Why do actresses do this?

why do actresses do this?

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Why are his legs so skinny m?

the bowtie is a symbol of rebellion. the regular tie is a symbol of corporate slavery, of being the "gentle"man, of literally putting a noose around your neck and telling the world, "if I misbehave, pull the noose. I've given you the tools to kill me if I'm a bad slave"
most people don't realize this because they're retarded

I didnt know they did

porn ones?

for me, it's Nina Nirvana

To direct attention to themselves. It's literally the answer to anything that women do

What is this tattoo even supposed to mean?

Porn actresses do. Because
1. They're on lots of drugs
2. Their entire career is basically standing there and letting some dude pound them in their asshole, so there's not a lot of 'improvement' they can do to make themselves better poundees. So they decorate themselves thinking that's an improvement. It's not.
3. Some of them are so psychologically fucked up they're subconsciously trying to make themselves unattractive so they won't get pounded in the ass so much.

this tattoo resembles me the most low class girls I've seen in my life

Same as every tattoo
"I'm interesting and attractive"
Not their decision to make but they're too stupid to understand that basic social tenet

>girl could be 10/10
>tattoos drop her to a 0/10
every time

Why not just wear stockings which are infinitely sexier?

how big is his penis?

>What is this tattoo even supposed to mean?
It symbolizes women's inability to understand even the most basic of concepts

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For me, it's Emily Cutie. The worst tattoos in cinema.

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I took a trip to Mexico last year and saw a woman with these tats. She was a mom and had her 2 kids with her.

tatoos can me mementos or just purely symbolical without trying to look nice, have sex

Nobody wants a tattoo that doesn't look good.
I do have sex, no u etc

>"I'm easy, irresponsible and you'll never want to bring me home to meet your parents"

I would never, under any circumstances, get a movie/tv tattoo.

You know that's really fucked up that "fans" actually have tattoos like this.

Tattoos are supposed to have meaning.

When I was in the army, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.

10 years from now I'll look at my wrists and still have profound thoughts of what went through my mind the day I decided to get these tattoos but the idiots who got them because they like certain movies or tv shows will only see an outdated, obsolete franchise.

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some people don't care

I licked a stripper's asshole who had those tattoos

this is pasta but holy fuck someone actually typed this

not even close to the worst, look up Lena Juliette, she has a penguin with a rainbow behind it over her twat.

That seems pretty accurate.

if you love china so much go there and get your dumbass killed in the street while insectoid "people" step over your retarded corpse for a month not giving a shit

Quality bait

Women belong in cages

feminism was a mistake

God I hate tattoos on porn whores. Look up Ashton Monroe for example. Her face is so cute, I wanted to jerk off to her over and over again and then I see that she has a hideous giant tattoo. Fuck this shit.

The world needs more reminders of this.

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It's empowering.

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tfw I said this once when I was a little kid and my Dad yelled at me

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>want a tattoo of Tyr’s rune on my left arm because the story about binding Fenris means a lot to me
>every single google result for “tyr rune” brings up neo-nazis and white supremacy
thanks, you fucks

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Anna De Ville 4 me.

>the tats
im fuckin dyin ova hea

All they did was save you from looking like a bigger fucking fag than you already are as well as being bullied to death for getting a fucking turn signal tattooed on yourself.

Why do actresses wear shoes like this?

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theres a porn model who does piss videos and she has this same bow tatoos on both legs

Go for Algiz then or make it hollow and have something in the middle like a knot pattern/ traditional depiction of Fenrir

wtf is this real!!?/

how did he take the picture?

because deep down they all secretly want to be strippers from Portland OR circa 2005.

I can't tell anymore...

Come one, man. It was always bait.

Larkin Love's stomach tattoo is far worse than that.

What did she mean by this?

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Dont see many people with a tie tattoo

There's no such thing as a tattoo that looks good. For girls it just makes them look whorish and for guys it makes them look like trailer trash junkies

I love tattoos on women and that hate around it has always been weird to me.

And again, why is the ace of spades related to american interracial pron?

>branding yourself with a "I fuck negroes" mark
Do American really...

I know one guy who just gets shitfaced and gets random tattoos

>that hate around it has always been weird to me.
They look like shit. For fuck's sake they should just commission a painting or something.

Syndey Cole over here

Sydney cole?

Spade is usually used as a racial slur. It probably has something to do with that.

based and coompilled

It's a sign of mental illness and risk-taking behavior, and women with tattoos are more likely to have STDs and abuse drugs and alcohol. If you find mental illness sexy well congratulations on having poor taste

It's usually a queen of spades, as in the queen of bbc

Heartiest kek I've had in a week.

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I dated a hot girl with terrible tattoos that forced me to end it
Her worst one was a huge tattoo commemorating her grandfather on her back. He looked exactly like the old man from Up. Giving it to her from behind was like fucking a pixar tombstone, there was never a chance

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The dumbest tattoos imo are the "inspirational words" shit that girls, which is always telling about her personality. For example if a girl has a "I'm strong" or "I'm tough" shit on her it means she's weak willed and passive aggressive. They're jut advertising their personal insecurites

Thanks make sense. Thanks for the serious reply.

Is it just me or are tattoos on women hot but tattoos on guys extremely cringe or gay if they aren’t military or criminal in which case they should be shot for fighting for Israel or being niggers?

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To be fair even you're going too far by tattooing those words. No matter what sin you may commit, you will never be a demon, no matter what good deeds you may do, you will never be an angel either. Using those words so casually is only making them lose their meaning.

eh, it's all down to the individual. The most tatted girl I dated was less promiscuous and did less drugs than a lot of the other girls that I've been with

thats gay as fuck if someone actually did this lol

my rule is that tattoos are okay unless a girl gets her first while with you.

>Implying there's only one

I'm just talking about statistics, of course there will be outliers. More importantly tattoos are just ugly. Tattoos on a nice body is like spraying shitty graffiti on a classical painting. Also it's just some serious basic bitch shit at this point, maybe back in the 80s it would make a girl come off as "cool" or "different from other girls" but nowadays braindead millennial bitches with tattoos are everywhere.

you're brainwashed

Explain how? I wouldn’t bred or marry with them but still they’re hot.