What's wrong with this one?
What's wrong with this one?
give it a try and find out
nothing really
I see:
I went to see They Live in the cinemas and there was a guy sitting behind me who kept on shouting out the "CREDIT CARD? YOU GOT IT" line from Home Alone 2. Like, every thirty seconds or so. Incredibly annoying and irrelevant, it really ruined my enjoyment of the film. As a result, I'm unable to answer your question.
nothing. its what I'm going to do one day
Liberate your sexuality to the point where you don't even have sex
create more consumers for (((them))) to exploit
cuz it is forced, its not what is written, its the way it is communicated as in brainwashing
also fuck marriage and fuck breeders
imagine actually falling for this jew reveese psychology trick and thinking you've figured it all out. reminder that Xers are the dumbest generation ever.
The implication is that (((they))) want you to create more consumers, not have good family values
>fuck breeders
This is bad. You're bad. Everything about you is bad. You will never have the chance to be anything but bad.
Shackle yourself down with a wife and 3 kids for 20 years and tell me how you feel after
The true blackpill is that family and marriage is not for everybody
Boomer humour
And by they you mean reagan and neocons who promoted supply side economics right?
Reduces family to an economic demand that you produce more taxpayers.
It's amazing how conservatives all hate capitalism now because of da jews
when did this one start
this and most of Yas Forums shouldnt have either
t. simp
when your born your a product, it says on your birth certificate ... i dont rememebr the exact wording ... but your Manpower is something that is on the world market somehow .. fuck idk .. i read this like 10 years ago
Wow how old are you grandpa lol
this is what I see
recognizing you're not fit to be a parent and contending that if you have them you'll probably be resentful of them is selfish, didn't you know?
Doing something you don't want to do.
The sheer dedication of this autist. It's going to succeed. In a week or two, this is going to be funny and we're all going to be doing it.
John Carpenter is a boomer so he has to defend the sexual revolution no matter what.
It's just a bot
I really feel as if this movie is ripe for a remake/reboot/whatever. Set it during the Trump-era and just have a bunch of fucking scenes related to Trump and the hats, really surface shit. Basically what you can already grab off of Twitter. Also Back to the Future, but with the Reagan line changed to "Trump? The real-estate mogul?", and just remake the entire movie with the only goal to deliver that scene in mind
Boomers were the product of the sexual revolution, not the cause. Those were the Silencers
1) Not all people are fit to be parents and they will educate problematic or weak parasitic children.
2) Marrying just because it is what everybody do and to feel "normal" is one of the biggest problem with society. How many people get their lives destroyed because they have to live with bitter and shitty parents that got married and had kids just because they wanted to be seen as normal and the reality is that they have psychologically destroyed their children with their fucking shit marriage of bitter and mentally ill people.
only poor africans are allowed to do that
Yeah and instead of Rowdy Roddy Piper it'll be a strong woman of color and the aliens represent the white male patriarchy
says who, you? don't make me laugh
C'mon don't blackpill them too hard on their first day
The messages weren't supposed to be "bad" they were just the underlying message.
Cool it with the antisemitism
this will never work faggot
It's an empty mechanical order meant only to keep an economy functional. "And love each other" is missing from the intent.
turns out they would rather import brown slaves because you can pay them less for 5 generations
Only if you're white, and above average IQ. We have enough copies of T-Dawg.
hello chang
A good idea in theory. In practice, not so much.
did you every feel like you're just attracted to girls because society wants you to be?
I wouldn't know I'm attracted to preteen boys
no they don't you fucking retard. almost all conservatives still support private ownership of capital as long as the owners aren't Jewish
What I hate is global corporatism, which is an anti-capitalist movement
The message of the movie is that capitalists want to force you into a consumerist trap. Although this is still real to this date, the main problem just isn't the same. Marriage has become a real trap on its own thanks to whole humanity becoming fucking insane.
It's amazing how trannys have to feign ignorance down to a 4th grade level to even leave a pointless reply.
Lol just divorce her retard
with a bullet
It was made during the Reagan era, when the conservative christian meme was still strong. It was a different time.
Divorce isn't the problem. Having the split everything and pay alimony is.
What would Chad do?
sounds like the nigga stuck his dick in crazy and it was so good he deluded himself for 7 years.
beat some sense into her
Women do that on purpose when they want to get out of something. They ALL do that.