Continuing the zoomer pirating thread

Continuing the zoomer pirating thread

Why do people bother torrenting when there are websites with them already uploaded where you can watch the files straight from?

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why buy a house when you can rent one?

Quality is usually shit

Since when can buying a house get you fucked in the ass from copyright law?

Because when you torrent 2000 films and have it all stored on a portable 4tb hard disk, it feels like an achievement similar to having a bookcase full of dvd's. Besides, watching movies online kind of kills the vibe for me.

If you're talking about streaming services then why would I pay to get pozzed? If you're talking about free streaming sites the quality is shit.

I didn't give consent for you to take my picture

How is owning a bunch of DVDs an achievement?

>Imagine pirating what papa or mama can buy you

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>Why do people bother torrenting when there are websites with them already uploaded where you can watch the files straight from?
streaming sites are usually:
-filled with bad quality encodes
-full of ads and pop ups, and won't let you watch the stuff unless you disable adblock
-full of expired links
-they shut down the site every few months and you have to guess which is the new one
give me reliable torrenting any day above that shit

Remember anons, learn programming. It's super easy.

I learned programming but now I have an app I want to make but I have no idea how to make it? Where are you supposed to learn how to do this?

It's all because of Apple making all of its UIs all bubbly, feminine, and retard-proof plus the influx of literal Boomers from Faceberg made the "retard-proof" design philosophy ideal. So Zoomers grew up on all this and ended up tech illiterate.

Streaming isn't really worth it. Don't you remember that YouTube and some other similar streaming sites limited their shit when the coronavirus hit? Or the times when they took down content never to be available again? Or the time when even Paul McCartney or some other celebrity is fighting some streaming app, because he can't give his account to his daughter?

If you lack the problem solving skills to figure out where to learn stuff then you'll never make it anyway user

But my papa don't dance and my mama don't rock n roll.

Why do people bother getting gfs when you can just get personal attention online from an average looking woman living on the other side of the world?

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i used to do this but since i mostly watch from my bed or from my pc i tend to watch at a 1.3x, for serious films, 1.5x for normie films and 2.0x capeshit. Also, I tend to pause and pace my room a lot whenever there's a cringy situation at the film and I want to do that at my own pace. so yeah no online or putlocker shit for me

There is a combination of a lot of things that is currently leading the declining popularity of piracy

>streaming services makes it easier to access shows for a relatively cheap price
>primarily smartphone users who would rather use the official apps to stream videos
>a downturn in PC users overall relative to the growth of other platforms
>way too much content spreading piracy groups too thin

All in all, I wouldn't say piracy is in any worse condition than it was a few years ago. We will have to wait and see how the situation is in like five to ten years when gen z becomes the primary consumer of media. Though I do think it's funny how people used to predict that gen z would be some super cyborg generation that could wield technology like no other generation while they functionally just become addicted to tik tok and instagram.

>not posting the best one

>Past a certain age, a man who still downloads torrents like teenage neckbeard can be a bad thing
What did he mean by this?

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.t retard that enjoys being milked

This is the single stupidest response you could give. I've already made it relative to most of the NEET faggots on this website. I'm Yas Forums, I have plenty of lifelong friends, I have a better job than 99% of people my age and I make more than most people do. You're the type of useless nigger who goes into threads and posts "HUUURRRR DURRR IM A sTUPID FUCKING RETARD HURRRR LRN TO CODE HURRRRR IM A DUMBFUCK HURRRR" and then say "HURRRR DURRRRR IM CLINICALLY RETARDED HURRRR IF YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO LEARN TO CODE YOU CANT LEARN TO CODE HURRRR DURRRR I HAVE A NIGGER-TIER IQ HURRRRR", yeah? Go fuck off you fat moron.

>mention torrenting a show after a date mentions some show shes watching
>"torrent? you mean like pirating? who even does that anymore?"

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torrenting is cool, chicks love bad guys

That's a very non-specific question user. Do you lack understanding of general infrastructure required for your app? Do you lack knowledge in a given language required to write the code you want?

General advice would be to take a step back. If you can't do a whole, pick a part, learn it, and then use it as a stepping stone to learn something else.

This is the stupidest response you could give.

I have no idea. I usually watch everything on streaming sites and only torrent if I can't find a film on any.

Fucking based. Code jockeys are homos. One day theyll be writing apps and other software for FREE so I can consume better

>cute girl at the office wants to netflix and chill wit me
>told her I don't have netflix
>really? are you serious?
>yeah i really don't have one
>next day get called out at the office for not having netflix

really? wtf bros

Shit quality, shit availability, shitty, slow websites, paywalls, ads and tutti quanti.

best part of private trackers is the autistic organization imo
It's so pleasing the eye compared to crawling through abominations like rarbg and rutracker.

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based rent free retard

being a consumer is your national duty. Not having a Netflix account is tantamount to racism

I would’ve called you out for saying you “really don’t have one” as if Netflix is a physical object.

did you call her out for being a whore?

If you were around back in the day, there was always some one who'd occasionally say "Oh I don't watch TV" and people would be sure that it was a lie because there was just no way that you don't watch TV.

I have 1TB external disk filled with movies and tv shows which I hooked up to the tv. That way I can watch it whenever I like without the website throttling the traffic or getting those annoying pop up ads (I can't install ad blocker on my smart tv)

>No u
Wow brilliant

I can't do any of it. I understand the syntax of Python and whenever I do stuff like codewars to practice I have no trouble completing the tasks but none of the resources I've used to learn the language actually tell you how to do anything practical with it. Youtube videos are all useless and are either way too oddly specific or tell you rather than teach you. I have no idea how to translate what I've learned into an app.

ask me how i know you're a virgin

learn to code

Whether pirating or when buying property this remains true: always use a proxy.

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Proper grammatical structure is important whether you’re writing an essay or shitposting.

I don't want to download a virus and destroy my PC.

>destroy my PC.

TFW he burnt up muh crocodilians

Because of corona lockdown the internet is absolute trash during prime time. A good reminder why I download everything.

>uses Windows

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Then you didnt learn programming.

lawyer here, you have a lawsuit on your hands. get it on record.

This was /thread right here. I know a guy that watches all his shows and movies in dog shit quality from those sites. Whats the pointt, just get an external hd, download the best rips and watch through plex. Average

>he spends time setting up a different OS so he can spend time making sure everything works
Holy fuck nerds are retarded

>Youtube videos are all useless and are either way too oddly specific or tell you rather than teach you.
There are books out there for most any niche you could want, especially with Python. Get one, study and work through it. Get another, study and work through it. Those exercises will stretch your skills in all kinds of different directions, which will enable you to handle a greater breadth of projects.

It doesn't take long to work through a 500-1000 page coding book. It is worthwhile and is what you are looking for.

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>sets up an OS once and it works forever
>have to format the HD once every 2 years because Windows self-destroys every time
your choice

Break your app down into the most basic parts. Do those basic parts. Put them together. It'll work but won't be efficient. You can work on that later.

dont call others retarded when you are too dumb to pirate

I do whatever is the most convenient. Some media is just too obscure to find on torrent trackers, at this point its just easier to get it for 5 bucks at Amazon. But for popular stuff, I usually just torrent.

Because it's lots of saved money and I can find a good 80% of whatever I want ridiculously easy.

>first ever penis inspection at work
>have to answer some questions
>they ask about my netflix account
>tell them I don't use netflix
>tell them I prefer to torrent
>mention how torrenting allows me to watch my favourite kinos without an internet connection and allows me to amass a large collection all for free
>get fired for being a virgin

That’s how I watch them. You can find decent 720p streaming that doesn’t nag you about adblock if you look. There’s always a wave of Poos/Chinks closing in though, so you have to change sites every few weeks

Its not so much a 'no u' as it is a "don't get trolled into getting butthurt you fucking retard. seriously is this like your first fuckin day on Yas Forums or something?"

Also eat shit.

>obscure media
that's what private trackers are for

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You can consider applying as Python programmer; having other people who know shit is always super helpful. I understand the feeling that you don't know shit - you most likely don't. Thing is, I could list a bunch of shit you could and should learn, but I am not sure if you actually want to understand them at this level. Linux, SQL or document storage, dataframes etc.

There is a free online book Python 4 Everybody which does bunch of standard stuff, but it also ends with interesting example which uses Google Maps API to create a simple app. That would be useful if you never had opportunities to work with APIs.

If you want a practical assignment:
>Create a script which takes data from API(maybe Google from above) and stores it into NoSQL DB(eg. mongodb). Optionally do some wok on data to only save certain stuff
>Create another script which takes data from db, uses pandas to transform it onto something, and then generates graph
>Create flask server that has links which runs second script and displays a graph

Congrats, you understand how apps work


Both me.
My parents never owned a TV, they weren't religious or anything, they just didn't find it necessary to own one. They bought a computer a couple of years after i was born in the 90's, started using it pretty much as soon as i could read, fucked around on paint most of the time and gradually started exploring other programs, how folders worked, etc.
NPC children couldn't wrap their feeble minds around the idea of a televisonless household, and now that they've grown into adult NPCs, they can't understand that i still don't have a TV, don't have Netflix and use a desktop computer instead of a laptop.
>mfw got called weird by a very religious family i know for this
>they don't have a tv but have pozzflix on their laptops

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Growing up I had a friend who didn't watch TV. His parents kept him away from pop culture crap. How I envy being privy to that sort of high quality parenting. Exposing kids to that shit is pretty much child abuse.

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Yea, but then Id have to go through the hassle of actually getting into one of them and then maintaining a good ratio so they dont kick me out. Id rather just pay for the file.

free streaming sites are usually unpredictable, poor quality, missing episodes, slow and probably bitcoin mining.

If you can't figure out how to make an app with Python, via dividing your problem into smaller pieces of problems and googling them, I'll be honest with you, you probably aren't gonna make it.

you wouldnt understand you fucking consoomer
this website isnt for you

I taught my parents Netflix so I can leech on their accounts.

Finish him!

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just do both lol

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How can you even get by with streaming services when everything is spread out across a ton of them?

he's american

netflix is really the only feasible method to get a ton of 4K content to justify owning my 4K television.

wife spends $5/month on spotify cause she's not tech savy (uses macbook/iphone 11/etc) and Hulu gets thrown in with spotify

We did a free trial of Disney+ and then canceled

Everything else we can watch online or torrent

Idk if I have an enough time to go through an entire book. I'm really not interested in learning anything except what I need to learn to create my app, which would include an account system, messenger, ability to share location on Google maps. It would save me money to be able to do this stuff myself rather than having to bring on another person who knows how to code it all

My parents didn't have a TV and the only time i could watch cartoons other kids watched, was during sleepovers. It was shit like Ed Edd and Eddy or Spongebob and i didn't find them funny at all. Around the age of 10, parents got a computer and started downloading cartoons they watched as kids and i got to enjoy KINO like this,
while everyone else watched SOULLESS garbage.

I do this, I just watch movies and shows on an app called Cinema HD. I honestly don't watch that many movies or shows so I don't care.

>haven't owned a TV for about 15 years
>never subscribed to Netflix
>nobody cares because I don't wear those as counter-culture achievement badges