2010s Best Picture Winners

So which of these are actually worth watching?

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Birdman and Parasite


The Green Book (don't expect him to be anything great, but watch it)
The Artist, the greatest pseud filter ever made

I've seen 5/10. All are average. Birdman is only interesting because of the camerawork.

The Artist is depressing and cute. Shape of Water is retarded

It is incredible that they got it so horribly wrong nine straight times until Parasite.

12 years a - just joking, fuck that garbage
i only enjoyed parasite

Only Birdman


A few of the nominees were better than what actually won. Hacksaw Ridge, Arrival, Hell or Highwater were all great. Lady Bird was ok. Ford v Ferrari and Joker were great. Theory of Everything, Captain Phillips, 2012 Les Miserables and the 2010 True Grit by the Coen Bros were all ok. That's about it.

all of them, so you can say they are all shit in thread like this.

Argo is an entertaining and well made film.

The two really egregious ones are Shape of Water and Spotlight. Two boring, shitty movies that won for the dumbest reasons.

Spotlight won over The Big Short and Mad Max.

The Kings Speech, 12 Years as a Slave, Birdman and Parasite.

Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit
Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit

>inb4 contrarian

None of those were good. Mad Max Fury Road would be the best of those three but Fury Road wasn't worth watching anyway. Mindless violence for teenagers. All of the best bits were in the trailers and promotional material.

Parasiste and Birdman.
Argo, Green Book and Spotlight if you feel bored during the quarantine.
Kings speech and 12 Years if you ever want to see what the definition of "Oscarbait" looks like.

>A few of the nominees were better than what actually won.
Happens almost every year without fail. The AMPAS is exclusively populated by retards that watch even fewer movies than the average Yas Forums poster.

Parasite and Birdman. Everything else is average.

moonlight is p fantastic tbqh
don't listen to the contrarian retards

Do I have to watch Spotlight before I watch Moonlight?

you should watch all so you can see what passes for "best"

>moonlight is p fantastic tbqh

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Holy shit what a pile of garbage
If I lived in California I'd infect myself with corona virus just so I could spit on everyone in Hollywood to pay them back for the last ten years.



The Kings Speech
The Artist
Green Book

Umm isn't it about negros? Gay negros? Sounds pretty Reddit lol

All tv agree that inception should've won against the fucking king speech right?


>Overwritten pseud dreck sci-fi vs. a movie that actually has good characters and story


Agreed for Argo even though it’s ridiculous

It's funny how nobody talks about these movies (with the exception of Birdman and Parasite)

Green Book
Only watch the Shape of Water if you are into fish fucking

>The Artist, the greatest pseud filter ever made
In what way ?

The Shape of Water is underrated on Yas Forums. To answer your question, they're all worth watching except for the first three.

i actually liked the artist even though it isn't the type of thing i could just sit down and watch anytime. argo was entertaining, birdman was entertaining, i remember not hating spotlight but i dont remember much of anything about it anymore so idk, and parasite was entertaining. none of them were "must watches" or anything fantastic, they were just entertaining at best.

All are worth watching though some you might not enjoy

i only watched King`s speech, argo, birdman and spotlight. All of them good. i wont see any of the others.

Is Green Book actually good? I'm confused here. I though nearly everyone thought it didn't deserve the win at all.


Watch parasite you goober


I agree the king speech has good characters and story but there's really nothing creative about it. The way inception's soundtrack was composed alone blows it out the water in terms of creativity. Sad that elitists will snub it becase it's scifi.

no, inception was mediocre as fuck.

they have a type don't they

Birdman, Spotlight, Shape Of Water and Parasite

Parasite is the only great one believe it or not

Fuck no lol

kings speech and argo are only two i bothered to go out of my way to catch

Americans truly have the worst taste in cinema. Imagine thinking those are among the best movies of the decade.

This is the level we’re at now, huh?


Are you new here?

Social Network was the best of the nominees by a fucking mile.

Shape of Water was terrible. Arduous getting through it.

My biggest issue with the movie is that it was ugly as sin. The cinematography made it look super cheap, felt like I was watching a Netflix show.

>12 Years a Slave

others aren't even bad just entirely forgettable, except maybe Shape of Water, that one is just weird

I liked Argo, it wasn't an amazing film but I enjoyed it.

The Artist, Argo, 12 Years a Slave, Birdman, Shape of Water, Parasite.

The Artist gets memed as one of the bad ones, but what really should have won it? The field wasn't very strong that year, Midnight in Paris or The Descendants are the only other ones I could've seen deserving it.

>Midnight in Paris or The Descendants are the only other ones I could've seen deserving it.
Both are better films. Moneyball better too.
Tree of Life should have won.

what was your film of the year then?

Birdman is decent and contrarians here shit on it because of the "muh one take" gimmick - Keaton turned up big time, Edward Norton was playing basically himself, Emma Stone was cute, story was engaging. Shape of Water is pozzed shit. Moonlight is a decent film, albeit a poor Wong Kar Wai attempt. Haven't watched the others.