This is Yas Forums. What would Yas Forums look like?
This is Yas Forums. What would Yas Forums look like?
i look like that now
God I wish that were me.
Should female journalists be rounded up and put to work in brothels?
>Researches from
>durr theres a dent in his skull from head phones get it
What's his name Yas Forums?
Isn't this what the average British white man looks like already?
>Terrifying model shows what women will look like just 20 years
Why are the jannies so quick to axe these threads? This one won't last 5 minutes.
I've seen them on Yas Forums and Yas Forums not even last long enough to get archived.
Who would own the brothel?
>researchers from
What kind of dumb boomer thinks 20-something year olds have bones as soft as a baby's?
>wanting to fuck female journalists
for an instant I thought it was written youtube gamer
That's nothing. The scientists at have found out that gamers will look like this:
I genuinely saw someone who looked absolutely identical to this in the immigration queue at Shanghai airport. He was stood next to his hapa kids and miserable but kinda cute wife. I took one look (okay, maybe 5, I couldn't stop looking. I've never seen a runt like it before) at his tiny arms, massive African tier pot belly and miserable face and decided I could no longer be with the absolute weirdo Chinese girl who strung me along to Shanghai. After my 6th straight all nighter chain-smoking Marlboro reds and Davidoffs, drinking flavoured baiju and night walking only to get lost, one night I looked for the cheapest flight I could. I took a flight from Shanghai, though Moscow to London that same day. The plane nearly crashed but it was worth it. I went straight home and back out.
Shame really. She had mad money and her house was really nice, literally two of mine at least with these massive balconies. At least my current gf has a fat ass and enjoys facesitting though. Also, her parents approve of me which is a slight bonus. Oh to be single and 18 again. It was definitely an adventure.
Why are you posting yourself again?
What about grrrl gamers? Women game too remember!
golem get ye gone
Wouldn't gamers need to reproduce so their attributes pass over to next generations?
>Knowing their names
>Yas Forums
>avid gamers
Why do people hate nerds so much? There's other groups of people in the world who do beyond the most evil and atrocious things. I know when people say, "gamers are oppressed" is just a meme but it's not that far from reality. It's more like prejudice towards anyone who likes comics and video games. It's just bizarre.
Are you still in 2007? If so, take me with you.
What are you talking about? Gaming and comics have become mainstream and generally more accepting but the entire incel movement has just lumped it with gamers.
Honestly, hate-fucking them might be fun despite the fact that most of them look pretty dumpy. Now the "female" ones, those ones are the problem.
im not much of a gamer but to me it seems like there's the acceptable twitter gamer crowd who play animal crossing and approved indie games then there's the gamergate 'incel' crowd. the latter just seem like actual nerds from 15+ years ago whereas the former is the watered down, socially acceptable nu-nerd
golem get ye gone
Honestly, that neck/head position shit scares me. I hope I don't have it.
I know a guy with some experience. A fella named Chuck.
Just make it a point to periodically check your posture during the day.
Well is at the forefront of this research and one of leading experts. I’d be careful gamers
Lol try living through the 80’s and 90’s. This ain’t shit. You were literally a nerd for reading.
>Lol try living through the 80’s and 90’s. This ain’t shit. You were literally a nerd for reading
I'm 29 I know what it's like to be teased and made fun of for liking nerdy things. You would think in 2020 it would be more acceptable but it's kinda not anymore with these incel nerds freaking out people and generalizing them as school shooters.
Looks accurate tbqh
too late this is already me
fuck that.
Golem Get Ye Gone!
Average Yas Forums posters.
That's Yas Forums, asshole
Just be yourself
>"gamers are oppressed" is just a meme but it's not that far from reality
Just tell people you play video games and get back to me if you're slaying pussy.
they are not hated, they are given tough love, it's for their own good to stop wasting their time and get married and start making babies
Golem get ye gone
I'm weak to peer pressure
cool card.
How could you tell?
>they are not hated, they are given tough love, it's for their own good to stop wasting their time and get married and start making babies
But I don't want babies. Why do you normies try to force upon others on trying to make a baby? For what reason? I have a job and make good money this is what I like doing. But people keep persisting like they care but it's just an ego boost and telling themselves, "So glad I'm not a nerd like that".
>post this on Yas Forums
>thread is IMMEDIATELY deleted
I assume this is what you all look like
Researches from
>I now pronounce you, Man and Wife.
Like this.
>Researchers from
What's that stuff he's putting on the giganigga?
Tyrone, Tyrese, Traython