Throws away his long fruitful career in Hollywood just because someone was acting autistic near him

>throws away his long fruitful career in Hollywood just because someone was acting autistic near him

Was it worth it?

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>fruitful career
uhh, that shit had already sailed a long time ago


who is this fag?

The flash

Yeah you could say it was "fruitful" in a way.

He'll chop his dick off and go by Erica, and then Hollywood will welcome him back with open arms.

It'll come out soon that the whole thing was fake


We need to talk about Ezra!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is textbook repressed AGP at this point, the only thing missing was the severe violence against women.

What happened now?

Based Ezra violently removing the pussy from the pedestal. You faggots need to watch and learn instead of slurping down Yas Forumscel koolaid all day. Women are obsolete. Ezra is showing us exactly that. All they're good for is sucking your dick and Ezra can do that ten times better and not be a picky little shit about it with a chip on his shoulder. I bet he'd suck off every single neckbeard ITT without batting an eyelid just because he's that much of a whore. Now I don't know about you but that's pretty fucking based if you ask me. The best part is that when the clickbait journos, feminazis and assorted SJW start whinging about a man choke slamming a women, he's just going to go full troll mode and say he's actually not a man, but a non-binary individual, so the rules don't and shouldn't apply to him. And you can't deny that isn't based.

Good. I'm tired of people worshipping this no talentless twat because of a supposed pretty face and flamboyant faggotry.




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quick rundown?

Who's that lady?

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Have sex

Some thot wanted to fuck him and he said no and wasn’t interested, so she called him a faggot and pushed him a bit and he flew into a fit of rage and grabbed her by the throat and threw her to the ground.

What happened?

Miller is red pilled
The entire thing is a false flag to show cancel culture not to jump on the bandwagon
Anyone watching the clip can see it’s fake

Miller released the 12 second clip...he will put out the full video tomorrow

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he's the next one to go down, you have been warned

Remember when ezrafag used to say timothée was rude to his fans? LMAO


roastie BTFO by based faggot

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Cope more, ezrafag.

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Miller is in jail








Ezra /ourfag/ Miller, choked a dumb bitch out now all soi boys here are hating on him.

Icelander here. It wasn't. He's a known dickhead here and is literally banned from a couple of places.

Anyway, he was being his arrogant shithead self and started telling some kids how he was a street fighter and had the scars to prove it. A girl in the group laughed and told him she could probably beat him up. This filled him with manlet rage and he attacked her. She was smiling at first because she thought he was joking and then just couldn't believe it. After being restrained he proceeded to spit at her and other people. Luckily for him the bouncers arrived just in time before correctional violence was meted out, so they held him until the cops arrived where he was booked and kicked out of the station.

gosh, I want to gay marry him and cook for him and do his laundry and raise our adopted kids

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>he proceeded to spit at her and other people.
Isn't that a serious felony given covid19?

>some whore who just wanted his dick
>”a fan”
low IQ post


>icelander here
The odds of that are astronomical
Nice try.

It's amazing how weak women are, even a faggot could beat them with his own hands.

He hasn't thrown away anything, the fat Icelander and her ugly friends are not telling the full story and have scrubbed all their tweets and videos.

What’s he thinking about in jail bros

looks dead desu

Sending my regards from the finn gang

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Checked based redpilled

Sissy hypno videos waiting on his laptop at home

>Icelander here
Oh good, I was beginning to think you were posting bullshit.

It should be. But unfortunately our courts are as retarded as the other Nordic courts and he would get a slap on the wrist at worst.

So it's just weird Scandis being rude autistic cunts again?

ezrafag posing as finnfag

>exactly what twitter already said
>repeats it
I bet you don't even speak icelandish

She looks like she fucks Nordic guys

He must be forcefully BLACKED as punishment for his actions, it is the only true recourse

The video implies Darren Wilson is lying.

why is there a thread for this C-Lister every time i check in on Yas Forums