Bad guys according to film students: deeply complex backstory, labyrinth of profound traumata that poetically unravel

>bad guys according to film students: deeply complex backstory, labyrinth of profound traumata that poetically unravel
>bad guys in real life: they're just cunts

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>it's an episode of 'it's evil just because it is'
Realistic kino.



Everyone just believes they are doing the right thing dude. I'm not saying we should tolerate these people and let them do whatever horrible shit they want. But simplifying to "Haha I'm very evil" is obviously false and retarded.

some people are just selfish cunts, user.

wrong. most people happen to know that the wrong thing is pleasurable so they do it all the time. they only consider morality when it affects them, but when they're uninvolved, they have no boundaries. my proof? this website.

Because in their minds, being selfish and working only for their personal gain is the correct way to live.
Again, I also hate sappy hollywood stories when the go all "Oooooh I killed 1 billion people but I was bullied in school I'm such a victim!!" but making it all overly simple is also wrong, the villain should obviously pay but the physical or mental reasons behind his acts should not be simply ignored. Like in The Killing Joke, Joker gets to explain himself but that doesn't mean Batman doesn't ultimately punish him.

sociopaths and psychopaths know that they are wrong and take pleasure from it. it's true that some of those people try to rationalize their behavior as being at the very least neutral, but this always stems from some sort of nihilistic need to prove that "if I don't think it matters, then nobody should think it matters" which in the end means they know they are doing what is objectively bad under the paradigm of actually having empathy.They're constantly flaunting how bad they are in order to mock those who have a sense of morality, as a way of saying
>your morality is your weakness, holding you back arbitrarily; you are a fool for being good
that is premeditated evil, pure and simple.

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Ok. I'll look into that.

>that is premeditated evil, pure and simple.
Why drop scientific jargon in your last sentence. Put simply it's radically anti-social, not "evil"

because I find very little need to create a sanitized and corporate-friendly term for a type of person that everybody has run into at some point in their lives. An idea older than civilization itself, one that people coined as "evil" long ago, and just because we can describe the condition in a more politically-correct way, that doesn't mean it's better to do so. in fact it causes unnecessary confusion and contradictions. As George carlin once said, soft language is bullshit. Evil is evil. retards are retards. fags are fags. cripples are cripples. Call it what you want, the idea is the same.

There are noble villains acting in what they believe to be the best interests of the common good, tragic villains who act out of past trauma, but my favorite are the Darwinistic villains who don’t believe in good and evil, only strength and weakness.

>because I find very little need to create a sanitized and corporate-friendly term for a type of person that everybody has run into at some point in their lives. An idea older than civilization itself, one that people coined as "evil" long ago, and just because we can describe the condition in a more politically-correct way, that doesn't mean it's better to do so. in fact it causes unnecessary confusion and contradictions. As George carlin once said, soft language is bullshit. Evil is evil. retards are retards. fags are fags. cripples are cripples. Call it what you want, the idea is the same.
The end goal though should be a world without said people, antisocial or evil. Using old testament language doesn't help and it could very well hurt fixing the problem. Evil is an understandable concept to humans but it's messy and filled with baggage. I find the bridge to cure "anti social" problems to be easier than to cure "evil", at least in the minds of the public at large. Go out and say "We're going to cure evil" and people will look at you funny and probably laugh. Go out and say "we're going to fix anti-social people" and most likely people will be very supportive. Labels have that kind of power.

I think a lot of assholes know they are assholes and just don’t care

Twangs knicker elastic from a thousand feet away sadly.

what are you gonna do, genocide all the anti-social people? That's most of our leadership gone then. If anything making terms like "anti-social" just gives evil people some sort of scientific or biological justification for their behavior.
>I'm not evil, I'm just "anti-social" and "need help"
except they don't want help, and they'll actively exploit anyone who tries to help them. People understand evil, and the baggage is there because anti-social people have done quite a lot throughout history to justify evil's connotation, and you should be afraid of a person like that because they are your biggest threat. The only fix for evil is spreading awareness of evil so that those who have empathy won't be so easily manipulated.

>what are you gonna do, genocide all the anti-social people?
Pharmacological solution, or brain implants, or early childhood intervention, or a number of things we don't know yet. Who knows what the future may bring

user the people in control are the people you're trying to "cure." they don't want to be cured, they quite like being evil and all the freedom they have to live that way. They eagerly raise their children to be the same so that their children can exploit the world just like they did, and the only reason they care about their children is because it's just an extension of their greatness. The future will bring more evil because it is efficient. the good guys were always fighting against existence itself; order desperately trying to cling to whatever it can whilst an unstoppable tide of chaos swirls around them. it was always a hopeless fight

>user the people in control are the people you're trying to "cure." they don't want to be cured, they quite like being evil and all the freedom they have to live that way.
You were doing so well too.

oh I'm sorry, were you unaware that CEOs and industry moguls are almost all sociopaths? I thought that was common knowledge sorry. You literally have to be in order to be the best you can be at it. Anyone who isn't a sociopath is at a serious disadvantage, so naturally that type of person rises through the ranks, and if they were given power through nepotism, then they likely have the same mindset.

>oh I'm sorry, were you unaware that CEOs and industry moguls are almost all sociopaths?
They're not all or "nearly all" sociopaths user, they just have statically higher rate than the average population.

>Everyone just believes they are doing the right thing dude

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it's irrelevant what the percentage is, and who even does the study, and how was the test possibly accurate? Do you think CEOs aren't smart enough to pretend not to be sociopaths? You think some stupid personality test is going to stump their carefully-crafted persona? a study like that is practically meaningless.
the point is there is obviously self interest in those with power to be evil, and so there is absolutely no reason to expect any change from those with power, and historically that has always been the case. Change always comes from someone who doesn't have self-interest in the status quo.

You are pessimistic about the whole affair i don't think you have any good reason to be. The more we learn the more we can do. The status quo doesn't change by itself time does the job automatically.

if you look at the situation logically, then you'd see that the future curve bends towards more evil rather than less. either from a social or an evolutionary standpoint, it is expedient to be evil and so there will be more evil as long as it works.
It's rather childish to expect anything else really. the world isn't going to try to "fix" itself, it's the way it is because that's the way that was most expedient for those in power. "making the world a better place" has never seriously been the goal of any organization. I seriously shiggity diggity don't hope you actually believe corporations when they show you those crocodile tears.

The world has only improved in every conceivable way and in a very short time. I don't think there's a good reason to think that everything is going to go bad. It's just what you have convinced yourself with very little evidence. In this very conversation you have said things that are flat out wrong. But you don't seem to care, you have your conclusions all decided "logically". I maintain that it's possible for the world to "go bad", but tilt towards things improving as they have since the dawn of written history, when literally all humans were governed by sadistic sociopath brutes.

>the myth of progress
oh geez yeah that's a big cringe from me, pal
people haven't gotten any less evil than they were back then. any convenience for the people is just coincidental because it happened to be a good way for the bankers to struggle power away from the Kings and convince fine people such as yourselves that they did this because "they were the good guys."

I'm basically a bad guy and I have an interesting backstory lol

>the myth of progress
Two years ago i might have agreed with you but i don't anymore. Things have, by just about every conceivable dimension gotten better over the years.

What's more, some people revel in it.

do not mistake technological and social progress as a product of some sort of political system. Your lifestyle could easily exist in a tyrannical system, despite how much democracy likes to pretend that national socialism doesn't exist. In fact, you live in an oligarchy right now and it's "improved in every conceivable way" on the kings so what does it matter really? If your system became a tyranny, what would really change for you? Would we suddenly stop having cell phones? Would the sewers stop running? would cars stop working? No. Those in power would have you believe that their organization is the only reason the world is the way it is, but it could actually be better than it is now and they're holding it back for their own gain. How would you know anyway, with nothing to compare? Seems they've destroyed all the competition. Yes it's better to live in a house with electricity and water than it was to live in a peasant farm in the middle ages, but is that the fault of political systems? Why wouldn't a King be able to maintain this improvement in living standards? If anything he could make it far better, having a self-interest that isn't entirely profit, as a way of checking corporations in a way that a puppet president never could.

in the animal world it is normal for animals to kill their own groups children if they aren't their own

this is what NCfOM is all about

women love bad guys

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We call women the dark triad now?

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What a cuck lmao


>He thinks there's a difference between Good & Evil

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Even odds she divorced him anyway, Even odds!
Also offering five to one against that the tattoo was her idea AND she divorced him anyway.

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LOL he spelled deceiver wrong

doesn't matter maybe it was him being hysterical maybe she said it in the heat of the moment , regardless once the novelty wears off it's gonna be cringe as fuck and she'll lose all respect for him.
he could probably use it to pull girls though as a flex

just noticed the pants. what were they thinking

>Everyone just believes they are doing the right thing dude

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Does fucking a hooker really count as cheating though? It's more like an expensive form of masturbation.

>bad guys in real life
Nigga, just because people hit and mock you for being a dumbass it doesn't mean they're bad.

Real nigger and spic bad guys are just cunts.
Real white and east asian bad guys vary and can have a complex story and character.

This, take WW2 allied forces for example.

T. A very bad, constantly rationalizing his choices, guy

Dumb take, the truth is that people are stuck between both evil and good and will switch between the two when shit is convenient. Conflict will start when other people are involved.

yes it does retard.
you're an asshole user and I hope an asshole bigger than you does to you what you do to others because it would be poetic justice. People who spend all their time bending down to pick on people weaker than them eventually fall over the ledge when someone even stronger pushes them over. Inevitably it shows your own weakness and discontentment with your position in life that you need to bully others. We've all done it, we're all bullies at some point in our lives, and we were always assholes for doing so.

You are a fucking retard. There are people in this world who genuinely gain pleasure over harming others with no justification but their own satisfaction. THAT is indisputably evil if you are a human being.

>Everyone just believes they are doing the right thing dude

evil people love doing evil things because they get off on it.
Since you love fiction so much, just look at Palpatine, he's realistic.

When Tyrone plays the knockout game with your face, is he a hero too?

Lately I've been thinking about real sociopathic behavior and how I could never display it because guilt would prevent me from being cruel, so I imagined this guy giving a speech and it went like this:
When you stop suffering for your actions, you cease being good. All good men suffer guilt, but they think the suffering implies the opposite about themselves, and so no one is more cursed than a good person.

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>if you don't just let the Nazis kill you you're immoral because some pol faggot thinks WW2 was a twitter fight of based bros vs sjws

Shut the fuck up kike bitch

>dude the nazis were totally the bad guys because reddit told me so!

If pain prevents you from doing evil, and pain is evil, does that mean evil is good? Or I guess that's what they mean by "lesser of two evils." Nah fuck this I don't get it.

who says pain is evil? pain is necessary and beneficial.

nazis were wrong
I can't believe how much your brain would have fail you to think this is a controversial statement

define "wrong." Wrong about jews? not really. wrong about the solution to jews? clearly, see plenty of em walking around