Joe Exotic

>Joe Exotic
>Jeff Lowe

Who was in the wrong, Yas Forums?

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Carol Baskin

joe knew what he was getting in to and was trying to just use jeff like a credit card anyway, he thought jeff was going to become his bitch like everyone else so far
jeff just endup being a bigger asshole than him

That bitch Carole Baskins

I bet OAKLEY just lives that hat being on that old tards head

who else was rooting for jeff the whole time?

his wife is cute

Any publicity is free publicity.

when i only watched only 3 episodes i thought we were supposed to symphatize with joe, now i'm on 5 and he's already done all this shit and it's still only gonna get worse

It's a travesty Joe is in jail while Jeff is free

You spelled That Bitch in Florida Carole Baskins wrong

jeff was pure evil but at least he wasn't an unhinged faggot

he didn't pretend to give a shit about animals or altruism and put up the show that joe and carole were playing

> beginning of episode 7
> Jeff and Joe are best friends and they are gonna starts a new zoo
> midway trough the episode
> "Fuck Jeff he's a piece of shit"

You mean Tim Stark?

It’s funny how Jeff wears a single piece of clothing from every chad culture

I don't know. I don't care. But I do know this: Red states should be fucking nuked off the face of the map. Hopefully my home state of Wisconsin wises up and goes blue this time.

That was monkey man, bro.

my bad

In a just world they'd both be dead in the gutter desu

I also like how Lauren is cute as fuck.

Is that his redhead freak gf? Yeah she’s got a great ass in those jeans man.

jews and niggers are to blame

the law

Jeff was wrong but Joe was stupid

literally everyone except John and Erik

Anyone have that villian tier list for tiger King?

Fuck Jeff, he took advantage of a mentally ill man for profit. He's the biggest scumbag by far in this whole thing. He even tried to kill his wife so he's worse than Carole.

guy on the right looks like jigsaw



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The girl who also got her arm chopped off was fine.
Literally any employees from the parks seemed like alright people.




Jeff. The guy didn’t give a shit about the zoo and only wanted to coom.

Love that scene where Lowe wears a dark hat for the funeral

this retard still reposting this

Joe Exotic is quoted as saying: "Hell if I'd known it was going to be that easy..." after shooting a tiger in the head.

Everyone was in the wrong except the no legs guy and the long haired hippy guy.

What about the campaign manager, or the girl who got her arm fucked up?

Campaign manager was obviously a faggot being groomed by Joe, and I think Joe just wasn't into fatties. That fit shit kept fawning over Joe and resting his head on his chest and shit.

The girl who got her armed fucked up is bretty based.

The funeral was kino.

> Travis's mom high off her mind attending her son's funerals
> Joe talking about how he loved Travis's balls on his face
> Jeff wearing the same fucking clothes than usual but darker
> Lauren being actually sad because she probably fucked Travis at some point
> Every employees in the background internally cringing and waiting for this shit to finish
> Random awkward laughs in the audience when Joe tells his stories

I don't anything about either or them and I've never watched the show nor do I abide netflix trash but they guy with the mullet exudes a clear based presence

Doc Antle wasn't in the wrong. His approach to Tigers made the most sense. Tigers in the wild is simply a naïve pipedream. He's more effective at conserving them than any charity in the world is.

literally all the same asshole on different days of the week

yeah okay shooting cubs in the head and putting them in gas chambers

remember 6 million cubs

LOL a redneck LARPing as progressive? LOLOL That's the midwest for you. Inbred fat whites in denial. The coastal elites call you flyover trash

Why do hicks love wearing logos? Brands become their identity it's bizarre.

What's the logic here. People who are genuinely evil and do the worst things are not as bad as people who have a facade but whose actions aren't as bad as the evil guy?

the only one i feel bad for is Tim Stark
the guy just wanted to make a zoo and Lowe is trying to suck him dry

that bitch

>Malignant narcissist

Both of them, but I'd sure as fuck rather be Joe's buddy than Jeff's, even if Jeff was letting me fuck his 10/10 escorts.

Pure Kino. Seriously, I had to pause every 5 seconds because that was just too much.

Conserving them for what? Captive tigers cannot be released into the wild and do nothing to help wild tiger numbers.

If you look him up, he's scum too. Also Carol's first husband was involved in smuggling and money laundering.

>Why do zoomers love wearing logos? Brands become their identity it's bizarre. Nike, Supreme, Apple, Adidas, North Face......

For sure, at least when Joe's pissed off at you you'd know, Jeff would smile and wait for an opportunity to fuck you over in ways you can't imagine.

As opposed to what? Dying while fighting rival tigers for prey? Suffering injuries hunting prey and dying a slow and painful death?

His methods are humane and safe. If I were a tiger, I'd rather work for Doc Antle then go through bullshit in the wild.

>dying while fighting their rivals

a million times more bad-assed than getting gassed in your childhood by some faggot whitoid with a hindi name

For people to observe. Wildlife charities get million's every year and they have made zero progress in conserving wild tigers. Tigers life in the wild is over and Doc Antle realises this. These wildlife charities are nothing more than scams that will eventually run dry.

It's not legal or realistic to release captive tigers into the wild anyway. They're inbred and hybridized and would ultimately harm the wild gene pool in addition to being unable to survive in the wild.

The girl who got her arm fucked up basically threw away a working limb to spare Joe some bad PR, it was dumb as fuck.

Campaign manager was a based Wallmart underachiever who talked his way into a hilarious job, he was the only person there with no serious mental illness.

But they are going extinct either way so it doesn't really matter what you think.

>no serious mental illness
aside from being a liberal faggot

then it doesn't matter what you think either
wow good talk

>The girl who got her arm fucked up basically threw away a working limb to spare Joe some bad PR, it was dumb as fuck.

Perhaps, but you got to respect someone who'd do that. It was for a dumb cause but it's pretty badass regardless.

*someone gets their arm mauled*
better go get my leather paramedic jacket

>own zoo
>two cats make love
>its too expensive to feed the cub, but the state prohibits you from killing it or selling it
the fuck are you supposed to do with it

>aside from being a liberal faggot


Sargon please, classic liberalism will never catch on.

>aside from being a liberal faggot

He's a libertarian not a liberal you fucking mongoloid, they are two different things.

Yeah it does moron. Banning intelligent people like Doc Antle from conserving Tigers in zoos will truly make them disappear from this planet for good. Allowing Tigers to be bred and conserved allows them to still exist in this world and be observed by humans and, if need be, biologist's doing research.

Is Jeff like the King of All Wiggers?

don't breed cubs

Two options: you don't keep males and females together or you get your animals fixed.

nobody gives a shit about your various subtle faggot flavors

t. Doc Antle


Never trust an old guy dressed like a wigger. It should set off alarm bells in your mind

>This is your mind on Yas Forums

i like how they keep telling everyone what loving and compasionate animals those tigers are, meanwhile half the series is them getting randomly attacked by tigers

tell me more about your political beliefs

>aside from being a liberal faggot
he said he was libertarian...

>gay meth manipulator piece of shit
>conman sociopath poorly dressed piece of shit
Theyre both shit

Imagine being white and being a liberal fucking lmao

I'm not a zoomer cletus. Did my post hurt tour feelings while you were wearing your favorite monster energy t-shirt?

more like the king of all boomers
>clearly going through a midlife crisis
>dresses like its 20 years ago
>wife is significantly younger
>living beyond his means, car is one missed payment away from repo

shut up homo

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I don't give a shit. I just know the difference between ideologies.

I was rooting for him, but I just don't see how Joey didn't see it coming. Also as said Joe had drain his parents bank account dry and then thought he could do the same to a multimillionaire as if he was dumb.

There's also no way she could afford a lengthy hospital stay plus rehabilitation


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post your political compass

>you get mocked for having basic compassion

aight zoomie we're all really impressed with how edgy you are

it clearly hurt your feelings that the behavior you're beating up a strawman about is also observable in other retards that are completely devoid of personality but also happen to vote and think like you cope low-t faggot

Being in debt is better than having one arm and she could have sued the everloving shit out of the zoo.

not my cuddly little furboyerino

He was breeding them just to kill off the cubs a few months in when they get to big to sit on a kids lap


Cubs weren't the only things he was breeding.

>then thought he could do the same to a multimillionaire as if he was dumb.
Jeff wasn't as rich as he presented himself, fyi. Joe's a retarded nutcase, but that goes without saying. This thread can be summarized as "which bothers you more, an obvious nutjob or a sociopath".


this is only a problem if he wasted that sweet sweet tiger meat

No. I tried doing one and got bored. It's too autistic, I'll vote for whoever seems cooler.

that's shitty behavior