Better Call Saul 508 waiting room. Tonight's episode is entitled Bagman, written by Gordon Smith and directed by Vince Gilligan
Better Call Saul 508 waiting room. Tonight's episode is entitled Bagman...
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what's he looking at?
why are they sayin Tonight's episode is huge?
huells in it
Episode description:
>When a simple errand for a client goes sideways, Jimmy is pushed to the limit; Mike takes measures to contain the wrath of the cartel; Lalo gets an unexpected visitor.
Bravo, Vince. I just know it's going to be a truly amazing kinematic experience
Predicting Saul gets fucked over somehow while picking up the money and he tries to make a moral stand against Lalo for Kim's sake. This puts him on the wrong side of the cartel, and he needs to go to Mike for help.
I don't think Jimmy is making any moral stands against anyone. I think he's chosen his path as of last episode.
same thing as he
in how many hours is it released?
Rhea is a foot slut
Why does she keep going along with jimmy's cons?
As a matter of fact, all jimmy had to do is ask and she was willing to for some roleplay shower sex.
what kind of kinky fetishes did saul get kim to do?
>Kim will never reluctantly go along with your nursing blowjob fetish because she wants to be supportive but then eventually start to realizes that she likes it too
>tfw she's more into it than you are.
>Jimmy gets Lalo fake family killed
>Nacho's father dies
>Kim gets crippled
>Lalo flashforward
Gonna be kino.
>still 2 and a half hours to go
stream lads?
>never said this before
weird because i see a cap of a similar tweet every single week
Let me guess
this episode will change everything!!!!!! Nothing will be the same after this episode!!!!!
*nothing happens*
If I'm not getting enough screen time for my husbando Nacho I'm gonna be pissed
I've always wanted to ask a roastie this but, have you ever wondered if maybe the common factor in all your failed relationship is you?
Wait are we suppose to assume that husbando posters are femanons? I always just figured they were closeted fanooks.
Anyone got a good AMC stream?
how long until the new episode airs?
Every. Fucking. Week.
How the hell do you remember to wake up every day? How do you remember to breathe every day?
2 hours
One hour
>ITT: a bunch of niggas who pretend like boring tv to seem smart
get off your high horses and go watch something entertaining
Nvm I’m a dumbass and haven’t changed my clock
3 hours
>Season 1
This changes everything
>Season 2
Nothing will be the same
>Season 3
You won't believe what happens
>Season 4
Everything will change
>Season 5
This will be something to remember
Get off your high horse and... f... fuck it?
>it's a mike takes a shit for 36 minutes episode
I want skye to sit on my pp
trash breaking bad has already been surpassed
>Season 6
You won't expect how it all comes together
apologies for being a dipshit in advanced, but where can i catch up on the 5th season of BCS? i've been using Netflix up until now, and AMC won't let me watch earlier episodes of S5
>it's a Vince Gilligan is directing so everyone on set is super nervous and fucks up their performances episode
Unless you torrent it, there is no way you can catch up for free.
Saul chads about to dab on BB virgins for the last time tonight. It's over, Breaking Bad is dead.
Pretty much what
said. I'm a heterosexual male
use a vpn
Are you new to the whole internet thing? Why do people come in here every week asking for links? Do you ask people in general to google shit for you? How do you find your way around the internet? You realize posting the links every week spreads awareness and results in sites like openload, etc eventually being taken down which it did. Just find the link and shut up about it and enjoy it without sharing it with anyone.
How do you not know how to pirate in the year 2020? Are you one of these zoomers brought up on ipads and iphones with no technology skills?
>Gordon Smith wrote Five-o and Chicanery
Kino coming soon lads
thanks for the heads-up, guess i'll just wait
Post yfw the unexpected visitor of Lalo will be Howard
Based response. I should have thought of that actually.
my amc stream is currently showing caddyshack and it just started
He said apologies in advance, was this really necessary?
Is there a livestream though? I usually watch after it’s uploaded to amc . com but I’m really excited about tonight’s episode and want to watch live if I can
>it's a Vince Gilligan zooms in on something mundane for an extended period of time so it must be meaningful episode, I use it for everything
Why are you pretending to be other people?
Odenkirk got too old too fast to be able to do the full Saul persona anyone
It should be basic knowledge of using the internet. It's like trying to become an Accountant and not knowing how to do math - what are you doing with your life?
You won't after every fucking dipshit in here spreads it to other people and it gets taken down in a few months