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>Sauas vs Goodoog
Who wins?

Timothy Olypahnt

Even from the X-file days, Vince Gilligan's work has always been amazing.

The best has always been Kubrik though. His work as a still photographer always carried over to his work.

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What's with the pagoda?

Fuck bro I’m on a company iphone

>*I'VE GOT THE POWER* playing in the background

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boon's films have tons of good stuff but you cant post korean films without people flaming

Millie's low-angle work on her new dog-washing video was pretty kino.

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What is this, 2009?


I still don't understand Jimmy's animosity towards Howard, what did he do? That "you've killed my brother" line was bizzare.

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>space blanket

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It's the place where Gamora met Thanos.

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Howard spent years siding with Chuck and fucking Jimmy over just to appease Chuck's insanity. Even if Howard has forgotten about it, Jimmy hasn't.

Jimmy keeps up with the assumption of Howard saying letting Chuck go from Hamlin and McGill is what drove Chuck over the edge, when Jimmy just knows deep down it was his legal chicanery and antics that drove Chuck over the edge. The shredded copy of the sandpiper crossing documents, the changed date ect.

Basically he's letting Howard think Chuck's death is Horward's burden, because fuck you that's why. LIGHTNING SHOOTS FROM MY FINGERTIPS!!!

>"cinematography" thread
>thread is filled with still images
every time

Attached: Andrei Rublev (1966) - 2.webm (1000x433, 2.87M)

/film/ is two blocks down, insufferable pseud

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Holy shit. This is why Chuck wore the space blanket, to protect him from the force lightning. He wasn't hallucinating. Bravo Vince.

Stop replying to this bait goddamnit

What bait?

chuck is dead and jimmy can't unleash his bottled up rage on him so howard is the next best thing

Attached: jimjam.png (1440x1080, 1.28M)

what makes this better than Can someone explain to me

where can I watch the live stream today pretty please

Kys nigger

sorry twitch zoomer, I meant tilting

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Brettygood, if they still do BCS, I haven't watched this season livestreamed


A devilish strategy against us phoneposters on company wifi...

That's easy. The thanos one looks like shit, the Tarkovsky one doesn't

but what if I think the opposite? "good" cinemmatography doesnt exist, only in your head and btw I think most people would rate Endgame over any black and white pseudshit

>appeal to popularity
why do capeshit manbabies always jump to use this fallacy?

Attached: Andrei Rublev (1966) - 1.webm (1000x433, 2.88M)

Fuck off retard. Browsing Yas Forums is already bad enough and it's not like you need to actually visit the link to see what it is.

I'm not the manbaby clinging to my 60 year old movie and refusing to realize that its dated af and doesnt hold up to modern standards. That shit would bore 90% of modern audiences and retards like you still claim that its a masterpiece

A fucking retard who cant read links without clicking them

Kim is the best character played by a wonderful actress. You assholes should just Venmo her your life savings just to keep working on television.

Just click and hold. How nu r u

Have you ever considered the possibility that modern audiences are fucking retarded and therefore probably aren't the best authority to appeal to during an argument?

Can anybody explain this shit to me? I wanna like BCS but I have to keep fucking googling analysis just to understand what the fuck is going on

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These are the posters who say Le nothing happens

YOu do know that generally the IQ of modern people are higher than it were 60 years ago, dont try me with that shit, that people now a days are dumber because they arent, they just know better than to watch paint dry

>director of PHOTOGRAPHY
>thinks it's about movement

>I'm a manbaby for respecting classic artistic work
>you're not a manbaby for fawning over glorified children's films

>come to thread for various kinomatrography
>it's just vince gilligan wank

just post some cool images or moving pictures plz

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>Bro it totally gets good around season 4! You just gotta stick with it!

Why does it bother you that some people appreciate old art? Do you feel threatened by people appreciating something, that you can't or don't want to comprehend?

What are you talking about? It's kino from the get to go, right from the pilot.

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>What are you talking about? It's kino from the get to go, right from the pilot.

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I'm going to post a few cool 1-2-minute long shots, beware of spoilers though.

>bio-zombie trick shot
>the black hole, cool zoomout in the end
>sort of the same, ending scene fearless vamp killers
>NBk - best greenlit scene ever
>bava showing of his colorful style
>another classic giallo scene
>jan de bont (speed, die hard) showing off

>Kubrik is the best

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cool part is he turns to Howard on the Saul Goodman side / the side not looking at the distressed family

he still looks so huge

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whats this from


If you can't figure it out, you don't deserve to know

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