>*is the best show from the 2020's at the start of 2020's in your path*
*is the best show from the 2020's at the start of 2020's in your path*
There is an episode about negro twins.
More like tales from the POOP lmaoooo
this show is made for retarded underage girls
Was it actually good?
yep. theres a gay nigger character but hes okay and barely takes any screentime in any episode except E06. i just skipped his episode cause i dont like watching fag shit for an hour.
You sound really mature.
i just told it honestly, retard. i dont like watching fags so i skipped his episode.
maturity is having principles and sticking to them
immaturity is living at the whim of those who you deem to have authority over you
you swallow faggot globohomo propaganda eagerly, thus you are an eternal child, a bloated nigger cattle and forever dependent to the system which you let control you
yes, they are mature, more mature than you
now go back to sucking on that faggot teat
>score is literal Leftovers ripoff
big yikes but still kino
>Depression: The Series
I don't think there was a single character that was likable in this. Maybe the grandpa.
Kek, sure kiddo. Funny that a person that writes like you is calling another one an eternal child.
>Maybe the grandpa.
i liked him until he crushed his grandson because he wanted to sound smart "bc god iznt real kid B-)".
even as an atheist he could've just answered him "no one knows where we go after we die". kid's fucking 10. he still believes santa is real. he didn't need to hear his grandpa will disappear without an afterlife.
>Kek, sure kiddo.
there is 50% chance of this being bait
>doesnt sperg about gay niggers
>merely doesnt watch them
This is your brain on LGBT propaganda. Most people dont actually want to watch gay shit retard
It isn't. Going to cry?
Idk, haven't seen this. The Outsider was GOAT though, i doubt this can touch the acting quality in that.
I also have not seen Altered Carbon yet
Is this any good? Is it crap like Stranger Things?
>Kek, sure kiddo
This is what Yas Forums is now? Endless Yas Forumstard shitposting that derails threads immediately? I wanted to learn more about the show first but I think I'm gonna do it out of spite of you basement dwellers now
Nobody cares what you do, faggot.
Right back at ya!
yes, no.
lol then i realized you are just a retard
I also skipped that gaynigshit.
holy based..
>I wanted to learn more about the show
yeah that's why you came to Yas Forums
90% of scripted content is sjw pozzed now.
extremely safe and boring scifi
the first 3 eps are literally
1. meet future self
2. body swap
3. time stop
>no scientific explanation for unusual phenomena
my bad, i meant syfy
only time stop was bad out of those 3. the boomer protecting his house with the scrapper was the best episode.
The landscape shops that are inspired by the art are neat, the show itself is boring as fuck with the absolute most predictable science fiction "dude what if" scenarios imaginable.
I watched it the other night because it was shilled here, I wouldn't recommend it.
It's maybe 4/10. The first few episodes are decent, but its drops off hard after ep 4.
The general plot is a baseddrama about life, death and rebirth, aka "The Loop". Mixed in with "boring small town slice of life" crap.
There are like 3 robots in it, there not really anything like his art either, show doesn't capture the theme of the art at all either, whole robot thing feels tacked on.
Every episode is basically "What If... MAGIC SCIENCE JUST HAPPENS LOL XD CUZ SECRET SCIENCE LAB UNDER TOWN!!", convoluted, repetitive, "turn your brain off" kind of stupid. An user compared it to that show Eureka, but without any kind of fun irony or self awareness.
Basically don't waste your time.
Senpai, I watched and loved The Americans start to finish. Don't gimme that shit.
Its not compelling sci-fi because its a bunch concepts that have been visited way, way too much, and it doesn't do enough with that concept to make it stand out or interesting.
EP04 is kino despite being mundane story.
>bro its so boring where are the robots
it's a drama show, retards. mundane sci fi means the robots and other hi tech shit are just used to help move the plot forward. they're not the focus of the show.
Read my fucking post, you illiterate dingus.
>Amazon shill bot.exe
>you like show that mean you work for company of show!
It is normal, healthy, and even evolutionarily important to be repulsed by gay shit. There's nothing wrong with that.
- t. gay shit who is frequently repulsed by gay shit
Tangent: I wonder why no one has adapted Bradbury's "Martian Chronicles" yet? That would be such a fun, simple adaptation. Do it in faux throwback '50s futurism and you cannot lose.
I mean, nowadays diversity and anti-white shit would kill it, I know it is impossible to make nowadays - but in a better time or better place it could be the most kino of kino. Especially if they kept in the negro chapter!
I just want my lonely hot dog stand on Mars. Is that too much to ask for?
>*is the best show from the 2020's at the start of 2020's in your path*
REMINDER: All 8 episodes are FREE on stream sites. Do NOT pay Amazon any more shekels.
what stream sites nigga
just torrent it ffs
>last episode is directed by based jodie
>it's kino of the highest order
after the SONY email leaks do you honestly blame people for going full miss me with that gay shit
also they could have made an episode where god is real but nooo the writers have huge egos they are the god of this miniverse
>pretentious sad piano
Into the trash it goes
the music was fine, it's just that they put the same track on loop over and fucking over again
>maturity is getting facefucked by gay niggers
I read a review of this series that said
>the Loop is just a macguffin, nobody cares what it is or does, it's just 'why shit happens'
>the 'why shit happens' is to explore PEEEEOOOOPPPLLLEEEEE
>nobody explores the Loop and no attempt is made to explain it
Fuckin dropped. This is some fag tier sci-fi for women or something.
my god what did this show do to bring the racially woke triggered brigade down so hard on it
did they make a show just because they liked the aesthetic of that swedish guy's drawings?
if you want hardcore sci-fi i would recommend Inherit the Stars (books)
I've actually read that series already. It indeed was good.
its mundane science fiction, retard. see
very wholesome exchange
but sadly, it also made me gay.