Do you know what she did? your cunting daughter?

>do you know what she did? your cunting daughter?

what did he mean by this?

Attached: exorcist-masturbation.jpg (630x420, 75.54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

he was a cunnysseur

>ywn possess a cute loli

>thread already ruined

People found this movie scary lol

People found The Shining scary. Those were different times.

the way Burke puts accent on "cunting" in this scene never fails to make me laugh

It’s unsettling.

Congrats. You're desensitized

I think the real fear in this movie is something you can only experience if you're a parent. It has to be horrifying to be utterly unable to help your child.

>Yerkent Ingdotter
I checked imdb and couldn't find them in the actor list, what scene was she in?

Check put this badass.

No really, what the fuck did they mean by ""cunting""? This demon sounds more like an elementary schooler who discovered cussing.

it is.

The demon was referring to the guy it murdered.

BUU..are you scared, i will be back later to try then

Attached: Arent i scary.png (353x439, 153.2K)

>demon possessed girl walks down the stairs seemingly trying to kill you
>now you are reading the news paper

very odd movie

Shut the fuck up wetback

The theatrical cut is so much better than the extended.

I mostly laughed seeing it for the first time in the butched-for-network-broadcast version, on a 20" CRT during the mid 70s in a comfy well-lit room with two sisters going "eeeeew", so there's no way of knowing how I'd have reacted in a theater, though seeing Alien on the big screen had me sleeping with the lights on for about a week. Sure the times were different, but the conditions under which people usually saw new releases were too.
This. It's also a good thing that they left out the part in Alien where Ripley finds Dallas alive but cocooned into its nest.

>The Exorcist. Very scary. Good stuff.

These were the movies that broke the ground for the next 40 yrs. That's why they're not so scary anymore.

when demon curses like a retard, it ruins the whole movie.

t. zoomer

>watch The Shining
>spend the whole time admiring how beautiful the hotel is and find it relaxing

it's unsettling if you are not forever alone incel without family

I think if you go into the movie thinking its scary you won't find it.

last time I watched it I felt a lot more HORROR then scary.

its an excellent film

The cussing needs to be more vile and original so you get shocked.

I agree.

I found the Mesopotamian scenes the scariest part when I was a kid.

The demon was assuming the persona of the director, Burke, that he murdered by throwing him out the window. That director was British, and "cunting" is British slang. Pay attention when you watch movies, spergies.

she kinda cute tho

This. The movie kind of spooked me as a kid but I'm nearly 31 now and the last few times I watched it, it was the mother's desperation and pleading with father Karas to help her daughter that evoked an emotional response from me.

>what does this mean?
>its British slang lol obviously

Nice non-answer you brainlet faggot. OP should have just gooed counting if he really wanted to know the meaning, but you're just as big of a dumbass as he is.

yeah I'm 31 with no kids. This became much more horrific as I aged.

this me

Its an excellent film that captures a complete feeling of horror having no control and no one can relaly help you.

I know I'm going to get shit from Yas Forums for this, but horror movies don't have to be "scary". What scares a person is subjective, but what makes a movie part of the horror genre is not - horror is about atmosphere, themes, visuals and stories that explore the darker parts of the human condition, fear is just one possible reaction our brains might have to this, which is why movies that rely too much on jumpscares to be "scary" are obnoxious and miss the point.

The fact that I'm an autist who doesn't get scared by movies doesn't mean that all horror movies are shit, or that horror as a genre doesn't exist. Nor does it stop me from enjoying horror movies.

Regardless of whether you find The Exorcist scary or not, it's still a very dark story about the desintegration of family, of finding out that a loved family member is no longer herself and being unable to help her, the fear of mental illness and losing one's mind, the conflict between science and religion, and an ancient evil from mysterious times that our modern minds cannot explain, forcing us to turn back to old rituals like the exorcism - it's no wonder that Father Karras is also a psychiatrist, much like Dr. Van Helsing was a man of science as well as of religion. THAT is what makes it a horror movie.

Attached: spooks.gif (480x348, 1.93M)

Good post

>being possessed by a demon with tourette's syndrome

I'm curious, what do you find scary?

>check me out i'm soooooo hard
good for you, want a medal? or a million dollars?

This is a great analysis. Legitimately a great summary and I share these same feelings.

As a Brit, I can confirm that I have never heard anybody ever use the word "cunting". I like the Exorcist but that line is clearly the filmmakers trying too hard to make the demon appear evil.

Yeah I was absolutely terrified of it, but that was because I watched it when I was 7 or 8 y/o.

I think only the most brainless retards would give you shit for this, there's tons of enjoyable horror that ain't scary.

This is the scariest scene in the movie for me.

I watched Alien for the first time when the remaster was screened on theatres with some friends (mid 2000's I think). Easily one of the of the best kinoplex experiences I've had.

you're not the only person in the country, I have heard someone say cunting, so now we're back at square one.

I watched the Exorcist for the first time last night, it wasn't scary but that's not what I was watching for. It still had power though, I felt the impact Regan's possession was having on her mother and Karras.

this is pretty nuts. I had a similar fever dream like this years back when I was thinkign of dumping my then gf.

its pretty nuts

Not movies. They can be unsettling at times sure, and anyone can be startled by a cheap jump scare, but I never feel fear horror or dread watching movies .

Opening up to my parents helped me understand this feeling. Very big brain analysis.

It was groundbreaking for its time and even if it's not as scary to us today the movie is still good

People literally died in the theaters watching this movie.

cunting is fucking, but more emphatic

You didn’t answer the question though.

My favorite scene, great acting. Really feel for Chris.

I just assumed you meant to ask what scared me in film. Numerous things in real life scare me, first thing that comes to mind would be heights. I get shaky knees and sweaty palms looking down from my own balcony 8 floors up.

I ain't never thought of it like that.

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Based user.

Good post, expect a permaban from Yas Forums soon


it's a Slayer lyric

The actor who played Burke was Irish, right?

>The Shining
i always thought, the character got insane and wanted to kill his family, because he lived too long with the same people in the same house , i thought this movie was about neets going insane

You dont actually believe this do you?

you almost got it, i think only christcucks find this movie scary, because they believe in demons and ghosts

I think youre a zoomer retard who hasn't even seen the movie.

I kek'd.

>Bastard sons begat your cunting daughters
Promiscuous mothers with your incestuous fathers
But it is? I'd be willing to be the producers were big Slayer fans

i saw it, its like every other ghost movie , i dont find cheap jumpscares or ghosts scary you cuck