World Peace S2

Sam Hyde: *exists*
Discord trannies: *seethe*

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I never understood the context of this scene. Just a strung out boss?

Your idol has fallen zoom zoom

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It's a super deep take on the emasculation of the white modern male, smoke cigars not weed, vote Trump, actually if you groom kids to fuck them when they turn 16 in redneck states it's okay, stop pursuing art but please be a paypig for me to stand around with two other Magic: The Gathering pre-release tournament looking motherfuckers


lol look how mad they are.

Sammy was based until his gay dick and ass pictures leaked. Bleh.

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>trust me goy theyre real
even if they were real why am i supposed to care about his dick, faggot?

Sam is too jewish to do another WP season, which he could, he has the money
(not that Charls would ever come back after he got the psycho treatment from Sam)

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>not wanting to spend tens of thousands out of pocket for nothing in return financially is jewish
lmao ok incel

I don't get it, sam doesn't even say anything transgressive; why do trannies hate him so much?

Sam Hyde is a modern Andy Warhol. He is counterculture.

Sam has gone on record saying he could crowd fun half of it. Meaning after putting in his own money he'd break even.
But he doesn't really care about his fans, just lining his pocket.

i swear its some butthurt ex-girlfriend doing this. those are the kind of vibes i get from some of these posts. he should sue for defamation. all he has to do is prove damages which woudln't be hard.

>trannies hate him so much?
they don't, they dont even know Sam exists. Why would they? that line is just damage controls his shills spit out to muddy the waters
it's ex fans that are pissed at Sam for the stuff he did to charls among other things

i really don't care about your opinion, you clearly have a hateboner for the dude. he'll probably do something like that eventually anyway.

more like seething lefturds who are mad that he makes politically incorrect jokes and is funny af but doesn't share their cucked politics. you pussies take it personally.

>other MDE thread gets deleted
>another one immediately pops up
Yeah, nothing weird going on here, surely just dedicated fans

>more like seething lefturds who are mad that he makes politically incorrect jokes
no one cares, where are these lefturds posting on this site? point one out, and explain how they are "leftist"

Sam Hyde is a genius

lol nice joke

>oy vey its a conspiracy that people on Yas Forums like sam hyde
kys schizo tranny

i used to watch mde from before world peace until their downfall but been out of the loop
what happened between sam and charls?

you, you're a left wing pussy who's butthurt over his politics. same goes for so many of these other ex-fans who took it personally once he started supporting trump and naming the so-called jew. its a severe case of leftist butthurt.

there are also discords full of left wing faggots who raid any right wing thread to spread bullshit. this is well-documented online.

meme meme meme meeeee

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lol why are you so mad?

Tranny dick: *exists*
Sam Hyde: *licks lips*

People that have been associated with Sam have gone on the record that Sam screwed Charls out of money he owed him for books/merch stuff and other shit.
Charls is doing his own thing streaming, and refuses to acknowledge Sam as a person and work with him again, and has outbursts like this:

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yes i am so mad because i dont find him funny at all lol
I was just looking for some movies and you people jump in with autism
take it to Yas Forums or Yas Forums

Sure is a load of hypercondensed faggotry itt

>you're a left wing pussy who's butthurt over his politics.
Im as right wing as they get, and anyone that isn't some fair-weather faggot can easily see that Sam is a fraud. Sam names the jew in the most milquetoast way on one hand and on the other he secretly works with jews to design products that he shills to his fans (pic related, Sam worked with the same guy that designed that Soi drink popular with leftards)

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Despite being the “face” of the group, it’s extremely clear that Sam was not the driving creative force. MDE is dead.

then leave the thread you fucking idiot, i don't go into your rick and morty thread and stick around to cry about how gay that show is

good comedians and creative people usually are degenerates.

lol why are you so mad?

you're on the wrong site if you expect circle jerking you dumb faggot

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i swear this is like some meta-irony bullshit. like some jew trying to sound like a right winger trying to sound like a leftist trying to sound like a right winger.
>sam is actually secretly a jew
>look at this random ironic photo sam posted
>im le real nazi like you goys i mean guys
comedy gold

I'm honestly thinking it might be a conspiracy. Nothing MDE did was particularly funny, so I imagine it took a lot of shilling to build a fanbase

>crying about sam hyde being mean
>telling others to go back to r3ddit
because retards like you are annoying and don't contribute anything

>i don't find sam hyde funny
>therefor it is a conspiracy that people actually like him, despite him having his own tv show and millions of youtube views and organic memes
ultimate cope

are you a literal retard? do some basic research:
or do I have to spoonfeed everything into your stupid brain

Yas Forums is a hell of a drug

>millions of youtube views
there are dozens of random literal who females who whisper into a microphone who have millions of youtube views. sam hyde is nothing and his sense of humor is shit, and people who do find him "funny" are edgy teenage virgins.

>because retards like you are annoying and don't contribute anything

don't you mean billions? you are very humble

ugh no one cares about your red v blue larp shit, anyone who stops being funny and covers themselves in political shill merch is omega cringe and they deserve any fallout that comes from them not staying in their lane. also Sammy's a jew who cheated his friends so he could continue being lazy all day talking about Q user shit

this kids be consuming Yas Forums like crack

No its like why am I supposed to give a shit about your e-drama bullshit? sam hyde sold something online and that makes him a jew? you're a fucking shill trying to make me hate the guy, so you can fuck off. He's hilarious, he redpills people, he triggers left wing incels like you.


>there are dozens of random literal who females who whisper into a microphone who have millions of youtube views.
apples and oranges, you're an idiot.
>sam hyde is nothing and his sense of humor is shit, and people who do find him "funny" are edgy teenage virgins
thanks for proving you're just butthurt over his politics

>muh pol
sam hyde triggers you because he's edgy. just admit it.

It feels good knowing I have a bigger dick than Sam Hyde. Why are people with small dicks always the ones who get really into guns? I've got a Glock 19, anyone who needs anything more is a bitch

a significant amount of replies itt are retards like you crying about Yas Forums, its pretty obvious most of the haters are leftist shut-ins that don't like him being edgy

>Sam Hyde: *exists*
>Discord trannies: *seethe*
If Sam Hyde is the sharpest tool in your shed in the war on discord trannies then we're all fucked.

ok maybe it's that

Sam Hyde hasn’t been edgy in years.

yes, you just sit here whining about irrelevant bullsht, like how sam runs his business or supposedly treated an ex-employee. its like you're personally offended over sam hyde, which is pathetic.

his the nu-Yas Forums hero what you talking about

there is no proof that that's sam apart from the tiles looking the same from a distance and haters spamming it nonstop

He worked with the same jew that designed $oilent, the jew even slept on Sam's office couch. Google him.

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he's kicked off every social media platform multiple times a year, you're living in denial.

It's pretty telling that this and the dinner scene are the only good parts of World Peace. Their youtube stuff was much better

>exact same dirt marking on the tiles and the same door
>second image is a 100% match to Sam's foot and same socks
yeah its him bro, hate to break it to you but your hero is a simp that sends dick pics around

if that's true then its fucking hilarious

cute , don't be frustrated internet buddy
you need a hug?
come here come to daddy

Lol so what? I get banned from Yas Forums like twice a week. It’s the same shit.

>both of them are white and the tiles are black!
you're so desperate dude. you want it to be him. i don't even care. you're trying to get me to hate him because you feel that he's personally slighted you, which is so pathetic.

edgy people get banned from social media, i'm not sure why you don't understand this. sam hyde has probably been banned the most out of any e celeb.


>like how sam runs his business or supposedly treated an ex-employee
You know, if Sam wasn't a shithead then maybe the MDE crew would still be together? Maybe, just maybe WP would even still be on the air? Really makes you think.

you're either personally offended by something an e-celeb did or yuo're a shill. which is it?

are even old enough to pay taxes ?

Yas Forums is social media.

MDE was taken off the air after a series of corporate media hitpieces called it a neonazi alt-right show, and a bunch of twitter crybabies like you cried about it to the executives. fuck off with your gaslighting bullshit, kike.

Imagine being Sam and spending years doing underground niche comedy only to finally get a real on-air sketch show and then have it taken away after one season by Tim Heidecker lmao

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come to daddy come you missing love