Favorite South Park Episode?
Favorite South Park Episode?
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I went to see South Park in the cinemas and there was a guy sitting behind me who kept on shouting out the "CREDIT CARD? YOU GOT IT" line from Home Alone 2. Like, every thirty seconds or so. Incredibly annoying and irrelevant, it really ruined my enjoyment of the film. As a result, I'm unable to answer your question.
Reminder that this show is still based.
I like the one where the girl goes into a the sewer
I like the plane arium episode
The movie
wtf is that episode? I've never seen that one
Fun Times with Weapons
I like the one with the 9/11 conspiracy and the Hardly Boys
That guy sounds based.
No, it's cringe and bluepilled. The message was that the douchebag wasn't a (((real))) tranny.
Season 11 episode 5
No the message was that men and women are good at different things and that letting them compete together at those things is retarded. That's as based as it gets.
Reminder that these exist because people actually click on it.
The one where Cartman calls Kyle a Jew, Kenny dies, and Randy does something whacky.
pc Principal or Critter Christmas episodes made me raff
That one was pretty great, so many good lines.
>the 9/11 conspiracies are run by the government
>we tell the truth too, but 1/4th of the population is retarded
>What do you mean 'who did 9/11' dude? It was a bunch of pissed-off Muslims
>mr mackey describing taking a shit in the urinal over the intercom and getting buttblasted
>oh no, not the god damn hardly boy-THE HARDLY BOYS
lil crime stoppers
the message was that pretending that women and men are the exact same is retarded and that just because someone is trans doesn't mean they can't also be an asshole.
cartman's mom hires bunch of different babysitters to "fix" cartman and the most effective one ends up being Cesar Millan, a dog whisperer who puts cartman on leash and trains him like dog. it reminds me of myself and i unironically feel for cartman when he's starting to change. it's really funny but sad episode at the same time.
>the guitar hero episode where randy tries to impress the boys by playing real guitar and they tell him to fuck off
>What do you mean 'who did 9/11' dude? It was a bunch of pissed-off Muslims
the entire episode was gold, but that's easily the best part.
The weapons one and the first manbearpig one were the ones that got the biggest laugh out of me and in both cases it was Cartman fucking up and humiliating himself. Specifically I'm talking about the scene where he tries to sneak past a crowd naked because he thinks he's invisible and the scene where it turns out that the gold he's been eating the whole episode is fake and he shits it out.
The Non-Formerly
name one(1) thing that women are universally better at than men.
Lil crime stoppers of course. Especially the first half, kids being kids. Really comfy.
>OP makes a joke topic to discuss the stupid Yas Forums ads
>Yas Forums just talks about South Park
im getting a raging clue
Giving birth for now
empathy and child-bearing.
>for now
You're a big womb
>>oh no, not the god damn hardly boy-THE HARDLY BOYS
I just realized how great this bit was because hard cuts were still a novel gag at the time. Now days every other youtuber does it because of Mr. Plinkett.
the one where butters is a pimp
>you hear me, bitch?
>police chief goes undercover as a stripper in a frat house, and marries a guy just to bust him
>Yas Forums board discusses television
I bet you also get upset when coffee threads on /g/ end up being about technology
>do you know what I am saying?
Universally would be manipulation and lying
>browsing /g/
>that scene where butters is trying to recruit girls from his class
It's all downhill from there
Easily Lil Crime Stoppers.
Why yes I do, how could you tell
Asspen and Krazy Kripples!
>goes up to wendy right in front of stan and starts trying to bribe her to join his group
Gender dysphoria is an actual mental illness, you know.
Women usually unironically suck at sex because men are easily pleased so they're used to just laying there like a fish and letting the guy do all the work
I mean they're unviersally better for having sex with than men.
Wrong. Empathy only requires a good amount of emotional intelligence, which doesn't discriminate between genders.
Women are stereotypically painted as more empathetic because their overly emotional behaviour gets confused with empathy.
Wrong. Men can be as competent in manipulation and lying, see: The majority of CEOs and managers being male.
Women are painted as more manipulative and trifling than men because unlike men, they lack the charisma to cover their manipulative personalities.
Wrong. The majority of women have no idea how to fuck, or don't even bother to properly fuck. They just lay there and take. To be fair, most men don't know how to fuck either.
South Park got more and more garbage as it went on. I'd say anything passed Season 10 is absolute trash and you're kidding yourself if you rate anything after it highly.
Also Woodland Critter Christmas is a holiday tradition for me since it aired.
Would you rather fuck a guy or a woman?
Men will die for other people to not live in bondage. Faux empathy is not empathy.
Women are better at sex because their bodies nerve endings are more densely packed in their smaller erogenous zones and are capable of multiple orgasms of several distinct types. What they do for men doesn't even factor into the discussion.
Make love not warcraft
But you didn't say they were better at being fucked, you said they were better at sex. There's a difference, one requires skill, the other doesn't.
Stan Marsh the darsh
>emotional intelligence, which doesn't discriminate between genders
>proceeds to play the "hysterical woman" card
OK incel.
How did they get away with this?
A prostitute is like any other woman
They all trade something for sex
And they do it well
That's not being better at sex, that again falls under being fucked. Being good at sex means being good at pleasuring the other person