Why does the anime industry have an easier time creating likeable female characters than Hollywood?

Why does the anime industry have an easier time creating likeable female characters than Hollywood?

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Because real women are ugly and vapid, next question.

You're a misogynist and the patriarchal fantasies used throughout anime cater to your manchild delusions.

They make them actually act as female not dudes men with boobs, or evil cunts

Feminism doesn't really exist in Japan

cause they ain't real,that means they can be perfect. No fuck off to to your board

what cartoon is this from?


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Oh tee hee look its another dark haired teen boy getting pulled into a bizarre, life enriching adventure that distracts him from the real world as 10000 year olds big tiddy vampire clone witches trapped in a 9 year old human girls body act clumsy around him and frequently fight naked tee hee haw haw so original NIPPONESE-chan! Ooooh they have pointy chwins and googy eye balls! Ooo mo gwei gwai fai me sow! How kawwai!
Here's some protons and some neutrons and a hammer, somehow nuke yourself weeb trash

To Catch a Predator

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incels are afraid of real women

>Here's some protons and some neutrons and a hammer, somehow nuke yourself weeb trash

kirouksidai no onenone bo ka

Holy based. Animekeks BTFO.

Is this a light novel title?

you will never have sex

No one knows


But more importantly this

Dilate anime tranny. You will never be a real woman.

No one expects girl anime characters to act realistically. They are purely waifu bait written by men for men.

Japan has learned the lesson of love and compassion. America has learned to suppress love and compassion.

because even if the female character is supposed to be a cunt they will still try to make her appealing
hollywood will always attempt to justify the cuntiness

>defending 3dpd
>accusing others of being a tranny
pot calling the kettle black


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They write them as actual characters and not overt sociopolitical tools to be used to appease audiences.

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boco no pico, check it out, it's super kino.

Wrong alcohol

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>Here's some protons and some neutrons and a hammer, somehow nuke yourself weeb trash
okay this user changed my mind
fuck anime

And that's a good thing.

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>100% ABV
Is she fucking drinking everclear?

Because they make them completely unrealistic and idealistic to appeal to guys.

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Rei and Asuka fags pointlessly fighting over who best girl is, when Misato is the obvious winner.

>Japan makes likeable tranny character
>character labeled "transphobic"

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Anime women are extremely pandering. That’s it really. On the other hand, japs tend to write shitty males whereas the west is better.

>doesnt kill herself
Pick one

Fucking based
Gaiafaggots need to be put in their place

Because they were made by horny lonely guys for horny lonely guys, Why does the anime industry have hard time making a good anime without waifushit?

Pic unrelated

>best character in the game is a fudgepacker

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How did Toby plow her and not even know

because weebs have no standards

Like with the homos and the trannies, murderous hatred doesn't mean fear

Because they're cute and innocent most of the time, and they don't have the yaaaaaaaaasss queen slay and the future is female attitude

They don't write female characters that are just there to soap box.

>all the pissed off sjws in this thread

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Anime is one of the few places still giving them the middle finger, so of course they are pissed off.

Because all you have to do to be likable is be cute and it's easier to draw cuties.

>Here's some protons and some neutrons and a hammer, somehow nuke yourself weeb trash

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They seem even snobbier to me

And sluttier. You guys hate fleshed out (in every sense) female characters in Hollywood movies but love them in chinkshit, why is that? Women should be ciphers and they aren't in weebshit. Women are everywhere in Japan, they're as feminist as it gets

It doesn't, atleast anymore. I don't like most characters. Eizouken was fine


>has got a reputation for being a massive slut
>has only fucked one guy
What did Anno mean by this?

I've watched a good deal of anime, but anime girls are pretty generic.
They're either super submissive or some stoic type that doesn't take shit from anybody, this is what you'll see in 99% of anime

>draw girl
>call it a boy
>this makes it a good trans character by tv definitions

Yeah that was actual hypocrisy. Even he can't avoid his otaku obessions.

That Misato's juvenile practice of resorting to flirtatiousness as her only means of connecting to others has led those same people to assume that she's loose, I guess.

weebs BTFO

>patriarchal fantasies used throughout anime cater to your manchild delusions
i'm sure there are plenty female anime characters that fall into that, but misato katsuragi is definitely not one of them.

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>doesn't take shit from anybody
Maybe in comedy but never in drama.
Their picture of women is that in the end they'll always fall for the guy and have a secret soft side.
Also Kagura is the greatest female character ever made.

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Are we talking about just Evangelion here or all/most of anime? Because most of anime just writes girl characters as one sided, fall in love with MC just because and do everything for him types. They aren't really characters as much as just add to the options for the weebs to choose from from each show. Evangelion is a rare one with actual characters.

This. There's an entire episode about how she's so far askew from a patriarchal man's fantasy and how Shinji is disgusted by it, until the two guys fantasizing about her tell him it just means she trusts him more than anyone.

A lot of things I've read say Silvando is one of the best characters, this coming from lefty types too who care about stuff like homophobia and crap. I liked Sylvando, but I don't consider him one of the greatest DQ characters ever, and I'm pretty sure people only say that because he is so flamboyant.

>They write them as actual characters

>he’s seething so it!s funny