Why is it that people can't discuss about an actor's career on fucking TV of all places

Why is it that people can't discuss about an actor's career on fucking TV of all places

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You can.
However, discussing something they did outside of their career is against the rules, no matter how hard you try.

I can guarantee you that your cishet gender-conforming male faves have done way worse shit than the one-off rage episode ezra had (and again, we don’t even know both sides of the story here. I am all for believing victims of abuse, but this was literally a one-time occurrence) but that’s fine and excusable because they are cishet gender-conforming men.

all of you cancelling ezra miller over this isn’t bc you’re actually fucking concerned, it is legitimately because you see them as a convenient method through which to air your hatred for queer men, and you get to earn woke points along the way.

it is all so fucking performative and it shows. a one-time act of violence like this honestly should not be cancel-worthy!

I only care about them so far as I think they are very pretty and it’s cool to see a fellow queer gnc man that uses they/them pronouns. I don’t watch their movies, I’m not a huge fan, I don’t stan them, I’m just rubbing my last two fucking brain cells together here and pointing out the obvious!

I’ve watched the video countless times at this point and coming from someone who has been non-consensually actually literally choked, it feels VERY staged/fake, but the telephone game of the internet is going to take it from “ezra miller play-fought a fan and got too rough” to “ezra miller tried to actually fucking murder someone (and that makes it okay to misgender them)”

NO fuck off, this is about the ending of his career

it's relevant to this fucking board

>I get to say what's on topic
Cry moar.

they started issuing 3 day bans for "replying to off topic threads" recently too which is the most retarded thing i've ever seen on this place. how the fuck am i supposed to know what they consider off topic? they don't even link the post in the ban.

It isn't.
Why are you so damn angry? Just follow the rules.

pedo threads stay up for hours and the babies they jerking off too aren't on tv or movies

Read the rules.

>people keep calling him a faggot
>girl says even she can beat him
>people are mad because he pushed back

We live in a society of simps.

i'm talking about a fucking actor and his fucking career
but what can you know when your want to fuck 5 year olds as the pedo you're

yesterday there was a tranny thread with over a hundred replies

Aaaaand your post was deleted. Typical, and only proves you're actually right

Also, everyone with standards use 4chanX, deleting posts is the same as nothing, I can still see it

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You're so mad you can't even type.
If you want to talk about his career, go for it. If you want to discuss him choking a bitch is that way.

no i'l disucus his career on tv as he's a fucking actor in movies
and he's not forced to perform in sex acts like the 5 year olds you jerk off you fking pedo

The rules are gay and made by idiots, and you are a pathetic sycophant for defending them

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but he was acting we were talking about his performance so move it along and let us discuss his abilities

Then please, discuss his career. We're waiting.

Yeah that's why Ben Affleck threads never get deleted.


>discuss his career
I understand that Ezra Miller is a shitty person and what they have done isn’t okay but cis people don’t get to use this as an excuse to be transphobic. Ezra uses they/them pronouns and you need to respect that and use their pronouns because no longer are you hurting one person, you’re hurting a community and all other people who use they/them pronouns.

This is not an excuse to be transphobic and you’re just a shitty person if you think it is

A Let's Talk About Kevin thread was deleted earlier. Point is the mods aren't letting us.
>b-but people will just talk about the incident
Not my fault. Mods aren't doing their job.

The system isn't perfect.

you want to talk about his actions outside of his acting though, you are breaking the rules
that said, fuck rules and fuck jannies for working FOR FREE

commit suicide

poor sis...she danced up to her fave expecting a cute dance battle but instead got choked out and tossed to the ground. you really hate to see it.

ezra is fucking trash, and anyone with eyes could see something was off with him. any person who lets their toenails grow to the length that he had his with that amount of filth under them isn't right in the head...js.

He is a fucking faggot, but at least in one thing he was based.

He was just giving that roastie some gender equality. Talk shit, get hit.

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new jannies going out of their way to prove themselves
many such cases!

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gossipers are the lowest form of life. they should be banned literally everywhere.

Fuck off

fuck off

Did she finally kiss Madoka in the new anime?

what does this image have to do with jannies?

He's obsessed.

She said she could beat him in a fight. Dude probably can't put his face outside the window without being called a faggot, he is probably paranoid about his manhood.

Talk shit, get hit. She fucking deserved worse. He should have punched her in the eye

idunno i guess you'll have to guess newfag

again, how the fuck am i supposed to know what they consider off topic if they don't even link the post? half the fucking threads on Yas Forums these days could be considered off topic yet many stay up for hours or never get deleted.

Esra is paying off the mods

Just read the rules, nigga. Shit ain't complicated.

Yas Forums - Tabloid Vidiots

I love how people are finally ignoring the tranies.
It's hilarious seeing these reddit posts with no one even acknowledging them

what I guess is that you're a literal discord tranny

Do you fags remember that actor Emile Hirsch choked a woman film producer at a Sundance film festival party years ago? This sorta reminds me of that.

For the sake of that young fan, I HOPE they were just joking around but Erza seemed pretty aggressive with her.

you know jannies cant actually delete threads right?

because there are already three threads about it, moron

maybe explain that to the mods and jannies that leave up off topic threads for hours then and then selectively ban others for merely having the audacity to post in another off topic thread even if it's complaining about the fact that the thread is off topic

Still waiting for you to discuss his career.

>Dude probably can't put his face outside the window without being called a faggot
he brought it upon himself

but you don't know where to post becauz they keep deleting them
when this should have been stickied since the news spread

lol what? I thought they could delete all posts, just not ban anybody

Like this one.
Maybe they went to take a shot.

no it's not you duplicitous taint

actions that would disrupt roles they would be in is literally pertaining to their careers. You really dont understand this?

they cant delete threads or issue bans, why else do you think a ban always comes immediately after a thread deletion?

i'm waiting to see if this thread will stick because i've commented a very a long post and got deleted before people got to read what i wrote

It shouldn't be stickied. It's gossip unrelated to his career.

So where were your posts when discord teens were spamming their threads all week about the cuck?

you dumb fucking idiots, this is literally a board for television film and actors. If tom cruise fucking chokeslammed a reporter or something dont you think we'd have threads about it you fucking morons?

Nice pasta

holy kek I never realized they couldn't delete threads, this makes them extra pathetic

You're retarded, aren't you?

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It's not like you have something better to do.

I did and it says "discussion should pertain to actors and their careers"

this is absolutely following that rule.

I don't live here, user. Do you?

wow I actually never knew it also said "their careers" as well

Tom Cruise getting squirted in the face has nothing to do with his career but those threads never get deleted.

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nice screenshot you fucking moron

this thread is 100% on topic, it is related to his future roles. Does the OP need to include a fucking lawyer clause for you?

"and how do you believe this will affect his ACTING ROLES in the future?"

>it's relevant to this fucking board
This board is for the discussion of TV shows and movies, not the social lives of celebrities. Fucking killyerself.

>the only ones saying you shouldn't "cancel" him are capeshit numales that have no problem "cancelling" people they don't like

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are you a fart instead or a person with a working brain? WHAT HE DID AFFECTS HIS CAREER AS HE'LL NEVER GET WORK AGAIN




It says 'actress and actor discussion should pertain directly to their roles and careers. Off-topic discussion will be deleted.'

that is an impressively bad screenshot