/who/ - Doctor Who general

previous: 9/11 edition

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In answer the other user's question in the previous thread - besides Chibnall, the only member of the crew who had worked on Doctor Who prior to series 11 and 12 was Wayne Yip, director of Resolution who had previously directed Empress of Mars, Lie of the Land and some episodes of Class.

Remember the time the Master came back to life because he wrote secret books detailing "The potions of life" and then a secret cult of Saxon worshipers poured them all into a bowl with a ring and a napkin some spit on it?

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Story where we find out 7 was behind 9/11 when


There's already a story he tells Stalin he did nothing wrong

Don't forget that Lucy had her family synthesize "The opposite" of those potions and she enacted her secret plan with some random orderly to splash half a cup of it onto him and it made him explode.

>sly wink

meant for

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Remember how this was after the Doctor turned back time and Saxon hadn't actually revealed himself as the Master to the world yet so this was basically a secret dungeon of cultists desperate to resurrect a former prime minister.
Not like that'll happen

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>"Ace, what if one seemingly unimportant event could trigger an irrrrreparable catastrophe that utterly destroys a planet, bringing about it's destruction?"
"But Professor, that's nonsense. One thing can't do all that!"
>"Oh no it isn't, now, I must get this bat to Wuhan."

This time it not the master, this time it's an Auton Master mind.

I can literally hear him saying
>Bat soup?
in that innocuous little voice he does when he offers someone something and it's the funniest shit ever

Holy fucking based

End of Time might be the worst story I've ever watched, desu.

>"you will become like us"
>"you will surviiive the pandemic"

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This was basically because in The Last of the Time Lords, RTD wrote in that loose plot thread of a woman's hand picking up the Master's ring without any idea where it was going from there. The End of Time seemed quite rushed when it came to resolving that.

That's exactly what Momentum are doing with Jeremy Corbyn right now.
Except he never was Prime Minister.

What would you do if you caught Clara in this position?

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Call the ambulance. An ugly old lady has fallen down, they'll know how to help her.

Use that rope to hang you for asking stupid questions.

>the ring contains the Master's digital pattern, the woman carries it away to some strange dusty machine hidden away in a corner somewhere, plugs it in, Inputs ID "Yana", and it 3D prints a new body before sparking a bursting into flames
Better or worse?

What does /who/ think of the autons?

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So I guess the master is somewhat of auton now.

No, it's crazy timelord tech that prints living flesh. The Master implanted a suggestion in Yana's head before taking on the persona to fabricate things that might be useful to him down the line.

Hang her

Updated chart after 37 responses (so far).
Add your own opinion to influence the scales:

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They're good

And here is the much more accurate much closer to being finished and made through actual thread interaction and not some bullshit survey that can't even be properly linked version

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The other chart is still a WIP. Anymore suggestions would be great

It didn't get better.

Forgot to post

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that's not up to me, and not my own opinion
i'm just reading the results of what 37 people on /who/ voted and editing the image based on it

Kino gun noise.

No, no, no. The 100 Suffering rows should be reserved for people who didn't get happy endings. War got to die happy. Twelve made it out of the castle and moved on. Ursula says she enjoys being concrete and calls it peaceful. The infected humans are cured and become a whole new species. Think it through, guys.


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American Doctor when?

>enjoys being an eternal blowjob giver
What was RTD smoking when he wrote this?

Where would Adam Mitchell be placed?

I think it's implied that she literally lacks the higher brain function to hate it.

Scared me so much as a kid that I always stared at dummies in windows in case they came to life

God, I wish that rope were me.

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Based Doctor for making that guy a living sex toy

It was Elton's little reward for being mean to Jackie

That's a bit of a stretch. Twelve went through 6.5 billion years of never ending hell but he shouldn't be on 100 because he was content in the end? Getting a "happy ending" doesn't detract from how much they suffered

Why is 13 so low?

Teeechnically 12 only suffered once. And his final version never had to crawl through the castle or burn himself. The 12 that survived only "remembered" the other times but didn't live them.

Because i haven't watched the new seasons

>that detail of 12 clutching his torso as if he feels the pain physically
that's what my mom dying did to me as well
whoever put that in the script or told capaldo to do that know what grief is like

She let someone genocide her planet and she ran away smiling.

>War got to die happy.
Knowing he was going to forget everything anyways.

Still no Katarina at 100, 0

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It will only happen in our dreams sadly

Only until 11 remembered.

In the moments when different incarnations meet like in the Day of the Doctor, everyone but the latest model forget everything, that's why 11 knew Gallifrey was preserved while War and 10 forgot. Does this mean 11 forgets meeting the Curator?

Yes, because he's certain he's going to die forever on Trenzalore.

Yes, that's why he forgets he is going to survive Trenzalore.

How much did he suffer? :(

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Not enough.

Which K-9 are we taking into account?
Leela's, Romana's or Sarah's?
Because all of them got to guard a cutie and only one of them exploded and was sent into space alone for years (although he got better)

Good joke. There's no way any of the Doctors would let that happen.

Yeah, but we are measuring each incarnation.
He died knowing he would have a miserable life and a fake burden for centuries.


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Where does Adam Mitchell place in the suffering scale?

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Chris suffered 100 in that image, that's for sure.

Then why was he smiling? Don't deny him his final moments. He found peace.

>doesn’t have the Dalek intonation when he yells anymore

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Everyone suffered

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What about this based lolbertarian?

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if this happened in a later series it could be a joke about how RTD used to put animal heads on creatures to make alien designs.

Wasn't he the main villain in one of the comics. In fact do we apply stuff outside of the shows?

35, 40
He wasn't malicious but he was a prick. He can change the activation option for the head thing anyway.

I'm sure he was happy for knowing the truth, i wasn't denying that. I knew that things were going to turn right eventually
I just don't think it cancels a whole life of war

How much did the chair or Sontaran suffer?

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They're basically two different characters but i'll add the comic version anyway. You got any pics?

but wasn't that literally what it was? An earth pig made to look like an alien to distract people from the real ones

Why wasn't Remembrance the last episode? Survival is such a strange choice. Remembrance has the Doctor revisiting the location of An Unearthly Child, fighting his greatest enemy, possible revelations about why he left home. It actually feels like a finale.

Imagine thinking this episode doesn't make it a 95-100 for twelve.

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