What the fuck went so horribly wrong?

What the fuck went so horribly wrong?

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>use the force harry t. gandalf XDDD :PPP

Why was the dumbledore on the right such a dick? He never explained anything to Harry

I once had the pleasure of meeting Richard Harris. He was extremely quiet and to be honest the onus of the conversation was entirely on me - I had to keep talking or I got the feeling that he simply wouldn't bother. No eye contact, very little response. Bit of a cunt, I thought, to not even bother acknowledging a clear fan. But I did feel a little bit better when someone told me later that it was actually his open-coffin funeral. Still make a point of pirating all his films.

Columbus and/or Harris cared more about making an accurate adaptation, Gambon didn't know anything about Harry Potter and the later directors clearly didn't care to correct that.

He was pretty good in 3, it was after that where he was completely fucked

I know he gets a lot of hate but the second actor had the sort of bombasity and firmness of leadership that I always interpreted Dumbledore as having in the books, at least when the time called for it. Like a "nice guy, but God help you if you piss him off" sort of thing. The first actor was a teddy bear.

>forgetting this scene
exactly what you're talking about

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Soul vs Soulless

>ywn live in the alternate universe where this Dumbledore lived for another decade and Columbus continued to direct every Harry Potter films after Chamber of Secrets
I'm still mad, bros.

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*cuddles you closely and pushes your hair out of your face*



Petition to digitally insert pic related at Dumbledore in the 4k re-release

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Apparently when they switched to the new actor they had Rowling come on set to give him advice on the character and she just spent all her time reading him dozens of homoerotic stories she'd written about Dumbledore having sex with various other characters, Snape, Harry, Voldemort, the whole male cast really.

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It reminded me of how, when you're a kid who first enters school, teachers seem like much older, wiser people who you can't relate to. When you grow older and hit senior years, teachers appear more down to earth and more jovial because you can level with them.
The acting difference between these two kind of accelerated this feeling. The first two films/books are the first two years of their life in a magical, wizarding world which Harry has never experienced before. The actor's portrayal emphasizes this. It has a sort of magical, nostalgic tone to it.
When Harry and the series' tone matures, the other actor's capabilities shine here. He seems more serious, relatable etc.

it doesn't remind you of that at all you big-mouthed shit-talking liar

It does, always has.

>He said calmly.


no it doesn't and it has no previous occurence you fucking liar if it did happen then it reminded you today for the first time, not "always", and it didn't happen so shut the fuck up you cum-breath manhandler

>muh film has to be a completely accurate portrayal of the book

We wouldnt have gotten the Azkaban kino if that was the case

I think Goblet of Fire killed Gambon's chances of being liked the audience.

I've been saying this for years. Just so happens to be a thread about it at this very minute browsing Yas Forums.
cope seethe

Dumbledore was a teddy bear though, he was like a grandfather figure to everyone except Voldemort who (almost inexplicably) feared him. Then you read Order of the Phoenix and you see

>Chapter 36
>The Only One He Ever Feared

And he turns into a fucking Terminator.

Azkaban is cool as an edgier spinoff but it absolutely pozzed the future films

I would have liked to see this. I recently saw the extended cuts of the first two films and was amazed. I really wish all the films had been done in this style they probably wouldn't have left out EXTREMELY FUCKING IMPORTANT PLOT POINTS THAT ARE REQUIRED TO SOLVE THE FUCKING MYSTERY AND END IN THE WAY THE SEVENTH BOOKS FUCKING ENDS

fuck you you fucking fuck i can't believe the levels you're stooping to. why even bother fucking lying about it you shit-stained cum-drenched asspipe

i'll put your dick in a doorframe and slam the door shut you piece of shit. i hate you and i hate your stupid fucking post up there. i'll nail you to a grizzly bear and cover you in cum.

>It reminded me of how, when you're a kid who first enters school, teachers seem like much older, wiser people who you can't relate to.
My teachers never gave me this impression. Some of them would even get angry and lash out when students pointed out their obvious oversights, mistakes and other misconceptions. A good deal of the teachers I had over the years were not wise, but angry lonely people that hated their lives, hated their jobs and hated teaching but had to do it because they'd fucked up earlier in life and this was the only gig they could get. They often took out their anger on the students, would fuck with them, do the whole, "why did you come to the teacher" thing if kids were being bullied followed by, "go away tattle tale" to the kids that did bring things to them only to default back to "why didn't you bring this to me earlier?" when shit went down. I can out of the dozens of teachers I had over the years name exactly two who were decent people, and only one of those was a decent teacher.

Id go as far as to say it was a perfect adaption. It had the child like spirit of the first two while being a little darker and mature. Everything about it from the cinematography down to the costume design was pure kino. It looked better than all the others. The atmosphere was dark but pretty and the music was beautiful. Even the acting was better


That's just unfortunate, user.

It's really good, I don't like some design choices though, and that's where it really fucks the future films because every film after tries to copy it. Fuck David Yates

I think the portrayal of Dumbledore as more perfect of a grandfather figure early on in the series also alludes to Harry being more naive and seeing him that way.
That being said, Dumbledore switching from that to full terminator feels very sudden in the books. Especially rereading the first few books makes it kind of obvious that Rowling didn't intend for him to develop in that way from the start.
I feel like the knowledge they had of how he would develop when making the movies allowed them to put more force into his character earlier on, at least with Gambon.

he said calmly

The teachers at Hogwarts weren't all the old and wise types either. The entire point of most of the DADA teachers was how incompetent they were. Snape was also reminiscent of your description of unfair, cruel teachers.

The difference also might be related to British culture, where teachers historically hold a lot of authority and expect a lot of respect. Looking up to teachers as wise and unrelatable is deeply culturally ingrained in the UK, at least compared to a lot of other countries.
Especially since the series was written in the 90s this makes a bit more sense.

>The entire point of most of the DADA teachers was how incompetent they were
I thought it was that most of them were villains. Only Lupin and arguably Snape were good.

Left was well directed but not properly cast
Right was perfectly cast but poorly dirrected
Then you have this jumble fuq of a ret con and everything else looks Oscar worthy
Did JK just sign off for automatic deposits and not take another look at FBaWtFT?

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Dumbledore being DADA feels like an executive retard thing, not JK

>Did JK just sign off for automatic deposits and not take another look at FBaWtFT?
Either that or her memory of the books was altered by her memory of the films, in the books McGonagall is a young teacher with black hair, but the fantastic beasts film has her teaching there before Dumbledore, probably because of casting Maggie Smith in the role.

Gambon was better. Dumbledore is a cunt but comes off as a nice old man most of the time. That's what he nailed. Harris was only old man mode.
Literally nobody can point to an example as to why Gambon was bad without pointing to one scene in Goblet of Fire. Other'n that his performance is flawless. And even there, I'd argue that it's an adaptation and isn't going to be one-to-one all the time.

FB is actually a pretty good story (assuming the weird kid isn't actually a dumbledore and the ghost thing is the dead sister), the worst parts are the directors

Nagini is a bit much though

Wasn't Mcgonagall a good guy?

>Literally nobody can point to an example as to why Gambon was bad without pointing to one scene in Goblet of Fire
He was very smug in Half Blood prince when telling Harry about being able to make portkeys within Hogwarts

She taught transfiguration, not DADA

More like how the dark arts always fuck you up. Body snatchers to werewolves, double agents to government plants, DADA was the basedest red pill in Hogwarts after Ron.

>The Only One He Ever Feared
I'm at the point where I'll admit Rowling is kind of a hack but even seeing that title raises the hairs on my arms a bit. Nigga whooped his ass up and down that lobby with two hands tied behind his back.

Went wrong when they cast an actor who was on his deathbed. Should have been Gambon from the start

>He was very smug in Half Blood prince when telling Harry about being able to make portkeys within Hogwarts
He's constantly smug like that in the books. Calling himself brilliant and bragging about his own abilities. Much like the movie, it comes off as desire to avoid false modesty.

That's too bad, most of the teachers I had at a younger age were figures who could be looked up to.

>What is an adaptation

I went to a private (but not boarding) school in the UK, we addressed our male teachers as sir, my French teacher always reminded me of Snape because of his black hair, strict demeanour and that he'd always wear his robe

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They were villains, but for most of them that only becomes a plot point near the end of the book and the incompetent ones are the ones that turn out to be villains.
Quirrell was too anxious as a teacher, Lockhart was plainly incompetent at it, Moody was too hardcore/risky, Umbridge didn't teach anything but useless theory.
They're all incompetent in their own specific ways, and they're effectively exaggerations of certain types of teachers that kids can come across in real life. Only Lupin is a competent teacher, being an exaggeration of the 'chill' teacher archetype.

They got plenty of things wrong in the films if you want to go that way.

Adaptations don't need to be faithful to the source material. They aim to capture the overall tone. Who cares about the minutiae. Sometimes you gotta change the story cause the author sucked

why did the movies stopped feeling magical after the second one?

Because the third one shifted the tone of the series.

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Because the direction changed. It went from whimsical to dark and edgy, very noticeable change visually with all the dark blue hues set over everything.

It did, but somehow the books managed to keep in a ton of details about the magical world. That made it keep its charm more to me.

yeah i dunno. he was a real cunt all the time.
very strange.

moody wasn't even moody at all.
I seriously don't understand why it was written this way. some impersonator perfectly nailed his characteristics?? how can you take this shit seriously.

It's a bit of a stretch, but Crouch jr did keep the real Moody in his suitcase throughout the year to learn about his behaviour and traits. Even Hermione succesfully impersonated Bellatrix with that potion, which required a much bigger change in mannerisms. Crouch is said to be very cunning to it's not that odd for him to pull it off.
Also if I remember correctly none of the Hogwarts staff knew the real Moody very well so if there were differences he would have realistically gotten away with it.