The non-family

What do you retards think of the new seminal, generation defining comedy “the non-family”

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it's about as good as drawn together was

idk user ill wait for another episode to see if they improve the sound and overall delivery for the dialogues

It’s no Dennis.

better than reddit friends

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So does it only cost about $5 to advertise on this shithole?

is this a southpark rip off?

Yas Forums must come in a bundle

>nothing much, boys

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Looks like a chinese/indian knock off animation

What did they mean by this?


The fuck keeps making threads about this?

The joke is that men think they have authority over women hence why they're both authority figures, however in the face of a woman with good looks the men are intimidated which is brilliantly portrayed here with the proportions

Went to try and find out what i thought of the new seminal, generation defining comedy “the non-family” was once but while i was watching the nigger broke out of the screen and kept shouting right into my face the "CREDIT CARD? YOU GOT IT" line from Home Alone 2. Like, everytime I tried to speak to him. Incredibly annoying and irrelevant, it really ruined my belief the new seminal, generation defining comedy “the non-family”. As a result, I'm unable to answer your question.

Looks like we got a unicorn over here! Lmao

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okay i just watched this, is this made by foreigners who barley have a grasp of american culture and language?

You're hired to be a writer on non-family

Based and non-pilled

its like if you offshored south park to pajeets


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I don't get it.

It seems like it was made by an ai or something

This fuckin creeps me out bros not gonna lie

Holy shit it's pure kino

Cursed cartoon

This is bizarre, if they wanted to make an animated series why imitate South Park? Isn't that asking for a lawsuit

Having watched this again I'm pretty sure it wasn't originally in English, hence the parts where characters mouths keep moving out of sync

Why though? Why make this and pay to advertise on Yas Forums? Why ''part 1'' but that was back in Nov and nothing since?

>maybe you need some condoms
What did he mean by this?

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I literally came to Yas Forums to make a thread about this. What on earth is the deal with this bullshit?

Also, the reason why the dialogue is strange and off despite clearly being spoken by native English speakers. Some guy found a random cartoon in another language, made up dialogue he thought would fit and then paid random people to record it and then advertise it?

The signs in the background are in English though but maybe it's easy to change those too

It's made by some creepy Indian AI just like those Spiderman Elsa cartoons

I went to see The Non-Family in the cinemas and there was a guy sitting behind me who kept on shouting out the "CREDIT CARD? YOU GOT IT" line from Home Alone 2. Like, every thirty seconds or so. Incredibly annoying and irrelevant, it really ruined my enjoyment of the film. As a result, I'm unable to answer your question.


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But when those things are made they pump out like 500 of them at a time and fill whole youtube channels, this is literally one video 'part 1'' with nothing since.

If you get ads at all then you deserve them and you need to go back to whatever shithole your retarded ass crawled out of.

>the non-family
Literally what the fuck does that title mean, what has it got to do with anything

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This almost made me spit out my fucking drink

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Just what the fuck was her problem?

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Get Brave

Who keeps spamming this copypasta shit on Yas Forums? Is this a new bane meme or something?

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is this a south park spin off or something?

Asa Akira came for me??

>you can copyright or trademark a style

It’s one of those cursed Pajeet Elsagate videos but targeted at adults. Shame on the mods for allowing this to be advertised on a blue board..

It’s not being advertised, it’s being discussed. This is a general thread.

I’m not talking about this discussion thread, I’m talking about the graphic gore ads for it that are being shown on this board.

If I click on the catalogue and see that popped eyeball right in my face again I’m leaving this board until the mods start implementing some quality control on the ads they allow here. Just show this shit on Yas Forums or the porn boards or something, not here.

I’m going to be seeing that when I close my eyes now and won’t be able to sleep. Call me a pussy idc, it’s unsettling and I don’t like going to bed in that state.

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Adult Swim should replace that retarded debrah show with this. Not the worst pilot I’ve ever seen.



Alright this time it was pretty funny

>I’m not talking about this discussion thread, I’m talking about the graphic gore ads for it that are being shown on this board.

>If I click on the catalogue and see that popped eyeball right in my face again I’m leaving this board until the mods start implementing some quality control on the ads they allow here. Just show this shit on Yas Forums or the porn boards or something, not here.

>I’m going to be seeing that when I close my eyes now and won’t be able to sleep. Call me a pussy idc, it’s unsettling and I don’t like going to bed in that state.

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It won't make me leave, but I hate seeing that shit pop up every time I load up the page now. It's weird because in the video it's not even touched on. She just has a gross eye and her friends don't care, and that's it.

Why does it look like South Park?

I feel like I should stay away from it. This boy ain't right.

Most sitcons revolve around a family but in this seminal cartoon they are the NON family.

I have a fan theory that all the characters are actually dead and in purgatory. They’ll just keep suffering more damage as the series goes on but continue acting oblivious to it.

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It means they’re not a family, duh

>I have a fan theory that all the characters are actually dead and in purgatory.

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>Fat guy pent up with so much rage he breaks a support beamin one swoop
>sleeps in a tent outside his oneitis' house
>She allows this but does not fuck him

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is this a ripoff of south park?

South Park is a ripoff of The Non-Family.