Tired of this schtick
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Adam has always been funnier.
The Mick fears the Jew.
I dunno. The crab trying to fuck Ariel makes a good case
Then don't consume his media.
Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast is better.
I can count the times Adam has been funny on one hand
>the only time i take off my sandals is to rape
based dawg
He’s like a comedian because communism is a joke
hell yeah where my cumboys at
everybody waiting for da bluetooths in dee sandles
Nick is overrated but he's had some funny bits. Adam any his gay Williamsburg hipster voice is annoying. Stav is OK as a lovable fat guy type. I got over his cackling he can be funny.
The first time they brought up the new orleans faggot char was maybe their best bit.
High society radio is waiting for you
was ironic isis their best bit?
What was the episode with the retard black baby that Adam raises as his son his wife cucks him constantly?
Adam is a good dad and kid doesn't know hes no his real dad
Nick is great and is always good on other podcasts.
Unfortunately the dynamic is starting to become a bit stagnant however if he starts a new podcast it would be good.
Still waiting for bastard radio.
I've seen Chris on other podcasts and he isn't that funny. Is the show good? Lesser known Gas Digital shows were always a bit innocuous to me.
I've listened to No Disrespect a few times and its good but I'm not compelled to listen to it.
Kurt Metzgers podcast is bi-polar and sometimes creates gold.
I got burnt out on Matt and Shanes when Matt started going too deep into the weeds.
Adams miserable life if he stayed with Dasha
Chris from brooklyn isnt the funny one. He's the host keeping things moving.
Co hosts Chris stanley and bronx johnny(especially) are the talent
If you dig this, then give the show a shot
alright Yas Forums, lets wrap this thread up
Heard their subreddit freaked out.
Was it those retards just being so desperate to relieve the O&A subreddit?
yeah i'm thinking i'm black
wat happened?
Well it's nuked now, so no idea.
music, publishing, rpgs...varg is a true renaissance man
more like 5 gay men
i gotta get a fuckin bean burrito at the taco truck and then go to my therapist appointment to talk about how i got into a fight with my dad and hurt my foot.
Fuck. Stav might be the best outta the cum boys.
*tells a joke*
jesus fucking christ we get it you do comedy
>haha blowjobs xD
he's not the best
>im gay and my dick is small
>little pekerino
this is the only pod i listen to, it's consistently funny.
The political episodes are a little boring but they realise this and try to stay away from it.
I'm looking for recommendations for similar pods, i'm checking out high society radio
Calling it now, even though it makes $52K a month Cum Town won't last to the end of 2020. The formula is palpably exhausted, they've stopped having guests on, and their comedic character masks have begun to weigh on them too much.
Also, Sleepycast in its prime was far superior. Actual production put into it, a distinctive cast of hosts, consistently had on guests, and didn't overstay its welcome. Plus all of their lived got better instead of worse (except for Stamper).
oney has been salty that zach got a tv deal and he didn't for 3 years
I didn't realize he was ever salty about it desu. Zach has been on OneyPlays recently doing Vermintide and L4D so I guess they're still friends. They still have extremely good comedy chemistry at least.
no they still play and are friends but he once in a while lets it out
>yet another Sleepycast fag
She was years ago, let it go.
is that pic mean to portray your low IQ
>Cum Town won't last to the end of 2020.
quite literally what the fuck else are they going to do?
He's damaged because he was molested by an older boy in the neighborhood when he was little.
What when has adam ever been funny
>they don't get guests anymore
They stopped getting guests well before episode 100
>formula exhausted
embarriced would like to have a word
you sound gay
maybe you should stop having so much gay sex
He used to be relentlessly handsome.
bunch of chapofags were false flagging trying to get them banned because that's what chapo trannies do
they are a fun show
Wrong he got raped by a gay guy giving him a drive home while drunk
Has he ever not had that stupid fucking mustache
The in-fighting in cumtown fans is cringe and retarded. Becoming the new opie and anthony
Imagine marrying this woman, she definitely would have given him a black son.
Honestly it's fucking golden that everytime Stav breaks the silence it is always about food.
opie and anthony fans got along for the most part. The fighting would come from insulting unfunny posts, or defending certain show members. Cumtown fans get into fights because of political alignments
he didn't have one back when he had down syndrome
>The fighting would come from insulting unfunny posts, or defending certain show members.
So the same thing. This thread itself is anti-Adam which is cringe
t. bug
adam's funny once in a while. I dont hate him
Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast is a good one. Not quite as funny but overall more consistent. I personally like The Tim Dillon Show, but it's just him unless he has a guest so that's something to get used to. TrueAnon is good but I might catch hell for saying that here
the only way to save the podcast is to replace Adam with Ian
Prove me wrong
>TrueAnon is good but I might catch hell for saying that here
you'll probably only catch flak if you mention chapo or red scare
There is no infighting. The fans are in full agreement Stav needs to die and die soon.
>formula exhausted
It literally can't be, the show warps people's sense of humor so they find their shit funny forever, otherwise people drop them in a few episodes and whine about how they "don't get it".
Guests on podcasts always fucking suck. Ian is probably the only good guest they've ever had because his life is so ridiculous and when they make fun of him it's way funnier than bullying Adam.
The podcast will go on for another 15 years or more just because people (including everyone on it) keep saying it's going to die soon. They'll all be 45 making a million dollars a month talking about how they sucked their dad's dicks at their funerals.