Cast a non-Chad as a Chad character

>cast a non-Chad as a Chad character
What did they mean by this?

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Almost all actors are theatre club kids and sodomites, you make due with what you have.

He's 6'3" and cuter than a button. They knew what they were going for and they nailed it.

He needed to be ugly enough that people like can self insert as him and not feel intimidated.

Also he was the big fish small pond. Also, the show is god awful I hardly made it though 1 season.

lol you got filtered

Check his bone structure, he's chad as fuck you dumb loser. It's the retarded hair, but otherwise he mogs every other guy in the office

>Check his bone structure, he's chad as fuck you dumb loser. It's the retarded hair, but otherwise he mogs every other guy in the office

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real chad here, this dude aint no chad

Post jaw. Let's see if you are chad or not.

Post face

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>he was almost captain america
imagine this goofy looking guy instead of Chris Evans

what part of his character makes you think he's supposed to be a chad?

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>Marvel t-shirt

weak hair hiding a weak chin

Why did they have to make him a Chad? Tim was such a better character than Jim.

>coping wagecuck whose only joy in life is putting down other wagecucks lower on the scale

i can smell the soi from here

He's tall
Literally same reason girls love Kylo ren or whatever his name is
Girls will overlook your face if you're 6'3 with a wide frame

coping incels

>coping incels

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>this is what lanklet virgins tell themselves

Cope smooth brain

lmao, should have added a söy latte to the pic to make it perfect

imagine being such a weak beta bitch that you think jim in the office is a chad

Pick one.

He's married to Emily Blunt you retard.

He was outgoing, good at basketball and successful with women.

What is it with Yas Forumscels and never having chins? I swear to god every single one of these niggers I've ever seen had a "chin" like that.

he had no friends, "good at basketball" at an absolutely amateur level, and spent years of effort trying to bang the lowest employee in the company

He's also a passive aggressive little bitch who got his shit handled by Roy. He's a normie, nothing more, nothing less.

That makes him a Brad at the very most


this is me. exactly. i hate this show because i hate how accurately they put me into the show.

Jim isn't supposed to be a Chad. He's supposed to be an everyman.

How anyone could misunderstand that is baffling.

Not all
But I'm also one of the million beaners on there who larps as a white supremacist

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only fags like the office

The Office is transparently about a cast of losers slowly finding a place in life, Jim is just at the top of the losers because he has some minimal social skills and a shield of reddit irony to not take anything seriously, but he is still a loser

he is basically the viewer self-insert so that losers that watch the series still get to feel good about themselves

Uhhh based??

my sister is marrying one of you brownniggers. i will personally genocide mexico if he even hits her once. if your people start getting genocided, you’ll know why.

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Mouth breathing

There was this Latino guy from the infamous meetup, he had a strong jaw and a fitting chin

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He was never a chad and its made apparent a lot through out the show. Mainly through the gut Pam was originally going to marry. He treats her like shit but she still leaves Jim multiple times to be with him. Even after they get married and that guy gets his shit together and gets married as well he still flexs on Jim and makes Jim question his marriage with Pam.

the incel taxonomy of men is so fucking dumb lmao

they spent their youth playing videogames or some shit and they never develop proper testosterone from sports or hard labor

Latinos are notorious wife beaters. It's not "IF" he beats her it's WHEN

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Guaranteed to get slapped around at a minimum
we can't help ourselves and don't have cuck mentality looming over us telling us to let women walk over us
She'll be put in her place
If he's one of those come home to beat his wife types that's fucked but if she steps out of line she'll learn her place
I got myself a gabacha wife too, good for him latinas are fucking nuts

>Chad character
>working for a paper company
>with a bunch of weirdoes, under a boss who is dumber than him and harrasses everybody
>cannot leave because has a crush on the 6/10 taken secretary

he was just her "office husband", not her "husband husband", would have ended with somebody else if she could do better but she couldn't

>marvel t-shirt
>flannel shirt
>onions beard
>hat indoors = balding
I'll give you two yikes and an ouch. That's the best I can do.

what are the proper categories?

He's an incel/hopeless romantic that grew up before Yas Forums was a thing. He loves messing with the weeaboo autist Dwight because he sees him as a rival, not as an inferior. He had a oneitis who was dating an actual Chad who was past his prime. His pranks are creative to the level of being autistic. He is an underachiever who keeps thinking he's destined for something better, and only finally works towards that goal after getting his head out of his ass and getting out of his mopey 20's.

The only thing Chad about him was flirting with and dating Amy Adams, a Stacy who was past her prime. This is a somewhat typical thing as former incels gain more confidence as they stop giving a fuck and Stacy's seek comfort in actual nice guys after dating aggressive Chads their whole youth. Also he played basketball but they never said he was a varsity-type person.

He's you, Yas Forums. He's just older than a lot of you and a little more confident. I only hope you get to have a peak like he did before growing out of your rebellious youth and settling down.

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He's tall, very good looking, and charismatic.Of course you virgins would desperately want to believe that isn't chad.
Pretty sure there was at least one episode where he was confirmed to have bros outside of work. Also he stole someone's fiance and effortlessly wooed the purse saleswoman and Karen. He literally fucked every attractive woman he worked with over the course of the show.
Beta as fuck.

>>cannot leave because has a crush on the 6/10 taken secretary
also because he is not smart enough to work somewhere else, he is just barely above the weirdos

Don't forget his feminine wrist and forearms
Hasn't lifted anything over 50lbs in his entire life

Literal effeminate soiboy.

>looks like a NFL Quarterback
>”Imagine thinking this is a Chad.”
Harder to imagine that it’s possible for you to suck this much cock

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he was an office worker in Scranton, PA, how hot do you expect him to be?

Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

It seems like being Jim isn't that bad. You get to date attractive women and you're the "cool" guy among a bunch of old/autistic losers. His real flaw was being cucked by Pam when she wouldn't leave her stupid office job for the sports opportunity. If she didn't change her mind, he'd be miserable the rest of his life.

Sure you did faggot

>Larp as White Supremacist
>Wears American Eagle.
Lol I knew spics were dumb but this is hilarious.

This is now a Chads of Yas Forums thread. Report in bros

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>my sister is marrying one of you brownniggers. i will personally genocide mexico if he even hits her once. if your people start getting genocided, you’ll know why.

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i always express this.

all good actors are a fruity bunch. not a single chad actor who you think is a chad is actually a chad. They are emotionally fragile, eccentric drama heads.

the typecasts, and one-note actors who either play a same role or themselves are probably chads tho.

Yeh, I’m thinking in the inevitable biopic he’ll inevitably be the one to inevitably play Theodore “Uncle Ted” Kaczynski because they look alike and they’re names even inevitably sound the same


nice bait

Yeah it's a tough spot. Imagine being the guy who leaves your family because of work? On one hand, it's your passion and your business and you have faith that it'll be good for your family, on the other hand work should be for the sake of your family and making them unhappy is going against the whole point. She put him in a bad position.

It especially stings when you realize that Pam tried to live in a big city (goes to NYC to pursue art and fails) and then acts like she's some small town sweetheart who couldn't take life in Philly. It's like she is jealous of Jim's success.

You're right that he would've stayed miserable if she didn't change her mind, most likely ruining the marriage. However I suspect that some part of him will always dislike some part of her after going through that ego battle with her.

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Same but didn't make it passed the restaurant waiter scene.

Lose weight

Actually that’s hollister