantasy world to fuel your Yas Forums delusions.
user please.
i dont know if you understand that format, but that post you replied to was actually making fun of the people who writes that stuff.
>IQ tests determine superiority
alright so you're admitting whites are inferior to asians? based
>thinking that race is anything besides skin pigmentation
I wonder how they can tell what race some bones are if race is just skin deep
every time without fail too
I tried watching that locke and key shit with my mom cause she likes teen drama for some reason and I changed it when the nigger showed up
>>man of colour
It's spelled n-i-g-g-e-r
who was he quoting though?
maybe that's why no one could understand, because he was quoting someone who doesn't exist?
>he doesn’t live in a flyover state with racist white girls
sorry, jew. maybe next time
I wonder how they can tell what race a skeleton is if race is just skin deep, do they look at the teeth and tell that it's a nigger if they're rotten and yellow?
I bet you think women are smarter than men because they have a higher "emotional iq"
only you didnt understand, bro.
unless...do you think you encompass more than 1 person?
>turn on Netflix
>Asian girl romancing a white dude
it’s a factor, but their lack of empathy hurts their score
seems like it could’ve gone either way. and based on the fact that it’s a soijack, I’m assuming the worst of OP
>thread revolving around black penis #942
my cock isn't that special lads
its just a spammed picture. only retards get emotional when seeing it
Damn is that what leftists actually look like? Embarassing for leftypol
Hey don't assume the worst of me!
then I’m retarded because I’m fucking tired of it.
>blonde white girl
netflix has those?
Whats new?
then stop posting soijack please it sends me into fits of autistic rage and it scares my family
That's not even the Texas shooter you mong. Did you have to spend a long time searching this from your Yas Forums folder?
Is this what Yas Forums thinks about all day long? Just black cocks fucking pure aryan women?
He's literally a liberal kike kid you just posted. Fucking retards
Netflix is run by far-left ideologues? Who would have guessed?
>Is this what leftists watch all day long? Just black cocks fucking pure aryan women?
Untrue my friend. He's an avid BLACKED subscriber, a loyal Trump supporter and a devout catholic.
>zero proof
You are watching the wrong Netflix shows my guy. Try The Last Kingdom.
already recovered
Larping as a negro is an objectionable offense.
Yeah alright kike
these same people think that trannies in drag should be allowed to educate your children but also believe that the age of consent should be raised to 25 for all white men. clown world
Huh? Patrick Crusius, the El Paso, Texas shooter, is the guy you posted who is a registered democrat. I'm not sure why you're so upset about this fact. It was pretty clear from the guys manifesto that he was left wing in a classic sense
I think all white men should be castrated at the age of 18 and assigned to a gender reassignment camp. After the reassignment is complete they should be server at the pleasure of their new black masters.
That's why I stick to video game adaptations like Sonic.
No no no, he was a member of the white supremacist organization known as Yas Forums. I think he got sick of all the black men cucking him so he went berserk.
thread took a turn to yawnsville
Its 2020 times are changing boomer. Stop being such a piece of shit because you cant control what a woman does. You have no right to judge.
>No no no
He's trying so hard to bring it back. Say hi to fikod for me tranny. His days are numbered and so are yours.
It's a thread made by a white limp dicked incel who get's mad anytime he sees a black man. It's a shit thread.
Nice delusion but the guy was a democrat. Very unfortunate for leftypol especially considering there was a second shooting that day from another lefty.
delet this NOW
im still yawning
More like you made it just to samefag in the thread saying everyone is an incel and post the word blacked a couple hundred more times.
fuck off
Have you looked outside, that's exactly what we can do right now.
Reminder trannies are in panic mode because tgry can't get their pills.
>turn on Netflix
>see white person
there are no trannies in my life.
do you interact with trannies in your life?