This fat, old, wrinkly, letch has 10 consensual wives that do his every bidding

>This fat, old, wrinkly, letch has 10 consensual wives that do his every bidding

Meanwhile, I'm

>25 years young
>Have a very prestigious career in finance in the financial capital of the world (London)
>Sociable, personable and extremely easy to talk to. 'Working a room' is a large part of my job.
>Educated. I attended a £35,000 ($50,000) a year school and a top 5 university.
>Widely read, I particularly enjoy reading philosophy in my spare time mostly hermeneutics.
>Full head of styled hair
>In shape and well honed muscular body; I partake in cardio 3x weekly and weights 4x weekly.

Yet I haven't had a date in 2 YEARS.

Why do women go for complete weirdos such as Doc as well as gangbangers, felons and losers on welfare or dead end jobs? Even the guy that puts the french fries in the container at my local McDonalds has a girlfriend.

When or rather why did women start ditching responsible men for completely unsuitable ones?

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He’s rich

How many tigers do you have?

How many tigers do you have?

He doesn't blog about being a loser to anonymous strangers.
That probably helps a bit.

>financial capital of the world (London)
Except that's NYC. Toronto is a bigger financial center than London at this point.

I went to see Doc Antle's unreleased documentary in the cinemas and there was a guy sitting behind me who kept on shouting out the "CREDIT CARD? YOU GOT IT" line from Home Alone 2. Like, every thirty seconds or so. Incredibly annoying and irrelevant, it really ruined my enjoyment of the film. As a result, I'm unable to answer your question.

Same as the number of gfs OP has/had: 0

I am too. All my friends are also equally as wealthy if not more.

None, but I have a Cayman (Porsche).

what a mistery op LMAO

Just from the way you type you sound insecure. Women don't like insecure guys, no matter how good you think you are objectively. It doesn't mean shit if you don't believe it in your heart. Everything you posted sounds like an excuse. Do you think Antle or the guy working at McDonalds ever make excuses? They just act and don't give a fuck.

>""widely read""
>still doesn't understand why responsible men aren't as necessary in modern times
Did any of your le ebin books teach you what societal developments happened to western countries in the last 150 years?

it's the bong version of pic related

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HAHAHAHA NYC isn't fit to shine London's shoe.

London's big leagues and admittedly NYC is too but there's just no comparison. The main reason being people in London can work with the Asian market in the morning and the American market in the afternoon. It's the timezone factor that's the key and something which NYC does not have.

You're ugly and short

I don't read the pseudoscience that is sociology. It used to have merit but anything in the last 10-15 years will likely have an agenda behind it. As a result, I prefer not to read it altogether.

irrelevant brit london is a cesspool fuck off

also all the cute girls you eye on the street are taking big muslim dick

>the financial capital of the world (London)

Mad Yankee detected. If I were to live in the USA, I'd prefer LA, Austin, San Diego, Miami and countless other places over NYC.

Cayman is a girls car

There's no such thing as big mudslime dick. They're tiny, like all brown skins.

It sounds like you're the type of guy to say anything other than an F150 is a girl's car.

You post on Yas Forums

No a 911 is a man's car

cause they think only bad guys can choke them while fucking them raw

THIS. You sound boring and superficial, OP. Stop reading philosophy for fuck’s sake.

You sound boring af desu.

>I particularly enjoy reading philosophy in my spare time
there's your problem dude
get a hobby

You sound like a dumb fuck, you learn this shit in high school.
What do you think happened to mens' traditional role as providers when women started working in droves during/after the industrial revolution?

That’s kind of true though. OP sounds like the type that would ask permission in bed.

You sound like an incel

In this day and age, if you don't at least have a contract then you're doing it wrong.

One wrong move and your ass could be in prison.

have sex seriously even if you have to pay for it

Have you tried not having an incel personality? I can tell by the way you talk that people would be repulsed by you

>you are superficial
>don't read philosophy
well which is it user?


Spoken like a true kissless virgin

>I can tell by the way you talk that people would be repulsed by you

You were able to glean that from 2 posts?

You're probably really ugly. Post your face bro

user it is obviously because he is a nice guy with a good personality who treats women with respect. If you aren't successful with women then it is because you are a misogynistic asshole, unlike Doc who is a kind, sweet pro-feminist guy.

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Girls dont like boys
girls like tigers and money

Dont worry bro, heres one completely unsuitable man who will take no women from you or anyone.

2 posts of insecure whining about how women dont like you? Yes. You are obviously a complete loser

OP sounds like the type that reads philosophy so he can tell people he reads philosophy. Just saying.

Men are still providing. Simps help them in school and college, let feminist artificially advance their careers and fund them trough whoring. Men finance welfare, while women receive. It’s fucked.


You're probably asian, that would explain it. You also sound mentally ill

It's easy. Just treat women with respect and be a good person and they will flock to you. It's so hard for women to find a decent man that they are all so desperate to find one.

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Doc Antle is now being pursued by feminists shouting

>Stockholm Syndrome

Yes, he is in consensual relationships with his 'wives', some even seeking him out, but feminists still find a way to make him out to be as bad as a rapist.

This is what you're dealing with user.

>Why do women go for complete weirdos such as Doc as well as gangbangers, felons and losers on welfare or dead end jobs? Even the guy that puts the french fries in the container at my local McDonalds has a girlfriend.
Because they're charming. You are obviously autistic

>financial capital of the world (London)

Explain how someone is supposed to change their entire personality

You will literally never have sex. Ever.

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But how can I be autistic when I go to corporate mixers, cocktail parties and networking events ALL THE TIME. It's part of my job man to actually be sociable and to build rapport with a wide array of people.

You hate women, he doesn't it.

You cant. You're fucked.

Hahahah you're a fucking loser. I live with my parents and am dating 2 chicks who dont know about each other yet.

This I’ve only ever seen a woman driving one

Well then I think you should have reformulated the question, to inquire why he was doing it, in a vacuum that question seems wrong.
I don't know OP and he might, voluntarily or not abide by some of the traits but I think this thread highlights one of the problem with Yas Forums and thus by extension us, its dwellers, this idea of trying to categorize people in just a few pre-package traits.
"chad", "incel", "onions", "women". Life isn't that easy and this isn't making it any easier.

I know, now idiots in this thread can stop telling ppl to change their personalities like it's possible

If you put 6 Subway Sandwiches vertically, one on top of the other, would you be shorter than them?

Every cult leader has a harem dummy. Otherwise what’s the fucking point?

I love women. If I didn't I wouldn't have made this thread.

>Even the guy that puts the french fries in the container at my local McDonalds has a girlfriend.
Tbh you're probably severely autistic if you recognise the person who makes the french fries at your local McDonalds.

I'm 175cm and I've never felt short in my life. Plus with the shoes I wear I'm 177cm at the least which makes me 12cm taller than the average woman.

How many girls have tried to talk to and ask out those 2 years?


Shut it down lads, I am the greatest detective this Taiwanese teapot painting forum has ever seen.

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fucking manlets will never learn

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