Why is every Netflix show like this

Why is every Netflix show like this

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Based and I don't understand this meme pilled

In the context of the show that makes sense because that was something that was going on at the time and they would talk about.

>not just another piece of social engineering trash

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It's actually becoming exhausting

Not at all its completely revisionist pc sjw bullshit and people in the 70s wouldn't talk like this and this character who's a dyke in the show is based on a doctor who wasn't a dyke at all in real life it's pure propaganda, if you want to see how people in the 70s dealt with sexual deviance and serial killing watch cruising by Friedkin it would be completely censored or not get made today

It’s not perfect but it’s a trillion times more accurate and insightful than the idiot .jpgs you containment board bots consider gospel.

I doubt you’re right about any of that. You reek of being biased.

>a trillion times more accurate
prove this to me, mathematically

being removed from the dsm doesn't magically make homosexuality immune to correlation with crime

All they're doing is pissing off non lgbtqxyz people to the point where World War 3 might hit and everybody starts taking it out on them.

Math was socially engineered so any claim made is accurate on the subject factually.

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It's not my job of enacting the labour of educating you. Educate yourself.

user words don't mean anything to those people they just throw words around without any reasoning because they're incapable of reason.


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Who the fuck would this piss off? There’s nothing even slightly controversial in that image. I could only see it angering far right cels who are constantly “oppressed” and triggered regardless.

Reason is madness. Disprove my claim with reason.
You phrased that like it was a question. Retardation is not yet curable but hold out hope.

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Wendy Carr is a fictional character based on psychiatric forensic nurse researcher Ann Wolbert Burgess,[25][26] a prominent Boston College nursing professor who collaborated with the FBI agents in the Behavioral Science Unit and procured grants to conduct research on serial murderers, serial rapists, and child molesters.[27]

The Netflix series Mindhunter based the character of Dr. Wendy Carr, portrayed by Anna Torv, directly on Ann Wolbert Burgess. Several liberties were taken with the character of Dr. Carr, including making her a lesbian (Burgess is married to a man and has children) and having her move full-time down to Quantico (Burgess consulted from Boston). In addition, Ann Burgess is not a psychologist but rather a psychiatric nurse practitioner.[3]

Imagine being a literal non-human from Yas Forums and saying anyone else is incapable of reason

fag domestic violence is pretty high, at least as causal to violence as dark skin


>being removed from the dsm doesn't magically make homosexuality immune to correlation with crime

Trans got removed from as a mental disorder (ironically video games got turned into a mental disorder)....also trans have a very high suicide rate...hmmm...like...its a mental disorder or something. We live in a world where people bend the knee to political agendas and the scientific communities are not immune to that.

Have sex and dilate you nazi fuck

You would have to control for the psychological abuse homosexuals almost universally take, especially 50 years ago, to prove a correlation there.

>1970 was 50 years ago

they try to blame social stigma but it's a disappointing lifestyle and that will never change

You can look at all the news stories and studies in the modern times of homosexual liberation that shows their domestic abuse rate is above average, but something tells me you don't really care about facts.

There’s still gender dysphoria in the DSM. Video game addiction, not “video games.” Learn to tell the truth once in a while scum.

>we live in a world where people favor political agendas over science
Yeah. It’s a problem. And no one does it more than the far right, not even SJWs.


The war on homophobia (against white people) was won years ago. Now they need to remind you how oppressed they were.

are y'all this stupid that you can't realise the irony

Anyone who is a gay adult now definitely had a nightmare of a childhood you moron. Most kids are cruel and stupid, and that’s only just beginning to change.

>you don’t care about facts
Says the ideologue retard trying to correlate an identity with crime when there’s a much better explanation.
>muh identities tho
Sjw tard

I skipped every one of her lesbian relationship scenes in that season. Did I miss anything important? I doubt it.

>yeah it's a problem, but they do it more!

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I sense some serious projective anger coming out of you. Would you like to tell us all about how the schoolkids bullied you for being a fag?

which part is ironic? literally no one is less rational or more emotional or worse people than /pool/ shitposters. Imagine throwing a tantrum because a tv show character argued being gay doesn’t make you a criminal lmao


So don’t watch it and fuck off. Thank you.

Go to church and pray corona away

he called it a deviance you dumb bitch, not a disorder

it's like when fags get upset when you say faggotry is not the norm.

I skipped them too and not just because of her being lesbian but because they're just so pointless and boring she's a non character and only exists to spout exposition about killer psychology, at least holden's gf bullshit affected how he would tackle the interviews

Yeah it's not like the (((writer))) put it in on purpose

>if you’re arguing for something it must mean you have a personal stake in it
Not everyone is like internet nazis. Some people believe in truth for the sake of truth and have principles

>no one does it more than the far right, not even SJWs.
oh boy, that's a good one m8. You should contact Netflix, they'll give you your own standup special.

have sex

homosexuality has been de facto permitting in the west for at least 200 years, fags are just another insane leftist imagining some fag utopia that will never happen

If it’s not true explain to me why this incel is putting his shill echoes around the word writer even though not a single one of mind hunters’ main writers are Jewish. And why is this a routine occurrence among you losers. You are literally worse than SJWs.

Wendy Carlos (born Walter Carlos; November 14, 1939) is an American musician and composer best known for her electronic music and film scores. Born and raised in Rhode Island, Carlos studied physics and music at Brown University before moving to New York City in 1962 to study music composition at Columbia University. Studying and working with various electronic musicians and technicians at the city's Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center, she helped the development of the Moog synthesizer, the first commercially available keyboard instrument created by Robert Moog.

user, saying someone is incapable of reason because theyre subhuman while saying you hate Yas Forums is ironic

cope jewboy

>if you think people should stop being petulant children and take responsibility for their actions; youre a chirstcuck

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Well you’re not really allowed to complain about something if you yourself contribute to it, are you? If you place your feelings and political agenda above facts then you can’t fault other people for doing the same. Only moderates/centrists are allowed to criticize because they’re the only ones who aren’t mindless hypocrites.

get help


Cuban communists were right about homosexuals.

I don’t get how that’s ironic. Yas Forums doesn’t have human intelligence, human morality, or human honesty.

I couldn't find any other reason why you'd just revert to some retarded statement like that in response to my argument unless you had personal experience. You can go ahead and try to refute it, if you're done with your high-horse screed about how you're so much smarter than the alt-right nazis or whatever.

>it’s a retarded statement to say that gay people experience psychologically damaging bullying
You don’t live in reality

>Its a Deviance
>DSM says its not a disorder

Is she trying to derive morality from pure psychology? Is this materialism or pure scientism? Or is she confusing willfull action with internal desire? Im so confused on her rational...

you dont belong on this website

I expected you to post a study, king of facts and logic. I'm not accepting these subjective opinions that homos experience any trauma that isn't at their own degenerate hands unless you've got some statistics.

You're conservative. Dumbest and most anti facts people on Earth, yes.

It’s surprising that anyone would be stupid enough to need a study to show bullying exists. What, were you homeschooled cletus? I’m sure if you google the keywords there will be studies on the subject. Not that it matters because you’re an incel who dismisses any study as “Marxism” unless it aligns with your pre-existing biases.

oh but you do ?


>dude google my argument for me

Yes. Imagine being a creature that defends pol

t. party that would never win any election at any level without their hoards of 80 IQ inner city blacks and border hoppers

What the fuck is the point of this reply? I'm calling you out over your lack of standards, and you can say is "ur dum" ? You don't want to convince anyone of what you believe in. More explicitly, you don't care about fighting for the truth. Why are you here?

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