Uh oh, Yas Forums, looks like your annoying attention whore power bottom's career is dead. Rest in piss!
Where Were You When Ezra Miller Was Canceled Forever?
Other urls found in this thread:
He will return and it will be proven the vid was BS
What if this actually makes me like him
It's real. Faggots hate women.
Tried to watch this in my room but there is a guy sitting on the lawn next to my house cutting grass and he keeps on shouting out the "CREDIT CARD? YOU GOT IT" line from Home Alone 2. Like, every thirty seconds or so. Incredibly annoying and irrelevant, its really ruining my ability to focus. As a result, I'm unable to answer your question.
why do you watch this gay youtuber shit, you should be gassed for linking this trash
This is genuinely one of the most experimental posts I've ever seen on Yas Forums. It's maddeningly complex.
He’s a mentally ill faggot. He will have a complete mental break down after this.
I'm honestly confused at the people saying that he was playing around. I kinda think that alot of people who say that he was joking haven't really been in or seen many real altercations go down. It's not just his actions, but his entire mood and energy as he was speaking to that woman that tells me he was being serious.
I think it's also damning that Ezra or his publicists still haven't came out and said anything about the incident that makes it seem far less worse than it looks.
Still, I believe in due process, I will not say that he is 100% guilty, as this behavior seems out of character for the guy when he's been repeatedly stated by various people to be a decent guy. It's possible that the woman escalated things and made it personal, and there's also a chance he was drunk, which would explain why he slowly throws her down.
that groupie fangirl slut had the highlight of her life and people are up in arms why
>I think it's also damning that Ezra or his publicists still haven't came out and said anything about the incident that makes it seem far less worse than it looks.
I mean not everybody has the quick on their feet, lightspeed thinking of Kevin Spacey
It's true. I'm a faggot. Can confirm.
Pls don't hit on me, str8 bois.
He is literally spamming this pasta in a bunch of threads retard
He/she, whatever; I hope Ezra Miller gets ebola/help for being an asshole/victim
There, that's fair
that whore liked it
yeah we know Ezra liked it user, THAT'S THE PROBLEM
isn't he Jewish? Yeah, he'll be fine
>maddeningly complex
user, I...
Yeah, just like ol' Harv eh? Then again he was old as fuck, Ezra's probably got a couple more years of rape left in him
So what made the likes turn on one of their own?
This dude has the most dedicated and obsessed stalkers that keep trying to ruin his career.
>down with the patriarchy and cis white males!
>chokeslams a woman
People hate hypocrites, especially when they're as loud and annoying as he is
this but extremely unironically
He should add himself to the list
jews seldomly behave properly.
Haven't seen that in years
i am intrigued. please continue
this is actual cope not meme cope
that's a normal response
just how much cum has this dude eaten by now
damn I actually feel bad for him now
I was about to make a webm for this, but the video is just so fucking weird what the fuck
OP is also a faggot for not posting the video instead of shilling his favorite youtubers
he is going to get pedo metoo'ed i bet
my theory is drugs. xanax and some dissociative
Imagine allowing your son to become that
You though he was a massive faggot this whole time , now see him for the Chad he truly is
When trannies attack:
mine is better
get rekt scrub
Bravo Zack Snyder
Look what you've built.
good what a pos
>harass celebrity in real life, along with countless other people
>they respond with anger like any normal person would
Ezra did nothing wrong. The roastie had it coming for trying to ridicule him
If he was black, he'd be in jail, wouldn't he?
Go away satan, behold mine at 2.5mb at 1500 bitrate
>Nigs going to jail
I don't see the problem here?
Police would be called about an armed black, and be there in 15mins with a body bag.
Why is it that when a liberal ally is videoed doing something bad, you see the words "allegedly", "reportedly" or "appears to" in the headline, but when a conservative person does it, the headline is suspiciously absent of such words?
Food for thought.
She was hitting on him and trying to have sex with him and he told her no thanks/fuck off which she didn't like
That's how it started before Ezra troon'd out
Its just one of those days
Where you don't want to wake up
Everything is fucked
Everybody sucks
You don't really know why
But you want to justify
So I am now finding out that there is apparently a longer version of the video that was uploaded on reddit, but it has been deleted. That is quite weird if it is ture. I'm imagining that the longer version might have been a worse look for Ezra if it got completely shoa'd.
>uploaded on reddit, but it has been deleted
So, reddit being reddit?
the longer version/uncut copy actually made the roastie look worse
He slowly brings her to the floor and is clearly very drunk. He didn't fucking choke slam her like kane. I dont even care about this actor. Im just saying.
She was laughing and smiling the whole time, looked like they were messing about
>She appeared to be smiling the whole time
That means she's actually a Nazi
Sure it did.
Remember when this turbo-faggot was using every interview to talk about how important "female empowerment" is?
Good fuck women.
>I will fight for me ladies honour
kys fag
Who ever thought this completely normal man would do something like this?
Has he ever shown any signs of mental illness before this?
>It's possible that the woman escalated things and made it personal
It was literally personal to begin with, she was trying to hook up with him and he told her firmly no way.
He still fucked up and is a faggot but fuck off throwing a tantrum when your favorite celebrity doesn't want your pussy.
Why do people even bother posting shit like this on reddit? There are so many companies that use and watch that site, nearly everything gets deleted.
based faggots
He choked a thot.
He is /our queer/
>Male feminist turbo-faggot turns out to be a violent misogynist
Every fag is mentally deranged this isn't anything new
>Clownfish TV
How did they come up with this name ?
>all these asspulls
Lel, so Erza ended up getting beat down by a bunch of white knighting ice monkeys.
Tell that to smolie
>she was trying to hook up with him and he told her firmly no way.
Lol no. Ezra was saying how he used to be a street fighter and that fat nordic girl jokingly said she could kick his ass so he choked that bitch out.