When you see it you'll shit bricks

When you see it you'll shit bricks

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holy freakin crap louise, is that SNEED?

are they making the chad-walk?

>this character's wearing. Red hat, it's Sneed!!!1

what do you know about Kevin Schweiber Hirosukawa Nunes?

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can somone give me a quick run down on the extended universe lore of sneed?

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Sneed isn't actually the old man in the store. he's actually God in the simpsons universe and the two farmers outside of his store are his avatars. Chuck is also Satan.

Pic is outdated; more farmer appearances have been found in various seasons.

Attached: Sneed Family Guide.jpg (2498x1602, 969.92K)

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i feel like sneed is more of an archetype

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Nu Simpsons is truly worse than Family Guy.

why are they laying on the ground?

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Look at this. This is the show everyone used to admire when you were a kid. Look at what it has become.

What the actual fuck is that autistic synchronized dance move? Is that the new spasm children are flailing to these days?

>world's largest sneed bump

It's fucking pathetic what has happened to the simpsons. I don't give a shit when they make amusing jokes like the long running one of the RNC being a dracula castle etc but this is just sad. Does anyone find this funny anymore?

This looks like a parody old simpsons would make about political propaganda.

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Hank looks like a cool math teacher I had in school I can't hate on him.

Did hitler animate this?

What would Trump even be impeached for? Tax fraud? Lmfao look into Bernie Sanders as hard as you look into Trump, libnazis, and see how much money that lying old fuck has embezzled.

I seriously can't believe they actually remembered those 2 farmers 8 seasons after.

son of sneed

God, being a Drumpfkin must be suffering. Imagine not being allowed to enjoy a 30 year old show that's made fun of and parodied everything and everyone because they make a Trump joke, and not believing that literally anything negative about Trump is some elaborate conspiracy theory would completely shatter the internal logic of your world view.

you aren't left wing

Jokes are supposed to be funny.

>elaborate conspiracy theory would completely shatter the internal logic of your world view.

Yeah, it is ironic that the Fox News/Alex Jones crowd doesn't have a sense of humor.

So for the record there aren't actually people out there that defend this, right? Even the most anti-trump person out there must feel at least some degree of second hand embarrassment.

I haven't seen the episode, but what's embarrassing? It just looks like Trump running away from "the squad" (which I admit is pretty cringe; not that he's afraid of newly elected congress women who aren't yet paid to keep quiet - just the whole "squad" thing).

i don't even like trump, it's just lazy writing and not funny at all. not even just the trump shit either, the whole show is terrible now.

>When you see it you'll shit bricks
god that takes me back.

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Drumpftards on suicide watch ITT
Face or, the simpsons absolutely OWNED the Cheetoh And Chief.

>the whole show is terrible now
I honestly haven't watched more than a handful of episodes since the 90's. I'm just really sick of everyone throwing a hissyfit and completely dropping a show just because they made a Trump joke. Like him or not the guy is a doofus, but that doesn't mean you can just dismiss any Trump joke as "lazy".

it is extremely lazy because there isn't even a joke at all. seriously what even is this shit? the only time i genuinely chuckled was at the thicc trump framed pic at the end.

That seems just as funny as the Simpsons ever was. The humor is a bit quaint in 2020, but it's still full of decent jokes.

Nobody liked this show when I was a kid but they advertised the movie everywhere

>when I was a kid
Kill yourself zoomie

rent free

And here we go again, Simpsons has been considered dead by everyone with a brain since the late 90s, but put some lazy pandering in and suddenly everyone except trolls are supposed to love it

The simpsons movie came out 15 years ago

Most people who grew up with the Simpsons were in college 15 years ago.

dont interact with old people users. they are always mad

>That seems just as funny as the Simpsons ever was. The humor is a bit quaint in 2020, but it's still full of decent jokes.

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Are they making swastikas with their bodies?


Literally 3 years of searching for fill-in-the-blanks for preselected charges.

>July 21st 2007
>15 years ago
Retarded zoomie brain deteriorated from eating too many tide pods and can no longer do basic math. Many such cases. Sad.

>i identify as an attack helicopter

No, that’s reserved for based Japanese High School girls.

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>trump wakes up in a cold sweat with his bed covered in newspapers with negative press coverage
>he walks over to a portrait of washington and confuses it for a mirror
How is that not just as funny as classic Simpsons? Trump is the literal definition of cognitive dissonance, and those are both based on real things that he's done or said.

You need to be 18 to post here

Yikes dude
>it make fun orange man haha it funn

I never said that making fun of Trump was automatically funny, and often times it is lazy (I've tried watched Trevor Noah and Seth Myers). My point was that some people are so brainwashed that they don't allow themselves to find anything funny if it makes a Trump joke, and will completely drop shit they grew up loving like the Simpsons or South Park just because...I don't even fucking know.

classic simpsons had real characters, not just shitty caricatures.

retard alert

You're literally trying to defend this on the basis of it being anti Trump and your personal hatred for some unknown reason for people sick and tired of every retard trying to make fun of orange man. It's boring and it's tired and it stopped being amusing after 2017.

You're the problem here. Not these "sycophantic retards" that live in your head.

They often got the real celebrity to do the voices, but the characters were just as much of a caricature because, you know, it's a fucking cartoon. That said, how on earth would you make a cartoon version of Trump that isn't a caricature? He acts like that in real life.

>it's boring and it's tired and it stopped being amusing after 2017
Everyone is sick of Trump, but what else are people going to talk about when he goes out of his way to do or say something outlandish on a daily basis to keep himself the top story in the news?

>Everyone is sick of Trump, but what else are people going to talk about when he goes out of his way to do or say something outlandish on a daily basis to keep himself the top story in the news?

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Zombie Simpsons is not the hill you want to die on

How do you think they felt getting dunked on by that shitskin over Apu?

You don't have to consume propaganda you know

Come up with new material to entertain people. Is this a real question?

Imagine if they all weren't jewish. That apu guy might have been enough to cancel them