What is it that black entertainers cant stay neutral...

what is it that black entertainers cant stay neutral, they have to go all black centric to make it big then start getting progressive implied accolades

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Why would you hire a black actor if your character wasn't """black"""?

why does he try so hard to look like marvin gaye, he isnt talented enough

and basically waste theyre capacity to he yniversal, like there a bun ccj of jew entertainers but the dont make jew centric entertainiment

They’re used by (((producers))) to shove propaganda down the throats of people. Blacks are issued U.K. idiots with an average 85 iq. They’re all incredibly insecure because their nation was literally at a Stone Age level until we dragged them kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

shiii muhfugguh

*useful idiots

I'm black and I hate Donald Glover. He's not trying to appeal to like actual black people, his entire shtick at this point of his career is getting attention from white liberals who want to appear cultured. The only black people who like him are stupid boujee ass coons who find some sort of validation in seeing black artists win at white award shows like the Emmys and other superficial shit.

>have to go all black centric
Because they’re black? It’s not like they can accepted as a white person or be anything than a black person who appeals to white folks

well what the fuck do you expect him to start ranting about the irish potato famine or something? he's just a working dweeb with no personality so he got into politics. not hard to figure out.

There's something both hilarious and pathetic about a 31 year old man suddenly discovering he's black

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Who actually appeals to blacks?

American blacks loved all the victim signalling they could find in that mess "This is America"

Thug Smoker 69xSephiroth Lean

I mean I remember Freaks and Geeks coming out and the whole appeal was that is was hilarious because the lyrics were funny and the fact that it was him singing it made it funnier. Idk when it it stopped being ironic

They're the only type of negro entertainer allowed into the mainstream

because white liberal guilt is the real problem

>his entire shtick at this point of his career is getting attention from white liberals who want to appear cultured.

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blacks have paper thin skin and fragile ego and thick insecurity in general i find, like other ethnicitesbin society, are more able to assimilate and endure the mislabel of "acting white" and continue to integrating with other cultures becuase its reasonable, african blacks are like the other ethnicities, its like ameircan balcks litteraly have to live in a cultural bubble or they will explode, they literraly compartmentalize things as black and white to the tee and it literally neutered their future, they can make any universal shit anymore, everything is we wuz or we hurt or else sell out lmao

no you retard like see him in community here he is just being himself, not acting white, other whites can intellectually understand this but nogs yell traitor or corny then complain about bet

That and when you’re 25 and fourth lead or whatever in a primetime sitcom you act polite and keep your mouth shut. Actors who do differently are either saying calculated outrageous shit to trend on twitter or are legitimately unhinged.


you really are black

Because, you stupid nigger, that's what their kike employers want. They want them to dance for them and dab on whitey, it's what they pay them for. Imagine some nog not doing this, the kikes would quickly grow tired and stop paying him.

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>Why are these people choosing to get free attention and money for victim-signaling instead of just being actual people?

Gee, I don't know OP. It's a real fuckin' mystery.

t. hentai addict

>t. no self awareness


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>clowns around
>becomes popular
>resents degrading himself for laughs
>acts like stuck up jerk

>what is it that black entertainers cant stay neutral,

Because they don't control the film industry so they have to dance to the minstrel tune that's played for them in order to advance. The one's that do advance are the ones who think what they're told.

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Haven't looked at hentai in over a decade T.B.H.

I live in a third world country but I can say this is pretty accurate. Most of these black people acts appeal to high-class and bourgeois kids that want to appropiate that misportrayal of African American culture.

So they feel really comfortable saying "nigga" after seeing fucking Kendrick Lamar and Brockhampton at their shitty hispter ass branded music festival.

He's right, though.


Based blackanon

Kek jay z was very anti faggots and now he support trannies

Guess it must suck when you find you need 'em because votes from whites and white-identifying mutts aren't enough anymore huh?

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We're not talking politics, schizo, but hispanics are quickly outnumbering blacks 3 to 1 so if anyone it'd be them we'd go after. Blacks are just 10-12% of the pop.

I hate niggers so much

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>If you're black, you can't talk about black issues

You remember that episode of South Park where half of the boys in class did Super Action News, and Cartman told Token that white don't wanna "hear" black people? Yeah, they're making fun of you.

>blacks have paper thin skin and fragile ego and thick insecurity in general i find

If white people aren't just as or more fragile, explain why this was banned


Blacks literally go postal if you wear fucking brown face-paint. Whites will NEVER top that, snowflake.

>referencing fucking South Park as your moral justification

Holy SHIT, go the fuck back.

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>black issues


Wow, deep.

>Making fun of another person's feature good
>2 actors of a different race acting is bad

One joke about spices and I'll have you reeling for hours, though.

>wearing brown face-paint = Making fun of another person's feature

And you're calling anyone else "thin-skinned"?

>There's something both hilarious and pathetic about a 31 year old man suddenly discovering he's black
kek that summed it up pretty well

What are you even referencing? I'm not up to date with your Tumblr-faggot "FUCK WHITEY" in-jokes.


>dragged them kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

Im more disgusted YOU have a plebbit photo in your files.
This board likes to watch Boondocks, and Dave Chappelle stand ups and uses theyre messages to justify their hate for blacks , (Despite they BOTH poke fun and criticizes whites too) but South Park is cringe? Go fuck yourself. It was an example.

Point still stands.

>Making fun of another person's feature

Yep, I believe you're a nigger.

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Because we wouldn't accept any artists that don't have strictly B L A C K as an identity. We can't accept black people as individuals so black artists are forced into accepting the stereotypes that are profitable.
White people aren't the only ones who do this, all races and cultures have a hard time accepting anyone that isn't like them without a stereotype to understand them by.

Black artists either accept it or die in obscurity. I think that's what Glover really understands with his rebrand.

>and uses theyre messages

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>You remember that episode of South Park where

No? I haven't watched South Park in 10 years because I am not a millennial Redditor faggot.

>I'm black

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>shitskins calling ANYONE ELSE "thin-skinned"


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It's amazing how, in just a few short years, people went from being upset over that commercial, to BMWF being all you ever fucking see anymore. I wonder if this was a watershed moment where kikes realized they had gained the power to just rub whitey's nose in it and there was nothing he could do to stop them.

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racist remix kino

This user hit the nail on the head. It's really hard for black artists/celebrities to stay neutral when they're constantly told or reminded that they're black, too black, or not black enough. If anyone wants to understand or get a gist of who Donald Glover is, listen to his album Camp

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>Hhaha you made a little spelling error over there. That means your whole argument is invalid! HAHAHAAHAHA!

Good news, faggot. That episode came out in 2004. Unless you don't know math.


Every thread. Your obsession isn't a good look.

You type like a retard. Why should anyone not treat you like a retard?

That's not even a spelling-error, shitskin. It's a completely incorrect use of contextual grammar. Why should anyone care what you have to say if you are that fucking stupid?

Donald Glover specifically had a huge hang-up over being labeled a "white peoples rapper" when he was first starting, to the point he was openly suicidal because black people didn't respect him or his music. Seems like his stuff now is an over-correction to that.

>Unless you don't know math.

No, I know math. I just don't know South Park because I am not a millennial turbo-queer.

>being openly suicidal about darkies not praising your music enough

Holy shit is this true? What a fucking joke of a human being.

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>and uses theyre messages

Too busy dealing crack and drinking lean to learn Grammar, huh Jamal?