Should I watch it, did you see it?
I love monsters and genetically mutated stuff.
Also for discussion: Species
Love HR Giger and I have heard Splice is a modern Species. What do we think Yas Forums
watch it, it's kino
It's good to watch specially if you like that shit and you are running out of stuff. I wish it was 20 minutes longer and explored the creatures development more. Also if the creature had bigger tts
stupid ending
Remember i went to go see it with my mother. The part with the sex was very uncomfortable, i dont like watching sex happen when im around my parents.
Niggas should have thrown money at Vincenzo Natali to make movies, after that and Cube, instead he's directing fucking episodes of TV while we get capeshit after capeshit
>needing a website to verify that adrien brody is jewish
well he's 1/4 white and Catholic
Yeah, decent for a fap.
It has moments. The downhill ending seems rushed and sudden. If you have any sympathy for the girl, it will be like a kick in the nuts.
I remember taking a girl to see this in highschool and fingering her to orgasm
based, should have done it mark walhberg style on a ferris wheel
This sequence was not edited by me in anyway. This actually happened.
based 80's-tier shlock
Nice trips, and nice artifact.
looks like and its from 90's
It's good until the last act.
holy based
How is this NOT Anya, or Catwoman off Gotham?
That looks nothing like Anya
i jerked off to the scene where he fucks her before, i found it strangely erotic
I remember it being decent... go for it amigo
I haven't watched it for a few years but i thought it was great, females dont like it though.
It's shit, but
>I love monsters and genetically mutated stuff
See it 100%
Kill yourself youngfag
>capitalising for emphasis
zoomer poof.
I thought it was really solid. Nothing amazing, but a really good ride.
The fuck is this from?
Species. Pure trash movie built around showing off what were considered the epic titties at the time. Really awful, typical early 90s titty flick of choice celebrity. Rated-R
You were lucky if you got 5 seconds of titty footage of your choice celebrity back then, like in Under Siege. Back then, a few seconds of insane titties is all you needed.
Editing one frame of a film strip isn't going to make you a goth wannabe supernatural serial killer.
i forgot this movie existed.
imagine being this guy and having your ability to enjoy something revolve around the racial background of the people involved
living in a state of permanent self cucking
Is that what representation and wokeness are?
maybe you should have sex with your parents so it wont be uncomfortable anymore.
Literally watch anything the Vincenzo Natali has done. Truly underrated.
To catch a glimpse of titties like these was a big deal. It's what all true underage warriors strived for.
>all true underage warriors
shut the fuck up you retarded queer.
Speking of kinos, do someone know another movies with similar themes like this one and Species?
you post like a gay.
There's nothing wrong with posting this, some trolls are so miserable they want everyone to be miserable and lash out for that irrational reason. I don't have a recommendation for you, but I'd be interested to see the responses.
lol what if everyone fucked frankensteins monster when it was a baby haha I mean we couldn't make that a real movie but I mean what if we did heheh
>woodhaven Queens
oh shit that's where I live
it was ok
So are you a jew or an immigrant?
Pretty much no Jews live here actually, Brody was the exception to the rule. A lot of hispanics and indians are invading now though. My family is like one of 3 white ones left on my block.
Pick one
no it absolutely sucks. even the interspecies mutant incest sex couldn't save it.
>King of Queens features white people living in Queens
>Peter Parker is from Queens
Queens may have a lot of spics and chinks but there are still pockets of us cumskins around you know. Dwindling pockets, but pockets nonetheless.
This. It’s very boring, and by the time the ending comes around it just descends into schlock.
>King of Queens features white people living in Queens
>>Peter Parker is from Queens
LOL fictional characters from years and years ago don't reflect current reality bro, that's just a shit argument now stop LARPing, Pajeet
>t. staten islander
It's more like a shitty the fly
The ending completely ruins any promise it had. Only watch if you want a lewd monster girl to fap to.
Homo Sapiens
>tfw she was raped by Ratner