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Unironically nothing of value was lost.

All theaters should be shut down, and not because of economic reasons, but by governmental decree. Forever.

>He wasnt an amc stubs member
user I-...

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Teens made out next to me during my showing of Endgame and now I want all theaters to burn.

Literally how? Haven't the biggest movies of all time been released in the last ten years?

>the last movie a lot of people saw was onions wars 9

The domestic box office peaked a few years ago and the number of people actually going to the theater is the lowest its been since the 20s. Corona is probably enough to break their backs.

Yes, but corporations are being big babies anout losing a months pay and are theatening to throw a temper tantrum and shut everything down. Execs are a lot like toddler, user.


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>he doesnt strictly go to indepedant cinemas

I just had some major deju...all about how theaters peaked with marvel and star wars.

Does this mean I'll finally be able to watch new releases at home now instead of being forced to go to overpriced theaters for a worse experience just to avoid waiting for months?

Yeah but that's because of all the cash grab sequel garbage and woke angled shit that's been pumped out the past 8 years

Good. And they can take their ripoff subscription service with them. Why in the fuck would I subscribe to a service with just baby movies and one half decent star wars show?
>Oh nonrated R material for us! We're dibney
Fuck off. They owned Miramax and that wasn't a secret. They can cut the holier than thou bullshit. I get so tired of fake values as if they arent blatenly greedy money hungry fucks. Annoys me.

The only thing my local small theater does is show Rocky Horror for the gay folk over and over. Theyre too arthouse to show kinos.

Theater chains have almost zero input into what the studios make

No, now you get to buy overpriced rentals to watch kinos on a smaller, shittier screen. So good job on that.
20 bucks for a rental. Jesus fuck.

Good. Let the chink chain fail

I never understood why most theatres don't just screen reruns of old hits. I'm sure the licencing wouldn't be an issue, and it'd be a novelty enough that they'd sell out a couple times.

>"Tell me... do you bleed?"
>*the sound of a thousand plastic balls rumbling*
>"You will... you will."
>*autistic screeching*

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>on a smaller, shittier screen
You mean a screen that has a great quality because I can sit closer to it, and ensure that I am positioned optimally in front of it without the tops of anyone's head blocking the screen.
And that I can watch on my own time, multiple times if I need to for no extra charge, and pause if I need to take a break or discuss the movie?
Oh no, how horrible!

>20 bucks for a rental. Jesus fuck.
Where the fuck are you getting charged a price like that?

They used to do it more before home video became a thing, because that was literally the only way for most people to ever rewatch a good movie.

My local theater still has a classic movie day though. Not sure about yours.

Have you guys ever been in a theater and when a preview for a movie was over you hear someone nearby go "oooh that looks good"

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My local drive-in is doing that and theyre raking in the dough. Playing stuff like Christine, E.T., Back to the Future, Stand By Me, and I think recently Labrynth and Jurassic Park?
General popcorn shit everyone likes.

Look up how much it is to watch Sonic right now. A movie that would still be in theaters right now.

A girl let me touch her boob in a movie theatre in highschool. I'm still kissless though.

How fucking fragile is every big company that like 4 months of quarantine tops can cause them to collapse?

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Honestly a good idea for kids movies since children cant sit still for 5 seconds.
Never did understand why kid films get released to theaters.

this sucks. my friend manages a theater and hes out of work and lost his health insurance so hes not getting his adderall which i buy from him

No, but my friend would boo and call the previews cringe, prompting others to laugh.

Thanks Corona-Chan.

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Theyre being overdramatic. They cant afford their yacht payments so theyre screeching about how us not going out during the quaruntine will "literally leave them like, pennieless man! Gofundme to save my theater!"

What are their expenses right now anyway?

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Best I can tell, 19.99 is the full purchase price on most sites, not rental.

Why do drug addicts think Yas Forums wants them here?


employee benefits?
Lot of people going to the doctor right now.

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I guess thats not as bad. But what it I watch a movie and hate it? Not like I can go have robert refund my ticket. And then now Ill have a shitty movie perminantly on my vudu or whatever. Thats stupid.

Most companies focus on short term gains not long term sustainability.

My closest theater was in the middle of renovating everything into reclining seats and such they might be fucked lol

I mean, the market is clearly dictating that these companies aren't important enough for the time being.

Fuck you. I need buttery popcorn and at least three movies a week to live.

That because most large corporations would take whatever profits they would be making for that financial quarter and use them to buy back shares of their own company artificially raising core value of their business. Disney was known to be doing this for years. The real value of their shares having been massively over inflated for decades. It this artificial value of their stock is how they were able to buy Fox even though in reality they have nowhere near the money require to make such acquisition venture profitable let alone returnable. That's why they are in all sort of problems. The Coronavirus is now exposing how essentially worthless their business truely is. It's same for most corporate 500 companies. Get ready for huge market crash in October right before presidential election. Andrew Cuomo is going win by landslide against Mike Pence.


Depends on the company, but with places like AMC you have issues of:

>Rent on some very big buildings that will cost a lot of money
>Utilities such as power, sewer, internet, etc.
>Cost of any corporate and skeleton crews still going on plus benefits.
>Upkeep of any buildings.
>Loss or violation of contracts (Food, movie studios, etc. Hard to say on this one).
>Any surplus concession stand stuff that will be thrown out due to spoilage.

That shit adds up quickly when you are generating no profit and bleeding money constantly.

Not worthless. Imagine a world where there were no movies anymore. People would fucking demand new shit to watch. You have people who define theirselves by popular television. Take Tiger King for example.

Actually they might be fine if the renovations they had already planned are extensive enough that they can ride out the worst of the pandemic. It's the ones with unexpected shutdowns that are totally fucked.

As much as I hate corporations I actually like going to the movies so those trannies should shut their fucking dickholes.

Sad to see it go. I’m sure incels itt won’t understand, but this place and many others like it used to be the place to go for our dates back in high school. Choose a shitty movie and we’d be too busy with ourselves to pay attention to it
Now you have Netflix, so same thing to an extent.
I’m sorry that you didn’t get to experience young love, but don’t take it out on a bystander.

Fuck normies and their theater handjobs. I didnt pay good money to see a movie just for it to get ruined by chads lips smacking within earshot a row behind me.

I remember getting a BJ from a friends slutty sister while watching reign of fire at an amc.

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The only thing most companies save on now are utilities and possibly supplies. Taxes, rents, salaries and whatnot is still there.

Great, movie theaters need to end.

They make a point. Why should only people below the poverty line practice fiscal responsibility?

Bullshit. If AMC fails then all that will happen is that someone else will buy them out and rebrand all the theaters already built. Of course it would be nice if they shut down since small theaters might make a comeback, but I'm not foolish enough to think that it will happen.

That's what smaller theaters do, along with showing indie movies that won't play in larger chain theaters. My local theater use to have a Die Hard/Gremlins Christmas special every year, and it's also where I saw The Lighthouse. The theater was pitch black, you could barely find your way to your seat, but it lead to a pretty kino experience.

I dont feel bad for small theaters. They knew when they opened what the fuck they were up against. then they wanna whine that no one goes to them opposed to the cheaper and more convenient AMC.

Just torrent it dude...

Have sex, sweaty

Because most companies don’t have ‘war chests’. The profits they make go to the CEOs, shareholders and into debt to fund even greater expansion. It’s a house of cards. So when the money dries up suddenly you can’t pay all the debt you’ve accumulated.

>doesnt serve beer
>more convenient

Does this mean their TV channel will be discontinued too? No more Walking Dead or BCS?
Personally I'm kind of glad. Censored movies are never a good precedent to encourage.

Most small theaters have been in operation for decades, they were created before the chain theaters took over. No one with any brains would open their own theater nowadays (unless they were an absolute madman).

Amc has a full bar, you dumb faggot.