Actors are all stu-

Actors are all stu-

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>Said Woody after taking a dab

Anyone with have a brain knows this

>Americans are all stupid

>I haven’t fully vetted it I find it very interesting. 5G radiation is exacerbating the contagion’s spread and making it more lethal.
inb4 he suddenly mysteriously dies

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My favorite conspiracy theory is that governments invent and disseminate the majority of conspiracy theories to make people think that they're more powerful and competent than they really are.

lol my dad is watching cheers right now

That's retarded.

The truth is that governments invent and disseminate the majority of conspiracy theories and make them intentionally insane and retarded to cover up the handful that they are actually guilty of.

Why can't it be both? Adds to the confusion.

>The truth is that governments invent and disseminate the majority of conspiracy theories and make them intentionally insane and retarded to cover up the handful that they are actually guilty of.
This is true.

It can't be both. In one instance, they're doing actual conspiracies, and in the other instance, they're doing nothing because they aren't actually as powerful as they appear to be. is probably right though

Truth or not, this whole thing showed how inefficient politicians are.

Fun fact, the government discovered aliens in 1865 but decided not to tell anyone because the aliens were black

Mexicans have always existed retard

Woody is a hippie vegan nut, those types of people are always into conspiracies about technology.

he's been taking too much of his own product

Can we just start teaching out kids the difference between ionizing radiation and electro magnetic radiation?
I feel like no one knows there's a difference, plus the fact that we are surrounded but electro magnetic radiation on a daily basis.

The truth-iest truth is, governments are all actually pretty pants on head retarded and are really bad at covering shit up and all the things we know are what they are really doing but no one really cares here because the shit that goes down is thousands of miles away and until shit goes down here like corona then we freak out.

My job involves 5g so I really hope you retards don’t somehow get me fired

>it's real


Then again, his father was a convict. He grew up better than his father, at least.

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it's awfully suspicious. it seems like for every reasonable conspiracy (elements in the bush administration knew that al qaeda were planning an attack and wanted to capitalize on it) there's a batshit insane conspiracy (the twin towers were nuked by nanothermite except the planes were actually holographic). seems like it's easy to manipulate opinion in these matters, all you have to do is propose something more extreme and then call anyone that disagrees a shill or non-believer.

The truth is that the british government is being secretly manipulated by a cabal of reptilian monks who plan to bring back the Knights of the Round Table and usher a new arthurian age.

>his father was a convict
Aussies are the descendants of convicts and I suspect that that's why they're so based.

Literally every thread.

>browsing Yas or the SFW section
>never heard of COINTELPRO

Their national hero is a convict.

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I've heard tell of these "COINTELPRO" fellows, but I won't ask you to spoonfeed me. I'll google it myself. Unless you have some more reliable resources on the subject.

Go back.

Kill yourself cancer merchant.

can't handle it huh

Based Woody

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Correct, but it's not the government but the deep state that does it.

It's refreshing that celebrities are breaking out of groupthink and expressing their genuine opinions. A year ago, saying this would be public suicide. He probably would have been #cancelled too.

lol why the fuck would they give him that shitty hairpiece?

>The virus's symptoms are more severe in people with diabetes, those who are fat fucks, and old. Basically all Americans
>Nah it's 5G
Really gets the thinker tinkering

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Post silhouette

and yet spain and italy got fucking trucked harder than anyone. Really gets the almonds activated.

What character is he supposed to be here?

Carnage in Venom 2

>expressing their genuine opinions
One day they'll express how bad kikes are and it'll be a normal expression.

Cletus Kasady

And yet Spain and Italy have very old populations.

Because Italy has one of the oldest populations in the world.

for shit talking 5g, you're a fucking idiot.

weed is bad

people do it for them

There are literally more cases in Europe than in the whole USA. You have a choice: you can count the whole EU and the whole USA, or you can count state-by-state in the USA and per "country" in the EU.

If I were a powerful politician I would have at least a few low level conspiracy theorists gangstalked for shits and giggles.

Yup. Well poisoning.

My man knows what’s up

Being an actor should be a crime, I respect rapists more than actors

i used to work for a cell phone company back when we were rolling out 4g. no one literally said shit

why the big deal with 5g? are people this retarded. its fucking radio waves man. they're hitting you RIGHT NOW

So he’s a Qtard?
How did mossad manage to mindfuck these boomers so hard they are now drunking fishtank cleaning chemicals, burning down 5g towers and larping about thousands of children getting rescued from pedo dungeons by Trump himself?

I don't hate them, but people definitely need to be more aware of just how dumb the average actor is. It's not a profession that lends itself well to intellectuals or people with a lot of self-awareness.

That's also, probably, the reason for why they are so susceptible to blindly following whatever retarded mantra is being spread around in Hollywood, like trans kids "rights", vegetarianism, etc.

sounds like something cliff clavin would say not woody

>why the big deal with 5g
5g is bad because China made it huawei is the one pushing it atm, and will become good once the USA makes its own version.

I like infecting my own wife.

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Probably because there is less obesity

what the fuck 5g radiations have to do it with a damn virus? can someone explain it to me?

How does that disprove what I said though? The countries in Europe most affected have some of the most oldest populations. Dismissing all of that and saying "nah it's 5G" well, Woody might as well have talked about his dog or some other trivial shit because that's how much it contributes to the pandemic topic.

I respect rapists more than a lot of people to be honest. Rape is pretty good.

Same reason as why people think wind turbines give you cancer. Internet and social media has made spreading stupid shit far easier.

what if your mom gets raped? or your sister? or your dad? or you?

would you respect said rapist?