I can't believe crazy ex con meth heads are in charge of tigers in America

I can't believe crazy ex con meth heads are in charge of tigers in America.

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I can its a thing whitetrash would do

And it's allowed?

In Australia they just like to breed big angry dogs like rotweilers for money and give them names like Zeus and Kaos.

Still ain't going to watch this shit, but a co-worker was talking to me about it and I told her it should be plain fuckin common sense to avoid people who own 'exotic' animals that are bigger than a snake.


I can't believe Netflix marketers consider 4channel to be a worthwhile investment of their time

ive literally not watched any netflix originals other than this doc because you cant shove niggers into it

Just pirate it dude, stop being the only faggots who haven't watched this.

You're a nut case.

Wtf I love Hillbilly Game of Thrones!

I believe we don't have The Platform thread up right now. Better get to work.

rottwheilers look so cool, too bad they will rip you to shreds in a moments notice

Just finished episode 3, I cannot belive how crazy these peoples lives are

Also did that woman really feed her husband to the Tigers? It seems a bit far fetched

Much like illegal aliens, crazy meth heads are willing to do the jobs the rest of us aren't.

It really doesn't appeal to me, so I wont.

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Yes, you watch it exactly because these people have a complete lack of common sense

I just want a yellow girl to play with my white huevos. I feel so terrible I did not know how you actually felt i swear. I wish i could die

No one's 'in charge' of tigers.

ok then go away.

You cant boss my friend around like that. What did he do to you or your family? Huh answer that why cant yoh?

Maybe you should downvote me out or whatever, wait you can't.


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guys i belive this bitch Carol Baskin and her PETA glow niggers for hire are trying to derail the thread to hide the fact that she killed her fucking husband and fed him to the goddamn tigers.

Why would she drag his mother into it and try to bankrupt an old lady?

Baskin is already a millionaire, how psychopathic do you need to be to bully a granny?

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Yeah, and that's just the public zoos - wait until you learn more about the private ones!

Did you miss the part where Joe made his mom sign a bunch of papers and transfer his debts over to her name?

The man has no empathy but hoped that the Cat Witch of the West would have enough to not fuck his mom. Turns out no one cared about sparing Mommy.

who hd the most tragic origin story?
i say carol

Joe is probably the worst scum in the show. But he's also got the most charisma, so it's all forgiven in the eyes of most people. Myself included. Fuck Carole.

Carole was born in the dhadoes and oriiginate s in the shadoesm

I can't believe I got meme'd into finally watching this. It's entirely my fault really, as I had scrolled past this a few times and it didn't strike me as interesting, but I finally gave in since literally everybody I know is talking about it and even a solid percentage of "news" articles that I've come across recently were about this show.

The entire series just comes off as incredibly unfocused. I couldn't even figure out exactly who or what this series was even about for the first three episodes. The entire point is that cat people are all fucking crazy? Maybe if you've never actually met a cat person in real life I could see how this would be something new, but really who gives a fuck about these people or the batshit insanity that they choose to throw themselves in. It's a lazy, convoluted docuseries that has nothing original to say. Nobody would have even thought twice about this one if people weren't just desperate out of their minds for something to keep them entertained.

I thought his mom willing accepted the transfer? Any mother would try to help her son like that --- Carol didn't need to be that ruthless, it not like she was hurting for money.

Did she REALLY do it?

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Carole and Howard wanted Joe shut down. It's not their fault he transferred ownership to his mother as a desperation move. The ends justified the means for them.

Unfortunately for them, the zoo wound up in the hands of a con artist. So who really won in the end?

>tfw you will never have tigers around you bread as many as you want

feels bad

Who knows. The "disappearance" part on the will is extremely suspicious, but there's ample reason to believe that this guy just disappeared of his own will and accord. He was obviously into some pretty shady shit himself and had the resources to just start a new life elsewhere. I personally doubt that he was fed to tigers, but they're all scumbags anyway so this doesn't really change my opinion of any of them. Frankly, I think they all sort of deserve one another.

thank god, that would probably make me go crazy

Nah, she probably shot him first.
Joe is the one who put his mom in that position, not Carole. Besides, in her mind, she's saving cats from mistreatment and people from getting mauled. I don't blame her. Joe's zoo is a fucking mess, his employees are untrained ex cons and meth heads, and Joe just doesn't give a shit about anything other than his own ego and having fun.

t. pussy I think tigers are only made for high test chads like me and Joe like it's for people who dont fear death.

no way he would disappear and leave all the money for his wife who threatened to kill him

kek this. I actually almost went to the place in South Carolina which is apparently run by the guy in your pic.
that's what poor trashy people in the US do, but the rich trashy people buy tigers and lions.

yeah, im ok with fearing death

Do you think I could donate my body to tigers? I couldn't think of a better way of dying than becoming part of these beautiful creatures.

Well no, the will was obviously doctored. But even if he did leave on his own, how does he come back and "correct" the will without blowing his cover? I don't think it's a smoking gun either way, he still could have left to start a new life, she just knew how to take full advantage of the situation.

I would unironically love an edit of the Game of Thrones opening that zooms from Big Cat Rescue in Florida to the GW Zoo in Oklahoma


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>literally the rules don't apply to me mindset

what if he disappeared and left the money for Carole because he knew everybody would then suspect her of murder? Next level revenge.

>carole got gone girl'd
If that was his plan, it backfired pretty spectacularly.

I really need that show

I think it's pretty safe to say at this point that if that was his plan, it was a pretty shitty plan and didn't work out at all.

can someone give me a rundown on what this show is about

i thought it was some interesting documentary but 7 episodes?

Yea, even if he just had an accident or disappeared, she really put 0 effort to help find wtf happened to him so she could take all his money, thats pretty fucked up.


this clip holy shit

It's a character driven thing. It's about a feud between two crazy, amoral people who own dangerous exotic animals.

Have you never seen a documentary with multiple installments before? Like... every Ken Burns doc ever made?

if i really wanted to fuck over my ex wife i woudnt leave her a shit ton of money wtf? what about his other family? just forget about his daughters?

Just to be perfectly clear, she's still a complete soulless cunt either way so I'm not really trying to "defend" her, per se. The husband was no saint himself though, but I do feel bad for his family that got jewed out of everything.

It's internet bloodsports and gay ops irl, presented in documentary form. Tigers were there too.

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which is why Trump of all people should understand the need for a pardon.

You gotta admit even tho this is all kinds fucked up its entertaining af

It's called a docuseries user, they're not new by any means but they're becoming increasingly more common over the traditional "standalone" documentaries. This one is really just about crazy big cat people trying to screw each other over. If you're interested in a good Netflix docuseries though, I would recommend Wild Wild Country over this one by a mile.

I guarantee you that if Trump ever watches Tiger King and he might, he will pardon Joe.

Carole is too similar to Hillary

I think if he wasn't a gay meth user it would probably be a slam dunk for a pardon, but that's enough scumbaggery on its own that he's probably staying in prison. Wouldn't be surprised if he says that he wants somebody to launch an investigation into Carole, though.

>I did not feed my husband's corpse to the tigers
>If you need to trick tigers into eating human flesh, you should coat it in sardine oil